So... There's so much information spread between the forums, other websites, and in game chat on which vesta is best that its all started to blur together in a nasty homogeneous mix. Nutshell version, I like to heal and debuff as a support character but I also like to shoot things and have a decent DPS. I'm having trouble determining which vesta will be best for this. I was thinking tac or science but I'm not sure. I was hoping someone could help point me in the right direction. Suggestions?
Here's my current RSV build although I'm not opposed to replacing/changing everything for my vesta.
Mine Trap Supporter
Yeah, this is the first sale since the Vesta came out. (Been almost a year?) So I bought it. I'm a patient guy. My Sci toon put alot of miles on her Recluse waiting for a sale.
No, that is the quality of the special Aux Dual Heavy Cannons that all the Vestas come with. Which is pretty neat, since as a Sci Ship, you'll wanna keep your Aux at a decent level for heals and other science abilities.
tac vesta gets an extra tac console and +10aux +5 weps
while the
sci viesta gets an extra science console and +15aux
First off, you are trying to do too much here. I suggest focus on one of the three you mentioned, and we'll start off from there.
Also, shouldn't this be in the Fed Shipyards section?
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p.s. I'm sorta new to all this. I didn't even know there was a shipyards thread. I'll make sure to look over the forum so it doesn't happen again.
Remember though that it's only the Aux cannons that scale off of aux power. Any weapons you put in your aft slots will scale off of weapons power. Having that small bonus of +5 to weapons isn't too shabby with that in mind.
Mine Trap Supporter
I run an Eng toon flying the Sci version with three Aux Cannons up front, two phaser turrets and a mine launcher at the rear. Not enough weapon slots to bother with torps IMV. The Mine Launcher is to keep Bad Guys off my tail and occasionally make a bomb run on some slow moving behemoth of a target. I use her most often as a gunboat which can almost turn as well as an Escort. The Science and Engineer abilities of my Boffs are maxed out, so I can stay in a fight and help someone out if they need it. Use the Delta Flyer hangar. Pricey but worth it for the shield stripping ability. Remember though, the combat pets are an adjunct to your gun power. Not a replacement for it.
The strength of a Science vessel is the special abilities. Which greatly enhance normal pew pew. Select Engine Sub system targeting and then drop a Grav Well on a target. Fly through the Grav Well and drop mines. By the time time you come about to make your second firing pass, the Delta Flyers have removed a shield or two and all that energy is impacting hull and doing real damage.
All three Vestas are really fun to fly in any part of the game you choose to. I started with the Eng version and spent some time in the Tac version as well. Then I got to thinking about the fact the Vesta is considered a Science ship and I haven't looked back.
You don't have any beams and subsystem targeting requires them:
I disagree. you can easily tank+DPS. and you still have room for debuffs.
to OP: just buy the tac vesta. you want that bonus weapon power, even (especially) if you go with aux cannons.
the uniqe consoles are... meh. they can be useful, but the timers on them are stupid
and the skins... well, they do not worth +2,5k zen
10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
because the heal console is pretty awesome, and if I kit just one console it's this one.
Besides console arrangement (plus and minus one here and there) and the inherent power boosts, not much for the ships themselves.
The consoles are useful: the QFFP (the big phaser) can take an unshielded cube down by about 50% fast. The Sympathetic Fermion Transceiver console buffs hit points and shields of your friends and yourself within a 3km radius. The less useful of the three, Multidimensional Wave-Function Analysis Module is damage reflection and repel.
If I had to pick one, I'd pick the the Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer (the tactical Vesta) has the QFFP. Most tactical console slots and good big gun for big stationary objects, can still do the Science stuff: Sensor Analysis and Subsystem Targeting.
SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
updated to show my latest build. I think I need to switch from viral matrix to gravity well or tyken's rift and use that warp core aux boost to help.
I use a Hyper core for extra engine power since it's always on low setting and the one I have has a sweet [W->A] buff for helping my Aux level. (I don't use the Aux Cannons since I have the Mk XII Romulan Rep Beam Arrays already, so my Weapons power is at 95-100 anyway.) Not sure how great the Aux cannons are compared to normal weapons.
Now if there were some Aux powered turrets too...