I've been looking for a good fleet for some time now and it seems most are just alt fleets. I'm trying to find an active fleet, not
fed alts. With that said, I really don't care if the fleet is tier 1 or tier 5, I'll help out where I can. I play a decent amount, some days I won't be able to get on though. I'm not in a big rush so in the worst case I'll just make my own fleet. :cool:
If you want to get a hold of me in game handle is
Welcome, accountlinksux.
You last visited: 12-31-1969 at 04:00 PM
I have had the same issue, I am currently in a "Fed Alt" fleet( I love the FED fleet, but it is very frustrating logging in KDF side to see 2-3 others on.)
Any good suggestions for a dedicated KDF Fleet? I prefer to have my KDF Klink become my main but have had to settle on my Fed Andorian for lack of an active KDF fleet.
Any suggestions would be welcome.
I am @Rhadaman in game.