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Help with the Bortasqu' Tactical Cruiser

rhadamanrhadaman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Klingon Discussion
Qapla', warriors of the Empire!

Excuse me if this has been asked already...

I have recently returned to my Tactical KDF warrior after a small hiatus and am looking for help with optimizing his Tac Bortasqu'.

Now I know that the Bortasqu' is not the most popular of ships and I understand there may be better options, I am looking for input from those brave souls that do enjoy the ship and have played around with weapon and Boff set ups for it.

I am currently running all MXI Disrupter Beams and broadsiding my enemies since the Bortasqu' turns like a pregnant beached whale and I feel that I am not getting everything I can out of her. Are RCS Relays a good option? 33% of slow as hell still = slow as hell I feel.


1. What type of weaponry should I try to use for maximum effectiveness? Cannons seem out of the question due to turn rate, I have no issue using Beam Weapons. What Energy Type?

2. Boff abilities. I seem to have more Tac officer abilities that I double up on when using Beam weapons. Should I just slot dual Beam overloads,Fire at Will? What Sci and Eng abilities would help with dealing damage? Help!

3. Console Layout. RCS Relays worth it? Beam enhancing Tac consoles?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Post edited by rhadaman on


  • eardianmeardianm Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Tac Bortasqu can put out quite excessive dps in a A2B beam boat setup. I roughly run:

    4x Rom Plasma beams [CrtD]x2
    2x Rom Plasma beams [CrtD]x2
    1x Experimental beam
    Borg Kinetic Cutting jobbie

    Borg Deflector
    Rommie engies
    Borg Shield
    Whatever warp core, haven't had a chance to play much since LoR launch

    5x Plasma Infusers
    1x Embassy shield emitter [pla] tag
    Assimilated, Zero-Point, Tachyokinetic, Leech. Will switch leech to Nukara beam console when I unlock

    TT1, FAW2, APB2
    TT1, BO2
    EPTW1, A2B1, A2B2, DEM3
    HE1, TSS2

    Extra tac team is unnecessary running 2x A2B, but there is nothing of value otherwise to put there.

    Doffs: 3x vr Technicians, 1x Dylrene, 1x Marion

    Standard A2B spamming all the beams everywhere. With decent piloting you can pull 18-20k dps range in ISE. I ended up switching to borg shield because of hull rot issues, the 2pc bonus eliminates most of those issues.

    To your actual questions, for damage type: Rom Plasma, Disruptor, Plasma/AP. Others won't do much for you. For Tac, yeah, you'll end up with some extras. Sci doesn't have a useful damage ability in this build, I spose you could slot a TB if you wanted. Engineer, DEM with Marion is by far your best option. Consoles, using beams I wouldn't bother with RCS, especially if you can get the small boost from having the tachyokinetic console. Otherwise, all damage all the time imo

    edit: this is for pve/stfs
  • rhadamanrhadaman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    This is awesome info for sure, i will give this build a go. Thank you for the feedback!
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I have a lot of experience with the Bortas. It can be treated in a few different ways. I treat it like a siege platform, devoted entirely to damage, and a lot of it, but not much else.

    DHCs CAN work on it, but it's not easy. I don't like using an A2B build, because that means the Lt. cmdr uni has to be an engineer, and if I was gonna do that, I might as well use something that can actually turn.

    Subspace jump is your friend if you use cannons of any kind. Question though: are you using a tac officer in this thing?
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • sander233sander233 Member Posts: 3,992 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    First of all congratulations on your choice of warship, ignoring the fact that the Fleet Tor'Kaht is clearly the superior battlecruiser and selecting only the biggest and baddest to be your flagship. Qapla'!

    My eng. has his Tac Bortasqu built like so: http://skillplanner.stoacademy.com/?build=ssharkiqun_3722 This ship is built to do unsupported PvP and monster through eSTFs.

    It hits like a runaway train, soaks up almost as much damage as it can spit back out, and with Aux2Damp, Evasive Man. and APO1, this sucker can dance. You'll notice I don't even bother with RCS consoles.

    Doff-wise I use Marion, a tac-team/attack pattern conn officer, an evasive maneuvers conn officer, a cannon EWO, and one of those guys who improves power levels on EPtX ability.

    My strategy is to come at the enemy with a decloak alpha, opening with BO and the disruptor autocannon, zoom past and fire the aft Hargh'peng (sometimes I swap that out for a transphasic cluster) and if need be I hit my maneuvering skills, slam the throttle into reverse and pull a quick J-turn to finish them off with my forward weapons. If he's getting away I use the subspace jump.

    My skills are min/maxed into weapons, impulse thrusters and warp core potential.

