It also carries Fighter craft, which seem to be faster and hit harder than shuttles. Stalkers are a joke compared to the Peregrines.
Consider your fighters as a 30s cooldown 3 Torpedo Barrage x2.
Also Elite Scorpions.
Why would a Catian designed Carrier be able to launch Federation designed Escorts?
Seriously all Carriers have a terrible turn rate, the Catian one is no different. BoPs are not the ultimate Carrier pet. They earn their keep over long protracted fights. In a short term you can get more DPS out of Fighters simply due to the fact you can spam them faster.
So how long have you flown a Vo'Quv? using both I can tell you the BOFF slots are a huge improvement not the BoPs.
And the best KDF pets for Carriers are Advanced Slavers & Power Siphons. No power no fight back, and free Contraband. Although currently the Slavers appear to be broken.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I fly a Atrox, and it depends on how your trying to play it, if you are using Peregrines then you want to run a Phaser build on your Atrox, with the Phaser Relay Consoles in the tactical spot, where as if you are using the Scorpion Fighters, use Plasma Infuser, Stalkers, use Tetryon Pulse Generator.
BoP's are as dknight said better for long protracted fights, if you are using the Atrox, launch a new fresh flights out of both hanger bays.
I fly a Atrox, and it depends on how your trying to play it, if you are using Peregrines then you want to run a Phaser build on your Atrox, with the Phaser Relay Consoles in the tactical spot, where as if you are using the Scorpion Fighters, use Plasma Infuser, Stalkers, use Tetryon Pulse Generator.
BoP's are as dknight said better for long protracted fights, if you are using the Atrox, launch a new fresh flights out of both hanger bays.
Do the consoles affect fighters? I thought they were separate?
Is this a joke? this is your argument? oh boy...not even going to bother dismantling the rest of it.
I'm not saying no to Frigates, I'm saying no to Federation designed Frigates, if they introduce Catian Frigates, that's fine.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Is this a joke? this is your argument? oh boy...not even going to bother dismantling the rest of it.
It's not really an argument, it's a valid observation. Don't see how you could dismantle it.
Every frigate pet so far is restricted to only one type of full (2-bay) carrier, and every full carrier except the Atrox has an available frigate pet.
Vo'quv has Bird of Prey
Kar'fi has Fer'Jai Frigate
Jem Dread has Jem Attack Ships
Recluse has Mesh Weavers
The Atrox needs a little love, especially since it's a Z-store ship and it's a really nice looking ship. I think it needs a Caitian frigate class pet, a console, and maybe even a fleet version. I think the Kar'fi needs a fleet version too.
I mean, it was fine when it was the only available carrier fed-side; but they've got a lot of available carriers now.
Properly equipped, specced, doffed, and with the right skills chosen, the Atrox can be absolutely deadly. It's by no means a "waste. And I'm not saying this as someone who flies an atrox, I'm saying this as someone who went against one in a fully decked out bug... and lost. The damage from pets adds up, and the feedback pulse damaged my hull faster than I could keep up. it was close though, I had him down to 3%.;)
For the 1-hangar ships (excluding the upcoming Scimitar pack), it's really the KDF that have ship requirements for certain ones.
Dacoit Flight Deck Cruiser - Orion Interceptors
Any Orion Flight Deck Cruiser or Vo'Quv - Orion Slavers
Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser - Tachyon Drones
Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser, a.k.a. "Giant Space Hamster" - Marauding Force
In terms of utility and usefulness for a wide variety of situations, the KDF hangar units win, hands down. There's something for any situation, though it also requires heavy retooling of the carrier to support a certain style (energy drain builds for example, require absolute, total dedication to Flow Capacitor in terms of skillpoints, SCI Console Slots, hangar units, etc.). The KDF was the original faction with carriers, so it is well developed in that regard. For a long time, the Vo'Quv was the only carrier in the game.
For Starfleet, outside of the Peregrines, they are more about control. They are also more easily accessible. Outside of the Atrox's Stalkers, you don't really need any other ship to access essentially the entire lineup, unlike the KDF side as I listed above.
I'm thinking of this for my Science alt, but I was also curious if it would perform decently for my Engineering Captain. Or would it be a waste?
Your Engineer will provide great subsystem power. It will also make the Atrox very resilient due to the reworked Miracle Worker with its associated trait. Getting the SCI BOFF stations to where you want it to be will require legwork in terms of having SCI captains train certain high-end SCI skills.
