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Future of STO Wishlist - nr 31564

guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User

As per FAQ, a desired prospect at the future of STO. Summed up in small bullet points to keep it readable.

Sector Space:
  • -Merge sector space areas so it becomes one single zone, removing the loading screens.
  • -More things to do with systems.
  • -More systems in sector space
  • -More hidden Systems that need to be explored. In a mmo this is difficult; special sectors with randomly generated systems.
  • -First contact missions.
  • --Mining missions.
  • --Bio-system cataloging missions.
  • --Humanitarian aid missions
  • --Diplomacy missions.
  • --Better rewards for exploration missions (dilithium + loot box)

Space Combat
  • -Ship Crew Overhaul
  • --Balance/fix crew consoles so they work.
  • --Crew should be more resilient to explosions; % based deaths must go in favour of random quantities(0-10 per torpedo hit on hull!)

Ground Combat
  • -More ground STF's
  • -Cover system
  • -Bug fixes in existing ground combat
  • -Better rewards
  • -More gear slots of some type. (Though I do NOT want to see "boots of the paladin"...)
  • -Iterate on combat so it feels smoother

Episodic Missions
    -Difficulty overhaul
  • --Increase Advanced difficulty slightly (npc damage and health +15%)
  • --Increase Elite difficulty slightly (npc damage and health +33%)
  • --Add a guaranteed loot box reward at the end of the mission: (balance for level, I will be discussing them as lvl 50)
  • ---Normal Difficulty Reward: Loot box containing a random mk XI uncommon or better item. (small chance for mk xii)
  • ---Advanced Dificulty Reward: Loot box containing a random mk XI rare or better item. (small chance for mk xii)
  • ---Elite Dificulty Reward: Loot box containing a random mk XI Ultra-rare or better item. (small chance for mk xii)

Secondary Systems:
  • -5 more active duty doff slots for non combat bonuses only (cxp, xp, fleet asset cooldown, transwarp cd, etc)
  • -Promote First officer to playable captain (if free slot available) -suggestion by Freda
  • -More boff space traits
  • -Freely select traits for boffs. (but some must be species specific)
  • --1 boff trait slot for common boffs (1 ground or space)
  • --2 boff trait slot for uncommen boffs (1 ground + 1 space)
  • --3 boff trait slot for rare boffs (1 ground + 1 space + 1 universal)
  • --4 boff trait slot for ultra-rare boffs (1 ground + 1 space + 2 universal)

Duty Officer System
  • -Doff System overhaul
  • --Tie in crafting overhaul with doff overhaul
  • --Ability to earn more doff assignments (though expensive and time consuming, for a max of 10 additional slots.)
  • --A lot more short timer doff missions. 5-15 minutes.
  • --Rebalance all doff assignment rewards
  • ---The long time missions = less reward, short time missions = more rewards. This signifies activity gets rewarded.
  • ---Every assignment should be randomly rolled for quality (uncommon, common, rare, and ultra rare.)
  • ---Increase EC reward rare and ultra rare doff missions

  • -Increase the value of all ground dropped items to match space dropped items. Shields and armor should equal space shields, deflector, engine values.
  • -Increase, or allow us to purchase with zen, additional exchange slots. 40 is too low. I would preferably like to see a maximum of 200. Cost could be: 200-400 zen per 10 additional slots.
  • -Ability to buy (or earn ingame) more doff slots beyond 400. (up to 1000)
  • -Increase daily dilithium refine allowance to 15.000 per day. 17.500 for veterans. (doff mission; 2500/day)

  • -Elite difficulty versions of every STF
  • -Elite dfficulty stf's should only ever drop mark XI gear.
  • -Elite difficulty leaderboard rewards should be better: Guaranteed purple mk xi for second place. Guaranteed mk xii purple for first place.
  • -Anti AFK/leecher system.
  • -Several STF's are very bugged.

  • -Increase, or allow us to purchase with zen, additional exchange slots. 40 is too low. I would preferably like to see a maximum of 200. Cost could be: 200-400 zen per 10 additional slots.
  • -Ability to buy (or earn ingame) more doff slots beyond 400. (up to 1000)
  • -More costumes
  • -Ship cosmetic items (hull, nacelles, pylons, etc)
  • -Upgrade the doff duty packs to at least contain one purple doff. 200-275 zen for a blue doff is too much.

