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Tac Scimatar versus Fleet Hafeh versus Fleet

amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Ok. I am going back and forth on this because I am trying to create the Romulan DPS monster that my Klings and Feds are at this point. Here is what i have found so far. (Not enough console space for all of my consoles.)

TAC Scimitar

3 romulan DHC upfront 1 Romulan Reputation Torp and 1 omega Torp
2 romulan turret and 1 cutting beam in back
5 Plasma Energy Weapons Consoles
2 Science Consoles (Boosts Plasma energy +9 each)
1 Borg Console
1 Zero Point Chamber
1 Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

5 Weapons up front
Does a Ton of DPS. (I run it like a big escort that others on this forum have complained about.)

Extremely poor turn rate when you take off the Scimitar consoles. Have to have the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator so that you don't die that much because the Scimatar is squishy as all get out. (Hopefully, this is a bug)
May have to dump Zero Point Chamber and 1 Borg Console to put back on 2 Scimatar consoles.

Fleet Hafeh

2x Romulan DHC 1 Romulan Torp, 1 Omega Torp
2x Plasma Turrets 1 Cutting Beam in the back
5 Plasma Energy Weapons Consoles
2 Science Consoles (Boosts Plamsa energy +9 each)
1 Borg Console
1 Zero Point Chamber
1 Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

Nice Turn Rate (No longer flying a beached whale ship)
Still does a Ton of DPS
Don't need and can't fit scimitar consoles. (I think they are kind of worthless)

Lose either a Torp or DHC upfront compared to the Scimitar (Feel like I am leaving DPS on the table here.)
Feel bad that I am giving up on a Scimitar that I spent $50 on top of the $125 for the legacy pack and the $20 that I spent on my Fleet Hafeh.

Fleet Dhelan

Same set up as Hafeh except have 3x Science Consoles and take off the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

Probably more DPS than Fleet Hafeh

Lose the cool shield recharge so slightly less tanking.
Post edited by amaresh1 on


  • goku5030goku5030 Member Posts: 229 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    amaresh1 wrote: »
    Ok. I am going back and forth on this because I am trying to create the Romulan DPS monster that my Klings and Feds are at this point. Here is what i have found so far. (Not enough console space for all of my consoles.)

    TAC Scimitar

    3 romulan DHC upfront 1 Romulan Reputation Torp and 1 omega Torp
    2 romulan turret and 1 cutting beam in back
    5 Plasma Energy Weapons Consoles
    2 Science Consoles (Boosts Plasma energy +9 each)
    1 Borg Console
    1 Zero Point Chamber
    1 Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

    5 Weapons up front
    Does a Ton of DPS. (I run it like a big escort that others on this forum have complained about.)

    Extremely poor turn rate when you take off the Scimitar consoles. Have to have the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator so that you don't die that much because the Scimatar is squishy as all get out. (Hopefully, this is a bug)
    May have to dump Zero Point Chamber and 1 Borg Console to put back on 2 Scimatar consoles.

    Fleet Hafeh

    2x Romulan DHC 1 Romulan Torp, 1 Omega Torp
    2x Plasma Turrets 1 Cutting Beam in the back
    5 Plasma Energy Weapons Consoles
    2 Science Consoles (Boosts Plamsa energy +9 each)
    1 Borg Console
    1 Zero Point Chamber
    1 Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

    Nice Turn Rate (No longer flying a beached whale ship)
    Still does a Ton of DPS
    Don't need and can't fit scimitar consoles. (I think they are kind of worthless)

    Lose either a Torp or DHC upfront compared to the Scimitar (Feel like I am leaving DPS on the table here.)
    Feel bad that I am giving up on a Scimitar that I spent $50 on top of the $125 for the legacy pack and the $20 that I spent on my Fleet Hafeh.

    Fleet Dhelan

    Same set up as Hafeh except have 3x Science Consoles and take off the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

    Probably more DPS than Fleet Hafeh

    Lose the cool shield recharge so slightly less tanking.

    Hmmm well I have different set up and I tank just fine... and dps :O.... I just brought the 3 pack with my set up and I fly it just fine I can dps a lot :)...yes its horrible turning but if you know how to fly the ship its should not be a problem as I primary fly the ship on all missions and do just fine tanking :)... So maybe your set up is different from mine . :D we all play different so try not to be to harsh on the new ship just need to know how to set it up right :D... Peace... I have to go now ^^
  • caldannachcaldannach Member Posts: 485 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    They are all awesome ships, all 3 of them. However the Scimitar has the most potential

    Anyone who thinks the scimitar consoles are bad needs to take another look or rethink playing a Romulan or Reman. With the right boff traits and the 2 set console bonus and shields up while cloaking, the scimitar becomes insane.
    " Experience is a hard mistress, she gives the tests first, and the lessons after... "
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    amaresh1 wrote: »
    Ok. I am going back and forth on this because I am trying to create the Romulan DPS monster that my Klings and Feds are at this point. Here is what i have found so far. (Not enough console space for all of my consoles.)

    TAC Scimitar

    3 romulan DHC upfront 1 Romulan Reputation Torp and 1 omega Torp
    2 romulan turret and 1 cutting beam in back
    5 Plasma Energy Weapons Consoles
    2 Science Consoles (Boosts Plasma energy +9 each)
    1 Borg Console
    1 Zero Point Chamber
    1 Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

    5 Weapons up front
    Does a Ton of DPS. (I run it like a big escort that others on this forum have complained about.)

    Extremely poor turn rate when you take off the Scimitar consoles. Have to have the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator so that you don't die that much because the Scimatar is squishy as all get out. (Hopefully, this is a bug)
    May have to dump Zero Point Chamber and 1 Borg Console to put back on 2 Scimatar consoles.