In general, Engineers in any carrier should find themselves at home, especially in PVP. In PVP, carriers are high priority targets, and an ENG in one can make that thing last and last and last and last...
A well played ENG in a Carrier, if he/she stays on their toes, and not the focus of a concerted PVP Pre-Made Team, should be able to stand up to most attacks out there.
Warmaker, the Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier is very similar to a Fed HEC, one Hanger.
Your pretty much spot on, in all other regards.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
How many of those carriers also come with their own exclusive fighter variant?
Sorry for the confusion, but I mostly meant that as a rethorical questions. Carriers that come with their own unique hangar pet often just get 1 unique hangar pet. The person I was replying too felt that the Atrox for some reason should get 2 pets that are unique (and limited to it).
Sorry for the confusion, but I mostly meant that as a rethorical questions. Carriers that come with their own unique hangar pet often just get 1 unique hangar pet. The person I was replying too felt that the Atrox for some reason should get 2 pets that are unique (and limited to it).
Nevertheless, nice list.
There's precedent in that the Kar'fi, the Recluse (at least up until LoR) and the Jemmy Dread all have two different and exclusive hangar options.
Having a Caitian frigate pet locked to the Atrox wouldn't be overly bonkers.
Actually, the Atrox isn't a bad ship (although it needs some love and a 10th console -> fleet version<-), and Fighters deliver a bigger punch to your enemies then stupid BoPs (especially that awsome Scorpions...). The Console and Boff layout is much better for a carrier than the Vo'Quv's, much more tanky and better to support your fighters (and thats the main role of a real carrier...
But i must say, frigate pets (maybe Saber class Escorts or something like that :P) would be nice to try...
For the 1-hangar ships (excluding the upcoming Scimitar pack), it's really the KDF that have ship requirements for certain ones.
Dacoit Flight Deck Cruiser - Orion Interceptors
Any Orion Flight Deck Cruiser or Vo'Quv - Orion Slavers
Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser - Tachyon Drones
Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser, a.k.a. "Giant Space Hamster" - Marauding Force
In terms of utility and usefulness for a wide variety of situations, the KDF hangar units win, hands down. There's something for any situation, though it also requires heavy retooling of the carrier to support a certain style (energy drain builds for example, require absolute, total dedication to Flow Capacitor in terms of skillpoints, SCI Console Slots, hangar units, etc.). The KDF was the original faction with carriers, so it is well developed in that regard. For a long time, the Vo'Quv was the only carrier in the game.
For Starfleet, outside of the Peregrines, they are more about control. They are also more easily accessible. Outside of the Atrox's Stalkers, you don't really need any other ship to access essentially the entire lineup, unlike the KDF side as I listed above.
Your Engineer will provide great subsystem power. It will also make the Atrox very resilient due to the reworked Miracle Worker with its associated trait. Getting the SCI BOFF stations to where you want it to be will require legwork in terms of having SCI captains train certain high-end SCI skills.
In general, Engineers in any carrier should find themselves at home, especially in PVP. In PVP, carriers are high priority targets, and an ENG in one can make that thing last and last and last and last...
A well played ENG in a Carrier, if he/she stays on their toes, and not the focus of a concerted PVP Pre-Made Team, should be able to stand up to most attacks out there.
And, to be honest, the KDF faction SHOULD retain an edge in carriers. I mean, for Kahless' sake, we had them first. They're also one of two classes we still retain an actual edge in (the other being battlecruisers, though that's been watered down somewhat by the appearance of Romulan ships). I REALLY don't want to see what edge we have watered down, not without some compensation in other sectors. The Federation has a clear advantage over the KDF when it comes to escorts and science ships, and while their cruisers might not burst-DPS or maneuver as well as KDF battlecruisers, they can still do some good and tank like a boss.
If the Federation want further improvements to their carriers, they really should be giving equal time to advocating for the KDF to receive improvements with their raptor/destroyer line and additional science ship options. It's only fair.
Actually, the Atrox isn't a bad ship (although it needs some love and a 10th console -> fleet version<-), and Fighters deliver a bigger punch to your enemies then stupid BoPs (especially that awsome Scorpions...). The Console and Boff layout is much better for a carrier than the Vo'Quv's, much more tanky and better to support your fighters (and thats the main role of a real carrier...
But i must say, frigate pets (maybe Saber class Escorts or something like that :P) would be nice to try...
