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"Flying high" incompetence and advice

qultuqqultuq Member Posts: 989 Arc User
edited July 2013 in The Academy
Man, I really suck at the "flying high" event. I have tried it like 5 times and haven't gotten through it within the time limit.

I was also pretty bad at the ice race thing during the winter event. I don't have too much time to keep trying, and the STO wiki doesn't have a walkthrough or tip section yet.

How can I fly through the stuff in 3d without a mouse, control my altitude and make it through with time to spare. Any advice from a competent gamer is appreciated.

Post edited by qultuq on


  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,510 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    If your controls are in shooter mode, change to RPG mode. A turns left, D turns right, space bar increases altitude, W goes ahead.

    Turning isn't that easy. Pause after every gate, and make sure you line yourself up for the next one.

    The only easy way to go down is to look down with the mouse, then fly "forward" (which, since you're looking down, is down at an angle).

    Don't worry about how fast you're flying through each course - it's not really a race. You just have to complete three courses before the time limit. If you're not sure where they are, look for circles on your minimap. Remember that if you're at the other end of the island and only have a short time to turn the mission in, you can beam back to the pad at the resort, which is on the same pier as the Event Coordinator.
  • javaman1969javaman1969 Member Posts: 298 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You are not alone. They take away my rental jet pack every time I fail, and then I'm down another 1000 credits. Another dance contest and I should be able to buy one.
    His methods have become unsound.
  • trekkietravistrekkietravis Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    qultuq wrote: »
    Man, I really suck at the "flying high" event. I have tried it like 5 times and haven't gotten through it within the time limit.

    I was also pretty bad at the ice race thing during the winter event. I don't have too much time to keep trying, and the STO wiki doesn't have a walkthrough or tip section yet.

    How can I fly through the stuff in 3d without a mouse, control my altitude and make it through with time to spare. Any advice from a competent gamer is appreciated.


    Get some Lohunat favors and buy one of the permanent jet packs. It is MUCH easier (and much easier than the winter race.) i agree it's hard with the "loaner".

    Also, use "shooter" mode to steer...it's MUCH easier! Good luck!!
  • matridunadan1matridunadan1 Member Posts: 579 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    And don't use autorun.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It's just like walking in frosted boots in three dimensions. Use shooter mode, use the mouse point your crosshairs in the direction you want to go (the next gate) and hold W to go that way. Use A and D to slide through tighter turns.

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • speciesonespeciesone Member Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    1. Don't us a rental - like someone else said, get a permanent floater from the vendor near this event's mission giver. The one for 50 Lohlunat will do fine.

    2. For 5 Lohlunat buy any food item from the event reputation store. Feed it to a tribble and breed a special event tribble that will help you control of your floater better.

    3. When flollowing the tracks try to stay close to it and watch for the gates as they appear. You should always see a new gate appear after passing though one. If you don't then you must have went off course, back track a bit and try again. Use the 'S' key when you want to slow down or back up.

    4. Each time you do the event you get 4 tracks available but you only need to do 3, and remember to return to the mission giver to complete the event.
  • i8472i8472 Member Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    You have to return to the flying high Quest giver after doing the 3 courses.

    Follow the green Track and go through the green Gates. there is a start position and an END

    after completing the 3 courses you can transport back to resort. *instead of flying all the way back.
  • oldkhemaraaoldkhemaraa Member Posts: 1,039 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    I do this on 4 of my characters each day in a rental floater... just be patient as you work through the corse.. I use RPG mode, and always turn ahead of time for the sharp corners, letting momentum actually carry me to the gate... using a mouse aim down ward and hit the space bar for a moment to get a little burst of thrust without gaining a lot of altitude.

    It does take a little practice but it can be done.

    Best of luck, and I look forward to seeing you in your "Vette"
    "I aim to misbehave" - Malcolm Reynolds
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Just buy the cheapest jet pack, it works fine for the Flying High event. Some people have said that the more responsive jetpacks make it harder.

    To me it's much easier with the mouse. Just "look" in the direction that you want to go with both mouse buttons held down, e.g. look up to fly up. You can use the spacebar to go up but I have never needed to for the event.

    Use the side-step (strife?) keys (usually the Q and E) if you need to make a sharp turn. Start turning before you have to because you will slide a little... just like the Winter skating event!

    I have not been able to use shooter mode with the jetpack on - If you want to use shooter mode, I think you have to switch into it before activating the jetpack. I have not tried this yet - and actually really don't feel the need to use it.

    If you go outside any of the holographic arches - go back to the beginning and try again.

    Hope this helps.
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • allmyteeallmytee Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    FYI you don't actually have to follow the tracks.

    Also you don't even need to fly through the center of the gates, it'll count even if you fly through the side of em. As far as i can tell u just gotta be over or in between the holo-generators which produce the gates.

    And if you miss a gate you don't have to start over.
  • f9thaceshighf9thaceshigh Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yeah, you can always double back and go through a gate again. You don't need to use shooter mode, you can also turn in RPG mode by holding down both right and left mouse buttons and moving the camera. Take it as slow as you feel comfortable, it's not a race and you don't have to follow the track perfectly.
  • sirokksirokk Member Posts: 990 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    yeah, you can always double back and go through a gate again. You don't need to use shooter mode, you can also turn in RPG mode by holding down both right and left mouse buttons and moving the camera. Take it as slow as you feel comfortable, it's not a race and you don't have to follow the track perfectly.

    ...and drink a Raisan Mai Tai at the same time... like I did... *hickup* :)
    Star Trek Battles Channel - Play Star Trek like they did in the series!Avatar: pinterest-com/pin/14003448816884219Are you sure it isn't time for a "colorful metaphor"? --Spock in 'The Voyage Home'
    SCE ADVISORY NOTICE: Improper Impulse Engine maintenance can result in REAR THRUSTER LEAKAGE. ALWAYS have your work inspected by another qualified officer.
  • syseugenesyseugene Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    Even with the loaner, its doable

    Just think of the jetpack as a clumsy 20th century spacesuit with thrusters. Use the thrusters in short bursts, not prolonged bursts. Knwing this is half the battle won.

    you also do not need to complete the courses as quickly as possible. All you need to do is to go through the gates. for that portion to count.

    And as some might have already said.
    Use controls in shooter mode. its alot easier
    Use the permanent 50 lohlunat favour jet packs. Its decent..
  • earlnyghthawkearlnyghthawk Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A lot of people have said shooter mode is easier, I don't feel this is true, RPG works great for me.
    Also, the OP said he didn't have a mouse. So any "mouse" tips are somewhat useless. Now, my question is: Are you using a touchpad, or a trackball? If not, what are you using as a pointing device? Or are you using a gamepad/joystick?
    butcher suspect, "What'd you hit me with?"
    Temperance Brennan, "A building"
  • aexraelaexrael Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    A lot of people have said shooter mode is easier, I don't feel this is true, RPG works great for me.
    Also, the OP said he didn't have a mouse. So any "mouse" tips are somewhat useless. Now, my question is: Are you using a touchpad, or a trackball? If not, what are you using as a pointing device? Or are you using a gamepad/joystick?

    It's easier with shooter mode because you can make quicker and finer adjustments to direction.
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