    I've seen beam boat builds and aux2bat builds and all sorts of other builds work on this ship, but to really take advantage of it, I feel you need to use cannons and pull the aux2damp/evasive maneuvers trick and take the enemy by surprise. Trust me, it works. :cool:

    ...Oh, baby, you know, I've really got to leave you / Oh, I can hear it callin 'me / I said don't you hear it callin' me the way it used to do?...
    - Anne Bredon
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Previously, before the LOR update, I have had many, many, MANY negative posts with the Bortasqu' series. With the LOR update, my stance has been softened a bit. This is due to what RCS Accelerator Consoles and the Tachyokinetic Converter can do in terms of actually boosting up turn rates for the slowest of ships. If they can help the slower D'Deridex perform better (even without the 2 piece bonus of the Double D consoles) in terms of turn rates, it definitely will help the Bortasqu'.

    The TAC Bortasqu' is also currently the ONLY 5 TAC Console Ship in the entire KDF lineup.

    On a semi-related note, I posted this on my fleet's website, but here it is for the sake of convenience.

    Tactical Bortasqu' Cruiser Transphasic Torpedo Boat

    Yes, you read the thread title correctly. This build was more of a test, a proving ground for Transphasic weapons. Firstly, let me get the basics of the ship out of the way, and what makes it tick.

    BORTASQU' TACTICAL CRUISER (5 TAC Console version)

    Fwd (Aft the same): Transphasic Torpedoes x2, Turret, Breen Cluster Torpedo
    - The turrets are simply a means to land the Attack Pattern Beta1 debuff effect. Less useful in PVP due to the proliferation of TacTeam usage, but in PVE this is a great boost.

    Breen Engines
    Breen Deflector
    Shield of your choice: Curretnly I have the KHG Shield, preferrably I'd get an Elite Fleet Shield, which I'll do whenever our fleet gets to that point.

    ENG Consoles: Neutronium Alloy x2, RCS Console, Tachyokinetic Converter
    SCI Console: Assimilated Module
    TAC Consoles: Transphasic Compressor x5

    Keynotes on Skills: Maxed out on anything projectile related, Maxed out Starship Impulse Thrusters for better movement

    BOFF Loadouts
    LTCMDR Universal: TT1, TS2, THY3
    ENS Universal: EPTS1
    LT TAC: TT1, APB1
    CMDR ENG: ET1, Aux2Batt 1 & 2, ASIF3
    LT SCI: PH1, HE2

    2 Purple Projectile Weapons Officers (Torpedo cooldown reduction per shot)
    3 Blue Technicians (BOFF ability CD reduction for Aux2Batt spamming)

    Firstly, before LOR update, I was toying with this build as part of the official forum discussion on the use (or to some, futility) of Transphasic Torpedo usage and usefulness. Everybody loves Breen Cluster, but the regular Transphasic Torpedoes are laughed down. For most setups, Transphasics are a complete failure. Their base damage is terribly low, the lowest of all torps in the game. Long have I tried to make Transphasics viable, but it was to be in vain. A player must put every offensive setup they can to make it viable. How I did this for this experiment?
    - 5 TAC Console ship, for the KDF, the Bortasqu' fits this bill. It is the ONLY KDF 5 TAC ship.
    - Transphasic Torpedo Bonus of the 2-piece Breen Set. I don't think KHG 2-piece bonus boosts Breen Clusters.
    - 5 Transphasic Consoles, which happen to boost the "mines" of the Breen Clusters.
    - Crit Damage Boosts via Tachyokinetic Converter, Assimilated Module.

    It's been possible really, if anyone puts themselves to it, but for the KDF, it's hard because the Bortasqu' is the only 5 TAC ship for the faction, and the turn rate is terrible. For PVE, this can be handled, and before the LOR update, it *is* possible in PVP but the turn rate can be an issue. WITH the LOR update, slower ships got a magnificent boost from anything turn rate related like the RCS Consoles and Tachyokinetic Converter. For me, it made a huge difference. Not saying it turns like a Negh'Var, but far better than before.

    The Projectile DOFFs are absolute key in making this happen. Everytime *a* torpedo is fired, there's a 20% chance to reduce all torpedo cooldowns by several seconds. With the Purple DOFFs, that is 5 seconds if it procs. Given some torpedo spam, the Breen Cluster Torpedoes are back online faster than they would on other builds. With the total dedication to Transphasics, the Breen Clusters will hurt anyone tremendously.

    The Aux2Batt included in this build is not about the power boosts, though when it does occur, is a nice benefit. The real reason I implemented the Dual Aux2Batt build is BOFF ability cooldowns. This ensures I can cram fewer dual abilities, and most importantly to this build, get those Torpedo BOFF abilities off cooldowns as much as possible.

