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review of the new plasma ground weapons

dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
after doing mine trap and transdimensional tactics 100 times wile grinding nuk and rom rep, i believe i have used these weapons enough to make a solid analisis of them. the art and look on these weapons is great. especially when you compare them to the gun models of the old plasma weapons. the art for all the old gun models need to be trashed and redone to this, and the fleet weapons, caliber.

plasma charged burst assault

this is a variant on the big blob, and even bigger blob launcher assault weapon. only this one has a little ammo bar, and you hold down the secondary fire to charge it for max damage. the problem is, theres no sort of indicator when its fully charged, the icon glowing or a ding or something would be nice. the ammo system is cool, but ultimatly it cripples this weapon complexity. even the standard shot drains ammo, and the rate at which ammo is recharged is extreamly slow. when you swap weapon, it doesn't recharge ether. in any mission were your in a firefight for more then 30 seconds, this gun basically becomes inoperable.

- make the primary fire not drain ammo, just the secondary OR have it do a rapid recharge if you dont fire for 4 seconds
-an indicator that your max charged up.

plasma long range assault

its a minigun weapon, with a rifle range. sort of lack luster, like all miniguns

- retrofit all the miniguns so at least their primary fire is the same as the plasma piercing beam rifle. at least retrofit the plasma long range assault

plasma piercing beam rifle

now this is a cool gun, it has the functionality all the miniguns should have. you hold down the primary fire, and its a fully automatic spray of shots, the secondary fire is an even more intense full auto, that looks like it should have at least a small aoe effect, but doesn't. the secondary fire uses the ammo bar, the primary fire does not. the problem this gun has, is that it has the range of a pistol, yet there is a pistol that exists that basically does the same thing the rifle does. this is an issue of redundancy, and a lack of usefulness with such a short range. there is also no DPS rating on ether mode of fire, so i cant really tell if its dealing good damage, or just looks cool

- lets see an actual dps rating!
- small aoe effect with secondary fire
- give it at least the range of an assault weapon
- retrofit all the miniguns so at least their primary fire is the same as the plasma piercing beam rifle. at least retrofit the plasma long range assault

plasma wide beam rifle

i find myself using this weapon the most, its just good. its got the long range of other beam rifles, with the wide beam secondary some beam pistols have. 35 range with the 5 target AOE is great to have in mine trap, tac buffed its like a pulse wave secondary with sniper rifle range. its got great DPS too, but its a tad boring, not having a mechanic that uses the ammo bar like most of the other weapons.


plasma split beam pistol

this is a split beam rifle, er.. pistol. it actually has a range of 30, which doesn't seem necessary, every single other pistol has a range of 25. with its primary fire dealing less damage then the wide beam rifle, and the AOE hitting 3 targets for much less damage per beam then the wide beam rifles 5 targets each, theres 0 reason to use this over the wide beam rifle, theres nothing going for it. less range, less damage, less aoe targets, and less damage per aoe target. i think it can fire the 3 target shot a but more often though

- lower range to 25 so its like every other pistol, having 30 range isn't much of an advantage when the beam rifle still has 35 range.
- increase DPS on primary attack and per target damage on the secondary attack so it does more damage then the rifle, but has much lower range.

plasma repeater pistol

first of all, this weapon is STILL bugged, and fires from my characters feet, not the weapon model. regarding its functionality, it is basically the plasma piercing beam rifle in pistol form, only the dont hold down the primary fire, it just fires 1 click bursts. it has the same range as the rifle too, but at least it displays dps ratings

-the plasma piercing beam rifle should have longer range then the pistol, but the pistol should have higher DPS in exchange
-please fix this so it stops shooting from my feet? its done this since LoR launch, has no one reported this?

so they are all cool, but they need some bug fixes, mechanics tweekinig, an a balance pass so some dont make each other irreverent
Post edited by dontdrunkimshoot on


  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I might use these new weapons still at level 50 if there were fleet versions or romulan rep versions of these, they were fun while leveling though.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • martin1970giesenmartin1970giesen Member Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Where do i get the Plasma wide beam rifle ??
    These are the weapons from the romulan rep. system (unlocked assault and rifles but isn't here)??
    Keybind: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=9355971&postcount=463
    Bone1970 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone Trader don't belief in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. Fed Tac.
    Bone2 don't believe in a no-win senario, Kirk's protege. KDF Eng.
    Warning: Not a native English-speaker, sorry if my English sucks.
  • bleapsbleaps Member Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    plasma piercing beam rifle does build up 1-15% shield penetration as you focus ....great gun
  • dontdrunkimshootdontdrunkimshoot Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Where do i get the Plasma wide beam rifle ??
    These are the weapons from the romulan rep. system (unlocked assault and rifles but isn't here)??

    perhaps i should have mentioned, they are in any dil store. ground weapons, plasma weapons, they are mixed in among the normal plasma weapons, but have a distinct look.

    also you can buy common versions up to mkIX at the flotila, in the room with the trailer someone sells them
  • burstorionburstorion Member Posts: 1,750 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I find the Plasma piercing rifle (or as I call it, the PPR) has the most utility - if you learn to use it correctly:

    1. Primary on shieldless targets, secondary on shields - the secondary can grind a shield down in mere seconds so save it for shields as that ammo takes a while to refill - the 'free ammo' primary is best used as soon as the shield is gone
    2. Do not switch targets while holding the fire down - the PPR responds poorly to target switches - release fire, then press and hold the fire after switching
    3. The PPR is best for RPG mode - See 2.
    4. To maintain constant dps on multiple opponents using secondary, learn to switch to primary fire as you switch mobs then back to secondary - that secondary cd is short, but it really lowers your dps as you wait
  • finsches123finsches123 Member Posts: 158 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    Can we please get a Mk. XII version of these weapons added to the Romulan reputation? That would be awesome.
    Fleet versions even more, of course. :cool:
  • seitei1seitei1 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited August 2013
    A Romulan Plasma version of these would be nice. It's odd that they're not there, or anywhere else.
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