    Fleet Hafeh

    2x Romulan DHC 1 Romulan Torp, 1 Omega Torp
    2x Plasma Turrets 1 Cutting Beam in the back
    5 Plasma Energy Weapons Consoles
    2 Science Consoles (Boosts Plamsa energy +9 each)
    1 Borg Console
    1 Zero Point Chamber
    1 Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

    Nice Turn Rate (No longer flying a beached whale ship)
    Still does a Ton of DPS
    Don't need and can't fit scimitar consoles. (I think they are kind of worthless)

    Lose either a Torp or DHC upfront compared to the Scimitar (Feel like I am leaving DPS on the table here.)
    Feel bad that I am giving up on a Scimitar that I spent $50 on top of the $125 for the legacy pack and the $20 that I spent on my Fleet Hafeh.

    Fleet Dhelan

    Same set up as Hafeh except have 3x Science Consoles and take off the Shield Absorptive Frequency Generator

    Probably more DPS than Fleet Hafeh

    Lose the cool shield recharge so slightly less tanking.

    Add in 2 RCS consoles to the engineering section and a tachyokinetic converter wherever it will fit and your turn rate will be almost on par with a Mogai.

    Also, ive experimented with using 3 dHCs and two torps in front but settled with 4 DHCs and 1 torp in front as the four dhcs together will do as much if not more damage than the torps during the torps cooldown period.
  • captainobvious09captainobvious09 Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    caldannach wrote: »
    They are all awesome ships, all 3 of them. However the Scimitar has the most potential

    Anyone who thinks the scimitar consoles are bad needs to take another look or rethink playing a Romulan or Reman. With the right boff traits and the 2 set console bonus and shields up while cloaking, the scimitar becomes insane.

    For sure the Scimitar has the most potential... to explode in a fireball for no reason at any given moment, and the funny thing is even the dev team cant figure out why, maybe its a feature?
  • fenr00kfenr00k Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For sure the Scimitar has the most potential... to explode in a fireball for no reason at any given moment, and the funny thing is even the dev team cant figure out why, maybe its a feature?

    That's because they're not accounting for player error. Since I figured out how to fly the Scimitar right I've not been turned into a fireball even once... Folks are trying to fly them like they would a fed or kdf ship, which just doesn't work for the Scimitar.

    I'm not criticising people here, I made the exact same mistakes, especially with power levels and trying to use all 3 consoles at once (devs HAVE confirmed the shields whilst cloaked console is bugged http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=11306161&postcount=224) and haven't tried dismissing their shuttle, or are unlucky and it just hasn't worked for them.

    Of the 3 ships, the tac Scimitar has the most promise, and the 3 pack is seriously versatile when it comes down to play style. Oh and the fleet I am in, one of the top DPSers has found the fleet Ha'Feh does more DPS than the fleet Dhelan if that helps any.

    That said, still waiting for when I can get a fleet Ha'Feh to go with my Scimitar and Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier...:D

  • amaresh1amaresh1 Member Posts: 188 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You have me intrigued on the your fleet mate finding the Hafeh does more then the fleet Dhelan. Theoretically, I thought the Dhelan would do more with the 3 science threat consoles that give +28.8 plasma weapons damage. The Hafeh can only stack 2 because of only 2 Science console spots.
  • airtran9906airtran9906 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    fenr00k wrote: »
    That's because they're not accounting for player error. Since I figured out how to fly the Scimitar right I've not been turned into a fireball even once... Folks are trying to fly them like they would a fed or kdf ship, which just doesn't work for the Scimitar.

    I'm not criticising people here, I made the exact same mistakes, especially with power levels and trying to use all 3 consoles at once (devs HAVE confirmed the shields whilst cloaked console is bugged http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=11306161&postcount=224) and haven't tried dismissing their shuttle, or are unlucky and it just hasn't worked for them.

    Of the 3 ships, the tac Scimitar has the most promise, and the 3 pack is seriously versatile when it comes down to play style. Oh and the fleet I am in, one of the top DPSers has found the fleet Ha'Feh does more DPS than the fleet Dhelan if that helps any.

    That said, still waiting for when I can get a fleet Ha'Feh to go with my Scimitar and Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier...:D


    I just recently got the hang of my ship and it's very rare I actually die now. I absolutely love it and have been able to take on some of the top pvp'rs in my fleet and kill them.
  • voxiusvoxius Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    For sure the Scimitar has the most potential... to explode in a fireball for no reason at any given moment, and the funny thing is even the dev team cant figure out why, maybe its a feature?

    I see a lot of complaints about this all over the Flotilla...But this is not my experience. Sure it happened at first when I was getting used to the ship but the Scimitar affords me a survivability I have not experienced in any of the other ships I've piloted. I can freely stealth whenever I need to if I'm about to lose it, I have secondary "oh TRIBBLE!" shields, I can DPS from stealth for a limited time and not take any damage there either. For even more survivability add the phase inverter console (can't DPS during but it's great if you've pulled too much aggro/shields are already low, and phase inverter+stealthing is a great combo.)

    However...There have been a few times when my ships have went down and then suddenly my hull has gone from being in the 90's to being in the 10's, or just outright dead and the few times this has happened I've chalked it up to user error (I have a bad habit of rushing in, throwing out a torpedo spread and point defense console which draws a lot of unwanted aggro, especially in situations like the Tholian red alert.)
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Scimitar needs the Fleet neutroniums with the turnrate bonus and a tachyo console to turn well.

    Good luck getting them, but if you do, it will be amazing.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • wufangchuwufangchu Member Posts: 778 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    At this point in time and space I can only recommend you save your money on the scimitars.. i fly one ( own all three ) and this latest update is like two steps backwards for the bird.. At the moment, the Scimitar simply isnt worth the expendature.
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