After the July 11th patch, my Romulan's Vice Admiral shoulders look... wrong. Like they're hanging further off the side than previously.
It's entirely possible that this is a personal delusion, but I'd like to ask if anyone else has noticed the same.
This image shows my character standing near an NPC on New Romulus.
You can see the cloth element of the pads is much further away from the shoulder on the PC character than it is on the NPC. I've tried changing my character's shoulder bulk, shoulder width, etc. Nothing changes.
The distance for the PC shoulders, however, is large enough to accommodate those ridiculously sized sweaters that were just put in the C-store. So I'm wondering if they weren't altered to accommodate the new items.
Edit: Wandering around New Romulus, this seems to be a female-only situation. Male shoulders look like this:
Pretty much this right here.