I agree with you except for two things, the Vo'quv has far superior BOFF seating. In a game where DPS is king an Lt.Com Tac is worth more than a Lt.Com Sci.
I say no to the Atrox launching Escorts, especially Fed Escorts. I say yes to the Atrox being given a Catian designed Friagte.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I agree with you except for two things, the Vo'quv has far superior BOFF seating. In a game where DPS is king an Lt.Com Tac is worth more than a Lt.Com Sci.
I say no to the Atrox launching Escorts, especially Fed Escorts. I say yes to the Atrox being given a Catian designed Friagte.
In a ship that has a base turn of 5, 3/3 weps and only 2 Tac console slots the 3rd Tac boff-slot isn't worth that much. I must say, if i had the choice, i'd take the sci slot (or much better: make the lt cmdr engy a commander :P)
Anyways, i agree with Catian frigates (Fed escorts were just an example), but actually there are no Catian ships other than the Atrox and the Stalker fighters (and i dont expect that to be changed in the future, Cryptic/PW are more interested in their newer ships (i mean, who would buy an Oddy if there was the stronger (fleeted?) Atrox with 2 hangars and 4 frigates instead of the Aquarius)), They give much more love to the Ship bundles, brings more money.
By the Way, a real FED - 2 Hangar Carrier would be great IMO. But federation doesn't focus on carriers .
Does the Jupiter Class have Hangar Bays (i don't think so).
In a ship that has a base turn of 5, 3/3 weps and only 2 Tac console slots the 3rd Tac boff-slot isn't worth that much. I must say, if i had the choice, i'd take the sci slot (or much better: make the lt cmdr engy a commander :P)
I really like the ability to have Tac Team, FAW2 & AP:B2. The Atrox loses FAW which is useful for some situations.
Maybe I need a better Sci Power on for the Atrox. Having flown both ships nearly identically I find the Vo'quv just does the job better than the Atrox.
The Recluse has a Uni Commander and a Lt.Com Sci and Eng. With Ens Tac and Sci. Might be more useful for what you want to fly.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Consider your fighters as a 30s cooldown 3 Torpedo Barrage x2.
Also Elite Scorpions.
Why would a Catian designed Carrier be able to launch Federation designed Escorts?
Seriously all Carriers have a terrible turn rate, the Catian one is no different. BoPs are not the ultimate Carrier pet. They earn their keep over long protracted fights. In a short term you can get more DPS out of Fighters simply due to the fact you can spam them faster.
So how long have you flown a Vo'Quv? using both I can tell you the BOFF slots are a huge improvement not the BoPs.
And the best KDF pets for Carriers are Advanced Slavers & Power Siphons. No power no fight back, and free Contraband. Although currently the Slavers appear to be broken.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
BoP's are as dknight said better for long protracted fights, if you are using the Atrox, launch a new fresh flights out of both hanger bays.
Do the consoles affect fighters? I thought they were separate?
Your tac consoles do NOT affect your fighters
Is this a joke? this is your argument? oh boy...not even going to bother dismantling the rest of it.
I'm not saying no to Frigates, I'm saying no to Federation designed Frigates, if they introduce Catian Frigates, that's fine.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
It's not really an argument, it's a valid observation. Don't see how you could dismantle it.
Every frigate pet so far is restricted to only one type of full (2-bay) carrier, and every full carrier except the Atrox has an available frigate pet.
Vo'quv has Bird of Prey
Kar'fi has Fer'Jai Frigate
Jem Dread has Jem Attack Ships
Recluse has Mesh Weavers
The Atrox needs a little love, especially since it's a Z-store ship and it's a really nice looking ship. I think it needs a Caitian frigate class pet, a console, and maybe even a fleet version. I think the Kar'fi needs a fleet version too.
I mean, it was fine when it was the only available carrier fed-side; but they've got a lot of available carriers now.
Carrier units
In terms of the full, 2-hangar carriers, some are out there:
Atrox - Stalker Fighters
Tholian Recluse - Tholian Fighters (only basic is available), Tholian Mesh Weavers
Jem'Hadar Dreadnought Carrier - Jem'Hadar Attack Ship units (very powerful but insanely expensive to get: Requires ownership of JHAS playable ship also)
Jem'Hadar Heavy Escort Carrier (1 hangar ship) or Dreadnought Carrier (2 hangar) - Jem'Hadar Fighters
Vo'Quv - BOP frigates
Kar'Fi - Far'Jai frigates, Sku'ul Fighters
For the 1-hangar ships (excluding the upcoming Scimitar pack), it's really the KDF that have ship requirements for certain ones.