    For play in PVE & PVP, I'm happy to set ALL torps to auto-firing, including the Breen Clusters. It's best to set the Breen to auto-firing because the projectile cooldown is insane and you will be firing a torpedo every second. The cycling of weapons will let the Breen Cluster fire, because manual fire will be a problem. Because of this, this specific build is not suitable for regular, precisely timed attacks. Let the torps fire away, plug in a Torpedo ability when suitable, and watch the Breen Cluster cooldown drop. The regular transphasic torps add some pressure to the player in direct hull damage, esp. when a HYT3 hits. The reason of this build truly existing is the Breen Clusters coming online sooner.

    For once in a Bortasqu', I don't mind if someone is trying to chase my ship from behind. That's what the aft torps and Breen Cluster are for. The aft Breen Cluster is a nice surprise to the face considering how close Escorts like to fly behind a Cruiser.

    + Complete focus on hull damage, regardless of shield state of the target. Simply put, I don't give a damn what kind of shields you have equipped. MACO, Adapted, Borg, Omega, Reman, whatever. Even Elite Fleet Shields. I... Don't... Care.
    + Breen Cluster is magnificent in its results, and a Crit is a wonder to behold in PVP.

    - In PVP, one has to be careful on unleashing the Breen Clusters when there's Grav Wells going, or any AOE stuff going on in the area.
    - Even with turn boosts via consoles in LOR, the Bortasqu' isn't nimble by any means. Better than before with assistance, but it will not be mistaken for a Battlecruiser in its handling. Escorts are slippery still. Positioning will be important when targetting them, to get the most shots in before they zoom around.
    - With the current equipment available to this toon, not the most defensive or sturdy of builds. Breen Space Set is not known for making your ship tough.

    The basic idea for a Transphasic Build with the Breen Cluster as the centerpiece can be easily replicated. The Fed 5 TAC Escorts I think can replicate this while still having a larger TAC BOFF suite and much superior speed and handling. Heck, I'm trying to do the same with my Fed TAC in her Fleet Defiant. The only catch with doing this on an Escort is the terrible ENG BOFF stations, which allow BOFF ability cooldowns to be drastically cut.

    Side Notes:

    1. I would not dare do this kind of build on a B'Rel Torpedo Boat. The B'Rel Torpedo Boat is best for well timed and placed alpha strikes. The build I posed is meant for sustained fire, all to bring the Breen Clusters off cooldown sooner. Because of that philosophy, a B'Rel Torpedo Boat means it is exposed in Enhanced Battle Cloak mode with its bare hull as it tries to spam the torpedoes. Terrible idea!

    2. Obviously, with the gear listed above, one could do better. But the character I used wasn't exactly the best equipped. Still, this means that you did not have to be a big spender. The most expensive item was the Tachyokinetic Converter, which is a Lobi Store item.
  • rhadamanrhadaman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mimey2 wrote: »
    I have a lot of experience with the Bortas. It can be treated in a few different ways. I treat it like a siege platform, devoted entirely to damage, and a lot of it, but not much else.

    DHCs CAN work on it, but it's not easy. I don't like using an A2B build, because that means the Lt. cmdr uni has to be an engineer, and if I was gonna do that, I might as well use something that can actually turn.

    Subspace jump is your friend if you use cannons of any kind. Question though: are you using a tac officer in this thing?

    I am a Tac officer yes.

    I put together what i could for the A2B beam boat setup that eardianm suggested and I had quite the jump in damage dealt from what I was doing previously.

    Only issue is I cannot get everything suggested. (Marion Doff is over 40 Million EC!!!) Even so, I still feel that it is an improvement, I am working my way through Rom Rep for the Plasma Beams, until then it Distrupter Beams will have to do.

    The Torp build looks interesting and MUCH cheaper for me to put together, I will try it as well this week and see how I like the results.

    Thank you all for the tips, I feel like I am contributing to the team in STFs now.

  • kiloacekiloace Member Posts: 488 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Well, I don't know how much this would help, but I've managed to turn my Romulan D'deridex into a very nice cannon boat. Not the same ship, but similar mobility stats.

    With the introduction of the new Fleet RCS consoles, you might want to consider one or two of them. Plus getting an engine with a lot of turn modifiers will help no doubt.

    If you can afford a couple of cheap weapons, I suggest trying out this loadout:

    Disruptor Dual Heavy Cannons
    Disruptor (Single) Cannon x2
    Torpedo of choice

    Disruptor turret x3 (or x2 w/ torpedo of choice)

    Single Cannons output decent-ish damage, plus they sort of blend the cruiser/escort feel. You have to keep your ship pointed forward, but not directly at your target to still deal damage. Coupled with good weapon power and a couple of CRF abilities and you can make it rain. Heck, even Aux2Bat might work well with cannons.

    Now, the reason I suggest this loadout:
    1) The Tac Bortas'qu's special ability is a disruptor autocannon which has a firing arc if I'm not mistaken. Giving your ship a reason to stay facing your enemy, even the relative front end, will make it easier to use that ability.