Reputation System
  • -Account wide reputation system. Unlock one character, usable on every character (Faction wide)
  • -Add gambling boxes to every reputation (tier 5). 100 marks, one box contains random endgame good. From a stack of embassy provisions to mk xii item to doffs).
  • -Balance mark rewards in stf's-> tie in with elite stf versions of every stf?



It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
Post edited by guilli88 on


  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Added part about episode missions and difficulty level. That's another thing that's currently unfinished.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    The worst of all is no comments. Anyone have any comment on this list? Branflakes, where are you?! :)

    That said, I personally think if even half of these got into the game this year it would be a vast improvement.



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • guilli88guilli88 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bran, don't you like me? :(



    It is a peculiar phenomenon that we can imagine events that defy the laws of the universe.
  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Bran doesn't like me either, but TRIBBLE it, I'm going to poast like toast here.

    A cover system would be an outstanding addition to this game. It was fun to play in SWTOR; it would be worth the work here, please add it and develop it right.

    The BO AI has to be 'smarter' to say the least. Also consider different formation commands, i.e., line abreast, single file, wedge, take (nearest) cover (when you guys get that cover system added)....

    Consider STF content that lets us bring all of our BOs to the fight.
  • sortofsortof Member Posts: 196 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Have ground elite STF end bosses a very low chance to drop MKXI, MKXII reputation items. Have normal one's drop MKX ones. I am talking the old drop chances (0.5 % if I recall it right)
    Do this for ground STFs only, Space is fine as it is.
    Whatever we deny or embrace, we belong togheter./ Pat Benatar
  • msk5msk5 Member Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Heavy Beam Cannons, Cruiser only weapons with sustained fire increasing damage over time and inherent bonus to accuracy. Or something like that, something fun that plays to cruiser strengths.
  • onyxheart1onyxheart1 Member Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    i can most definitely get behind a cover system for combat, Star Wars has already shown it can be done in an MMO.

    just think, blind firing a phaser rifle over some cover, engineers throwing out transport beacons for turrets and such.

    though they'd need to make a TON of changes to current ground gameplay, pretty much gutting the current ground combat and reworking it from the ground up (no pun intended :P)

    you'd have to make enemies much more lethal to make players stay in cover and use it, enemies would need to use cover effectively and intelligently (except the borg and undine probably, klingons too if they're rushing you with bat'leths), abilities would need to be scaled back and or buffed.

    for example, security team against tough enemies generally doesn't do much, a single grenade or a little fire kills your redshirts very fast. In a cover based system you could select the security team and then place the beacon (much like some abilities in the Neverwinter MMO can be placed on a certain point on the ground, |relevant cause it's made by the same company| )

    some weapons would need to be tweaked: pulsewaves would need more knockback, maybe a chance to knockdown, because melee enemies getting to you behind cover is generally bad.

    snipers would be buffed as well, the secondary shot would need to be more powerful for the risk incurred when coming out of cover to take the time to line it up. auto rifles and beam rifles i think could stay the same, but maybe give them (and enemies wielding them) the ability to suppress targets slightly, a small debuff to enemy accuracy or damage i think.

    there's a ton more i could detail here to make a good cover based system for STO but my post would be too long i think. so i'll stop here ^^ :)
    KDF for Life! <3 Romulan at Heart <3 Fed cause they made me ~ :P
  • kryptonianbadboykryptonianbadboy Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This would be great addition. I could see in the future the players getting the rank of full admiral command 2-4 ships at any given time. Then you could experiment and create your own attack patterns and have your own support ships to heal you or draw fire it could be done and should be looked into. Just imagine how epic a PvP would be if they did do that.
    Check out "Welcome to the 77th" in the foundry!!!!
  • gabriael69gabriael69 Member Posts: 30
    edited June 2013
    the problem is i dont think perfect world very serious about working on this game anymore they give us a update hear and their but contant nope i play both sto and neverwinter and i find it strange the dif between them their dil cap which is astral diamonds is 23k are's 8000 ??? ever patch more contant with neverwinter with sto how long did it take for this dil mine to come out?? that why while i hope im wrong but i dont expect perfect world to do anything but i hope they do
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