Dacoit Flight Deck Cruiser - Orion Interceptors
Any Orion Flight Deck Cruiser or Vo'Quv - Orion Slavers
Corsair Flight Deck Cruiser - Tachyon Drones
Marauder Flight Deck Cruiser, a.k.a. "Giant Space Hamster" - Marauding Force
In terms of utility and usefulness for a wide variety of situations, the KDF hangar units win, hands down. There's something for any situation, though it also requires heavy retooling of the carrier to support a certain style (energy drain builds for example, require absolute, total dedication to Flow Capacitor in terms of skillpoints, SCI Console Slots, hangar units, etc.). The KDF was the original faction with carriers, so it is well developed in that regard. For a long time, the Vo'Quv was the only carrier in the game.
For Starfleet, outside of the Peregrines, they are more about control. They are also more easily accessible. Outside of the Atrox's Stalkers, you don't really need any other ship to access essentially the entire lineup, unlike the KDF side as I listed above.
Your Engineer will provide great subsystem power. It will also make the Atrox very resilient due to the reworked Miracle Worker with its associated trait. Getting the SCI BOFF stations to where you want it to be will require legwork in terms of having SCI captains train certain high-end SCI skills.
In general, Engineers in any carrier should find themselves at home, especially in PVP. In PVP, carriers are high priority targets, and an ENG in one can make that thing last and last and last and last...
A well played ENG in a Carrier, if he/she stays on their toes, and not the focus of a concerted PVP Pre-Made Team, should be able to stand up to most attacks out there.
Your pretty much spot on, in all other regards.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Sorry for the confusion, but I mostly meant that as a rethorical questions. Carriers that come with their own unique hangar pet often just get 1 unique hangar pet. The person I was replying too felt that the Atrox for some reason should get 2 pets that are unique (and limited to it).
Nevertheless, nice list.
There's precedent in that the Kar'fi, the Recluse (at least up until LoR) and the Jemmy Dread all have two different and exclusive hangar options.
Having a Caitian frigate pet locked to the Atrox wouldn't be overly bonkers.
But i must say, frigate pets (maybe Saber class Escorts or something like that :P) would be nice to try...
And, to be honest, the KDF faction SHOULD retain an edge in carriers. I mean, for Kahless' sake, we had them first. They're also one of two classes we still retain an actual edge in (the other being battlecruisers, though that's been watered down somewhat by the appearance of Romulan ships). I REALLY don't want to see what edge we have watered down, not without some compensation in other sectors. The Federation has a clear advantage over the KDF when it comes to escorts and science ships, and while their cruisers might not burst-DPS or maneuver as well as KDF battlecruisers, they can still do some good and tank like a boss.
If the Federation want further improvements to their carriers, they really should be giving equal time to advocating for the KDF to receive improvements with their raptor/destroyer line and additional science ship options. It's only fair.
I agree with you except for two things, the Vo'quv has far superior BOFF seating. In a game where DPS is king an Lt.Com Tac is worth more than a Lt.Com Sci.
I say no to the Atrox launching Escorts, especially Fed Escorts. I say yes to the Atrox being given a Catian designed Friagte.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
In a ship that has a base turn of 5, 3/3 weps and only 2 Tac console slots the 3rd Tac boff-slot isn't worth that much. I must say, if i had the choice, i'd take the sci slot (or much better: make the lt cmdr engy a commander :P)
Anyways, i agree with Catian frigates (Fed escorts were just an example), but actually there are no Catian ships other than the Atrox and the Stalker fighters (and i dont expect that to be changed in the future, Cryptic/PW are more interested in their newer ships (i mean, who would buy an Oddy if there was the stronger (fleeted?) Atrox with 2 hangars and 4 frigates instead of the Aquarius)), They give much more love to the Ship bundles, brings more money.
By the Way, a real FED - 2 Hangar Carrier would be great IMO. But federation doesn't focus on carriers
Does the Jupiter Class have Hangar Bays (i don't think so).
I really like the ability to have Tac Team, FAW2 & AP:B2. The Atrox loses FAW which is useful for some situations.
Maybe I need a better Sci Power on for the Atrox. Having flown both ships nearly identically I find the Vo'quv just does the job better than the Atrox.
The Recluse has a Uni Commander and a Lt.Com Sci and Eng. With Ens Tac and Sci. Might be more useful for what you want to fly.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.