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Tac Oddy Help

xxspartanx505xxxxspartanx505xx Member Posts: 4 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Federation Discussion
So I am looking for advice on ways to improve my oddy.

I am currently built like this.


I am in the process of getting T5 Omega rep so I can get either the MACO or Borg Engi/Shield/Def combo.

I still feel pretty new to the game and I am looking for any advice I can on getting the most out of my Tac Oddy. Thanks for the help!

Edit: This is for PvE
Post edited by xxspartanx505xx on


  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    So I am looking for advice on ways to improve my oddy.

    I am currently built like this.


    I am in the process of getting T5 Omega rep so I can get either the MACO or Borg Engi/Shield/Def combo.

    I still feel pretty new to the game and I am looking for any advice I can on getting the most out of my Tac Oddy. Thanks for the help!

    Is this for PvE or PvP?

    Also, don't forget Elite Fleet Adaptive shields. They can also be used with the Borg Engine and Borg Deflector to give you a different type of protection, as well as the two Borg pieces giving you the 2pc Borg passive.
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  • xxspartanx505xxxxspartanx505xx Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am using my oddy for PvE. is the 3 piece bonus not worth it for the maco or the borg sets?
  • dknight0001dknight0001 Member Posts: 1,542
    edited July 2013
    Despite it's long cool down an energy Siphoning Tractor Beam is useful for Cruisers so the Borg set 3pc is worth it.

    Unless your running Aux don't bother with the Graviton Beam from the MACO.

    Also consider the Adapted MACO/KHG set could be quite good.
    I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. :confused:
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  • xxspartanx505xxxxspartanx505xx Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I am looking at the adapted maco set. How is my skill build though do I have to much into weapons?
  • cha0s1428cha0s1428 Member Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If you are using it JUST for pve, then there are some things you can tweak here.

    Given the fact that you only have one torpedo, having that many points spent in torps is kind of a waste. Personally I would drop it to 3 points, but no more than 6 really.

    That is a lot of armor consoles, so keep in mind the massive diminishing returns on them. You can free up some of those for some RCS, or even the borg console by puttin 3-6 points in armor reinforcements and threat control. Be advised though if putting points in threat control, you do not have a boff layout capable of tanking very much damage.

    I don't favor putting 9 points in Efficiency or Warp Core Potential as going from 6 to 9 in both only nets you about 1.2-1.5 power, which is not nearly enough for me to justify going to 9. I also would not put 9 points in anything on the highest skill track. at 3,000 points per skill, its only worth going to 6 in anything in that tier.

    You have 9 points in electro-plasma systems, which is great, but you have nothing in Starship impulse thrusters. This is probably doable in PvE, but with no RCS consoles, and nothing in thrusters, at a base turn of 6 you are going to be turning slower than the moon. Since you don't have a tank boff layout and are gearing for damage, you will pull aggro without the tanking to back it up, or the turn rate to control the facing shield damage.

    As far as boff layout, the first thing I would do is switch around Tac team 3 and BFAW1. Anything higher than tac team 1 is kinda of pointless as its primary use is the shield distribution, not the dmg bonus. Distribution is not effected at all between TT1 and TT3.

    Aceton beam 3 is not a very useful skill. It can be handy, but only if you have slots to use up. I would heavily recommend dropping it in favor of Aux to structure 3.

    With BFAW and BO in your build, weapon power is going to be a bit of a problem factor for you, with no Emergency power to weapons. Since you are running 2 copies of tactical team already, that Engineering team is kind of a waste since they are on a shared cooldown.

    I would consider dropping Engineering team in favor of something else, like perhaps Emergency Power to Weapons. With only 1 engineering station, you are going to be hard pressed for keeping your power levels up though.

    IF you are looking for damage, I would honestly recommend making that Lt Commander slot another Engineer instead of a tactical. I know that might sound a bit odd, but given the new emergency power changes, compared to your build, it will give a much higher damage output if you set up your engineering stations something like this.

    EPtS1, Aux2SIF1, EPtS3, Aux2SIF3
    EPtW1, RSP, EPtW3

    Then you can get yourself some Tac team doffs and only need one copy and run

    TT1, BFAW2
    TS1 (or HY1)

    Your science station is fine, although lately I have switched HE and TSS around so it would be

    TSS1, HE2

    This seems to work better for me now given the leadership changes, as well as the nukara rep. I have a warp core that gives Aux power, so it ups my damage as well as my healing.

    What this build would do for you is give you massive tanking potential, as well as very nice damage output, as well as being a secondary healer since both Aux2SIF skills, TT1, TSS, and HE can be given to your team mates as well.

    This is just my 2 cents though. You of course can do what you like. I have been running a similar build to this for some time now on a Fleet Heavy Cruiser, and even as an engineer, I can out tank, out heal, and out damage everyone in an ESTF 99% of the time.

    I am sure someone will be along to tell you to use Aux2bat build though, so meh. I am not a fan of it, but either way, I hope some of this helps.


    I would recommend either the Full borg set (if you stick with your current boff layout, I definitely recommend the 3 piece) or the Borg Deflector and Engines and Maco Shield.
  • xxspartanx505xxxxspartanx505xx Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Thanks for the input! I will definitely look into respecing my skills around.
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