    2) The DAC is, obviously, disruptor based, meaning if you use disruptor standard weaponry, you can use disruptor consoles that buff both your special and regular weps and kill 2 birds with 1 stone.

    Sound Good?

    P.S. I was thinking about this ship for my KDF once he gets to LG. Is it good? Can it output heavy damage in addition to its innate tankiness?
  • mimey2mimey2 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    rhadaman wrote: »
    I am a Tac officer yes.

    I put together what i could for the A2B beam boat setup that eardianm suggested and I had quite the jump in damage dealt from what I was doing previously.

    Only issue is I cannot get everything suggested. (Marion Doff is over 40 Million EC!!!) Even so, I still feel that it is an improvement, I am working my way through Rom Rep for the Plasma Beams, until then it Distrupter Beams will have to do.

    The Torp build looks interesting and MUCH cheaper for me to put together, I will try it as well this week and see how I like the results.

    Thank you all for the tips, I feel like I am contributing to the team in STFs now.


    Alright, you are a tac officer, that's good.

    Mine is as well. Now, cannons, especially DHCs CAN work on this thing. It's just not as easy.

    In fact, if you ever even consider using cannons, start with single cannons and turrets. It's a slow ship, so you can kind of get around that turn somewhat because of the wide angles.

    If you ever choose to, once you are used to it, put DHCs on.

    Here's a general build for you to look at:

    Weapons: 3 single cannons, 1 DBB or torpedo
    3 turrets and the KCB, or 3 turrets and a mine, or 4 turrets

    (If you ever choose to, just replace the single cannons with DHCs)


    Engineering: Subspace Jump, Plasmonic Leech, Disruptor Autocannon (ONLY if you use Disruptors though), Fleet RCS console (If you don't use disruptors, use another fleet RCS instead)

    Science: Anything of your choice (If you want, put jump or PL here, so you can use another fleet RCS)

    Tac: 5 energy boosting consoles.

    For BOFFs, I won't put everything, just some of the tac recommendations I have:

    Lt. Cmdr uni (as a tac): TT 1, CRF 1, APO 1
    Lt. Tac: TT 1, CRF 1 or BO 2 or APD 1
    Ensign uni (as a tac): BO 1 (if you want to do a lot of BO-stacking)

    I know that seems quite tac heavy, like I don't personally use the Ensign uni as a tac, I have a tractor beam 1 there.
    I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
    I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
  • deadspacex64deadspacex64 Member Posts: 565 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    tractors are handy running dhc's on a bort ^_^
    *tb+apa+crf=boom* can add in a hy just for overkill

    and for OP, same deal as a few in here, dhc builds, pve content makes it very easy since everything is static, same patterns. the hyper spheres are a new wrinkle but not unmanageable. dhc's give you a lot more punch, but require more planning and thinking ahead.
    Dr. Patricia Tanis ~ "Bacon is for sycophants and products of incest."
    Donate Brains, zombies in Washington DC are starving.
  • thisslerthissler Member Posts: 2,055 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you're doing STF's, this will work. Even if you're doing Elite.


  • hasukurobihasukurobi Member Posts: 1,421 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    rhadaman wrote: »
    Qapla', warriors of the Empire!

    Excuse me if this has been asked already...

    I have recently returned to my Tactical KDF warrior after a small hiatus and am looking for help with optimizing his Tac Bortasqu'.

    Now I know that the Bortasqu' is not the most popular of ships and I understand there may be better options, I am looking for input from those brave souls that do enjoy the ship and have played around with weapon and Boff set ups for it.

    I am currently running all MXI Disrupter Beams and broadsiding my enemies since the Bortasqu' turns like a pregnant beached whale and I feel that I am not getting everything I can out of her. Are RCS Relays a good option? 33% of slow as hell still = slow as hell I feel.


    1. What type of weaponry should I try to use for maximum effectiveness? Cannons seem out of the question due to turn rate, I have no issue using Beam Weapons. What Energy Type?

    2. Boff abilities. I seem to have more Tac officer abilities that I double up on when using Beam weapons. Should I just slot dual Beam overloads,Fire at Will? What Sci and Eng abilities would help with dealing damage? Help!

    3. Console Layout. RCS Relays worth it? Beam enhancing Tac consoles?

    Any input would be greatly appreciated.



    That setup is where it is really at and these days you can get Nanite Disruptors which would be great assuming you cannot get Fleet Advanced or Elite Disruptors.
  • rhadamanrhadaman Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    So many nice builds it seems. Those two videos were very nice as well thank you!

    I am having a blast powersliding out of cloak and broadsiding with the Beam build, some of the most fun I've had in STO. I love this ship! She is most certainly worthy to be the Flagship of the Empire.

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