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how necessary is the torpedo and its tac console on escorts?

fdashx497fdashx497 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
in terms of DPS, im not sure whether to put 5 DHC on front and 4 phaser consoles, or put 4DHC 1 quantum torpedo and 3 phaser console with 1 quantum console, im using the andorian charal and have mediocre gears.
Post edited by fdashx497 on


  • ozzie223ozzie223 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    PvP you need the torpedos. I've never mounted a torpedo console, but I've heard of people developing effective PvP stratagies with it : gun down the shield facing and have the torpedo NOT on autofire and on a separate key so you can drop it immediately or time it's launch.

    PvE the enemies do not last long enough under sustained fire to let the torpedos reach them except for STF enemies. In most play you will never be challeneged on normal difficulty to the degree that your torpedos will travel and and explode against an enemy hull.

    On a few of my guys I have all guns in front and a torpedo in the rear to swivel the ship rear onto target rarely.

    I tossed the pre-packaged consoles on my Kumari and went all plasma guns and consoles and it is VERY effective. Don't get hung up on the best consoles to start, get green XII's off the exchange.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Full DHCs give you the highest DPS. If you want to buzz-saw something in half, DHCs are the way to go.

    Torpedo gives you a chance to delivery large ball of damage against an exposed hull. They are good for finishing move when your cannons are on cool-down. Torpedo has other benefits too. Torpedo Spread 3 is a wonderful follow-up to Cannon Scatter Volley and will apply finishing strike to a mess of targets all at once. Spread will also take out pets, especially useful against aceton assimilator and such. It will destroy a flock of orb weaver pets before they get te netting up. Torpedoes will also follow cloaked ships, which can be handy. But you give up DPS to get all this

    Mines are very useful too, but also cost DPS
  • longasclongasc Member Posts: 490
    edited June 2013
    You can go either 5 DHC or 4 DHC and 1 Torpedo, ideally Quantum or a Rep/Faction specific torpedo.

    You should always specialize in a damage type console, so only put Phaser Relays in your Tac slots.

    Mixing Torpedo and Energy damage consoles is a NO-GO. Your Torpedos do a lot of damage without any boost, but your energy weapons are firing all the time, and you have 6 guns and 1 torpedo, so rather boost your energy weapons than the lone torpedo.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    "How necessary is the torpedo and its tac console on escorts?"

    Greatly depends and there's alot of valid points as some others have already posted above me.

    Another angle I want to throw in is the use of a Dual Beam Bank of the same energy type as your cannons, with no torpedo at all. For the hard hitting single shot, a well timed and placed Beam Overload 3 is devastating. There's several reasons for this route.

    1. Consolidate Tactical Skillpoints into more energy weapon related Skills when NOT using Torpedo / Projectile Skillboxes. Result is nastier Energy Weapons striking power, and freeing more points up for something else.

    2. Concentrate TAC Consoles for them to be all of the same TAC Console type, i.e. all 4-5 Phaser Relay, Disruptor Ind.Coil, etc. TAC Consoles do not have the same diminishing returns that armor consoles from ENG does. For whatever reason, Cryptic decided to make it harder to have good defense, but didn't quite cap offense.

    3. Beam Overload 3 is a very hard hitting, single attack ability. If you prep the target up with anything to slow it down (less defenses) via Chronitons, Tractor Beams, etc., DBB + BO3 could reduce someone to an exploding hulk or another strike away from going kaput. Not saying that this will always be the norm, but when BO3 works, it's awesome.

    4. With relying on Beam Overload, you're relying on Energy Weapons. Energy Weapons do not have the shield damage reduction penalty that torpedoes have. For some reason, Cryptic decided that torpedoes need to perform poorly against shields, but in actual Star Trek shows and movies, Torpedoes were used as the preferred strike and as often as they could by the ship's captain.

    5. Beam Overload, like all beam related TAC BOFF abilities, are cheaper to attain in ranks than Cannon ones. Cannon Rapid Fire 3 is a Commander level skill. Beam Overload 3 and Beam Fire At Will 3 are both at LtCdr ranks.
  • fdashx497fdashx497 Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    i already have the 2 set kinetic cutting beam and assimilated module, is getting the third omega plasma torpedo any good? why is the dps on that one so much higher than any other torpedos?
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    It has a refire rate of 1 per second. That means it is frequrent enough to actually be used as a constant fire weapon. Thing is, it has a relatively low per-round damage number so if you are running a torp because you want to blow up the target when his shields are down, its not the best choice for that. What it is good for is a zero-energy cannon on unshielded opponents, just keep hitting the fire button once every couple of seconds, constant stream of hot plasma
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