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Fleet Defiant (Engineer) Build

denliner1701denliner1701 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Federation Discussion
Hello, I'd like some help with improvements on this build, so I can improve the Fleet Defiant's performance for STFs and PvP. Thanks for your support.

Class: Engineer

3x Mk XII Romulan Plasma Dual Heavy Cannons [Acc]x2
1x Mk XII Romulan Hyper-Plasma Torpedo Launcher

2x Mk XII Romulan Plasma Turret [Acc]x2
1x Mk XII Kinetic Cutting Beam [Dmg]x3

Mk XII M.A.C.O. Graviton Deflector Array
Mk XII Adapted M.A.C.O. Combat Impulse Engines
Mk XII M.A.C.O Resilient Shield Array

BOff Slots:
Cmdr Tac: TT1/CSV1/APO1/CSV3
Lt. Cmdr Tac: THY1/THY2/APO1
Ens Tac: TT1
Lt Eng: EPtW1/EPtS2
Lt Sci: HE1/TSS2

Eng: Cloaking Device, Mk XI Neutronium Alloy, Assimilated Module
Sci: Mk XI Field Generator, Mk XI Emitter Array [-Th] [Pla]
Tac: 4x Mk XI Plasma Infusers, Zero Point Energy Conduit

DOff Slots:
2x Tac Team Conn Officer
2x Projectile Weapons Officer
Warp Core Engineer
Post edited by denliner1701 on


  • jadensecurajadensecura Member Posts: 660 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    With two Tac Teams you don't have any use for the Tac Team doffs, which is good, since it lets you drop them and the Warp Core Engineer and pick up 3 Damage Control Engineers, which will cut down the cooldowns on your EPtS and EPtW so you should be able to keep them up continuously. I'd also drop one of your Sci or Eng consoles and move your Zero Point Energy Conduit there, so you can fit 5 energy damage consoles. Other than that, it looks pretty solid.
  • voporakvoporak Member Posts: 5,621 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I'd suggest what jadensecura said, as well as swapping the boffs like so:

    Switch CSV 1 and CSV 3 for CRF 1 and CRF 2. Then switch THY 1 and THY 2 for CSV 1 and CSV 2.

    CRF will give you a lot of dps for those cannons, and I honestly don't think THY is needed with that torp launcher. CRF and CSV do share a cooldown, but that's fine because they have their usage in different situations. I think the Commander slot should go to CRF though, because I find CRF 3 to just be a better choice. That's my opinion however. You can decide where you want to put your boffs. It's mostly just figuring out what works best for you from experience.
    I ask nothing but that you remember me.
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    This may not be the most optimal setup, but it gives me a lot of diversity. I have a fleet Defiant and HEC with 3 ensign tac slots, but also a fleet patrol escort that I use most of the time, as well as a Tac oddy I use to mix it up sometimes, and I also don't want to be retraining every time I want to switch ships, but don't want to buy a million Boff slots.

    I have 4 tactical Boffs, trained this way--

    Boff1= THY1, THY2, CRF2, CRF3
    Boff2= TS1, TS2, CSV2, CSV3
    Boff3= TT, APB1, APO1, APB3
    Boff4= TT, BFAW2, BFAW3, APO3

    So basically, I have an AOE and a single-target Boff each, with one for attack patterns, and another for cruiser/beam using ships.

    So I put Boff1 or Boff2 in the Cmdr slot in an escort, 4 for a cruiser, and use #3 to fill the other slot. With the Defiant in particular, I (1 or 2)+3+4, 3 being the Lt Cmdr. I have two very rare Technicians for TT reduction, but I don't need to use it for the Defiant, opening up other opportunities for Doffs like Energy Weapons or Projectile weapon specialists.
  • denliner1701denliner1701 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the support.

    I managed to get the Mk XII M.A.C.O. Deflector, which is pretty nice.
    I have also switched around my console slots for a 5th Plasma Infuser, and I hope it helps.

    -Torpedo High Yield does improve the damage on the Romulan Hyper Plasma Torpedo, just makes it slower.
    -Torpedo Spread is something I don't really like on the Romulan Hyper Plasma Torpedo, as it does not produce as much torps as I expected.
    -I'll probably get CRF, when I get the chance.
    -I prefer 2 APO, mainly because I have more chances of escaping tractors and slows without sacrificing one of my Sci BOffs for Polarize Hull.
  • insanesenatorinsanesenator Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the support.

    I managed to get the Mk XII M.A.C.O. Deflector, which is pretty nice.
    I have also switched around my console slots for a 5th Plasma Infuser, and I hope it helps.

    Yeah the MACO Mk XII is a great (the best?) all-around deflector.
    -Torpedo Spread is something I don't really like on the Romulan Hyper Plasma Torpedo, as it does not produce as much torps as I expected.
    -I prefer 2 APO, mainly because I have more chances of escaping tractors and slows without sacrificing one of my Sci BOffs for Polarize Hull.

    AP:O vs. Polarize Hull = total choice. As long as you have at least 1 tractor-breaking ability, you're golden. Plus AP:O has a good damage buff, compared with the better survivability from PH.

    I personally think TS (even low ranks) can get some insane amount of projectiles in the air. For fights with lots of targets, a well-timed TS'd hyper plasma can put almost a dozen torps in the air. Sometimes I can get a proverbial cloud of torpedoes floating to my target, since if I move at 100% speed, I'm going faster than the torpedoes, so each time I fire them, they add to the growing green cloud of fiery death forming behind me, ready to say hello in their own special way.
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited July 2013
    I like Polarise Hull to escape Tractors in PVE, because I can use the Omega or better yet Beta patterns for DPS boosting.

    In PVP I'd prefer a Sci Team and Omega patterns. While Sci team overlaps Tac, it is handy to cleanse sci debuffs. It also makes a good shield Heal and boosts the healing of Hazard Emitters and other Transfer Sheild Strength.

    The difference is in PVE I can afford to react to Tractor Beams, because I want more DPS. In PVP I need to be immune to Tractor Beams before they hit me.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
    If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
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  • denliner1701denliner1701 Member Posts: 72 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I doubt I can sacrifice the power of my sci buffs for Polarize Hull compared to the reliability and versatility of Attack Pattern Omega.

    I'll try Torpedo Spread to see if it has major effect on a Romulan Hyper Plasma Torpedo.
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