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STF systems

adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
edited July 2013 in Reputation System
I was talking to a couple of friends in game today (pretty much all I do with the rep system spoiling everyone's fun) about the rep system and the old system, now I don't expect the rep system to go away but I do think the old system should be put back in alongside it.

It would serve to:
- Make DS9 inhabited again
- Give Roxy her job back
- Allow people to get the lower level sets faster (making collectors like me happier)
- Return some of the fun that the reputation system removed from STFs
- Guarantee people Mk XII sets if they work the rep system
- Make money from those who don't want the Mk XII wait
- Keep the rep powers that already exist

This could also be put into some of the Nukara and Romulan missions somehow for example putting back the chance boxes on Nukara prime for the ground set and putting set part drop chances into Crystaline Entity and Azura Nebula rescue. Perhaps add some Tal Shiar based STFs for the Romulan/Reman bits and bobs with a backstory of defending New Romulus from attacks or rescuing colonists under attack (Virinat style scenario in a space battle) to drop bits of the Romulan space set.

I would be in favour of this, who else would be?
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  • sqwishedsqwished Member Posts: 1,475 Bug Hunter
    edited June 2013
    I do like the idea of the Romulan/Reman/Thoilan STF type missions, I think it would be a great help as well to players that are juggling multiple toons and missions with limited time.
    Oh, it's not broken? We can soon fix that!

  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well, the rep system will never go. but I wanted to make a topic named "give Roxy her job back" :D srsly

    I kinda like the idea of having everything in one place, on the UI. but I dont like what it does to the game, making you travel less in space (I mean, I used transwarp before, now I dont even care to use that anymore, lol).

    giving the rep system to a dedicated person, should do wonders, and it could be done under the revision of the system (giving better conversion options for marks and such)

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    well, the rep system will never go. but I wanted to make a topic named "give Roxy her job back" :D srsly)

    I know the rep system isn't going anywhere and I'm not asking it to:
    adamkafei wrote: »
    now I don't expect the rep system to go away

    But to return the old system alongside it would give a purpose to having Omega force people on DS9 and give the station a purpose again and it can be reasoned that there would be similar people at New Romulus giving a more long term reason for its existence.
  • aveldraaveldra Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I'm not so sure that I'm on board with all your other suggestions but I am for having more variety when it comes to STFs. At this point the Borg are old hat and boring.
  • neotrident12neotrident12 Member Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It would be good for the old chance rewards to be in the game as well as the Rep grind itself.

    An EDC is the equivelent of a bunch of marks and a Rare Salvage was the equivelent of a Neural Processor. (Sort of)

    So you get a chance to recieve a Prototype Borg Salvage this would be as rare as it was before but would you would go to Roxy to directly claim a MK12 item.

    Would be nice to say "Whooohoooo" again
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Would be nice to say "Whooohoooo" again

    Exactly this :D
  • charon2charon2 Member Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    a thousand times yes!

    STFs were so much more fun in the prototype drop days. and there is no reason these systems can't exist side by side.

    did it really take people Years to get prototype drops? because i got all of mine in less than 2 weeks of casual game play, and regularly had them drop to me after that. (i did have a full MKXI omega set and weapons while grinding it out tho)

    then again, ive heard of people with inexplicable lock box ship luck, and i can barely get a console out of the dang things.
  • ferdzso0ferdzso0 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    charon2 wrote: »
    a thousand times yes!

    STFs were so much more fun in the prototype drop days. and there is no reason these systems can't exist side by side.

    did it really take people Years to get prototype drops? because i got all of mine in less than 2 weeks of casual game play, and regularly had them drop to me after that. (i did have a full MKXI omega set and weapons while grinding it out tho)

    then again, ive heard of people with inexplicable lock box ship luck, and i can barely get a console out of the dang things.

    the problem with that system was, that there was a possibility, that someone would never ever get the drops, no matter how much they played.

    ofc this coulda been solved by simple EDC pricing, but we got a nice little timegated system (my only real gripe about it is the timegate, the rest I can live with)

    10k DPS Vesta threads: 1; 2
  • adamkafeiadamkafei Member Posts: 6,539 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    ferdzso0 wrote: »
    ofc this coulda been solved by simple EDC pricing, but we got a nice little timegated system (my only real gripe about it is the timegate, the rest I can live with)

    Well there was an EDC price on the Mk XI sets and there isn't anything about the Mk XII that makes it worth worrying over compared to Mk XI, still the old system was far more alt-friendly so you know, why not have both?
  • baudlbaudl Member Posts: 4,060 Arc User
    edited July 2013
    the reputation system is definately a step up from the random luck method of the old days (still the old old days were the best, with 1 run for 1 set piece)

    i see 2 major flawes with the reputation system...
    1.) it allows to grind a single mission for each reputation faction (the most efficent), which gives opportunity for for lazyness: i liked the old way where, if you wanted MKXII ground items you had to do ground combat...the only real dumb part was the insanely low drop rate, 1-3 runs should be sufficent, period.

    2.) it is very alt unfriendly

    my 2 possible solutions: token drops for each different type of set item and mission (was already in the game)...which are tradeable, and are needed to start the set item projects. For lower than MKXI, you don't need those drops...for MKXII you need more than 2 or 3 of a certain type. Similar to the omega drop that is in place now, but each stf droping a different kind, so that players are forced to do all stfs atleast once or twice. Anybody who still prefers, or finds certain content too hard can buy it from the exchange, or trade it from a friend or fleetbank.

    for instance: the nukara ground set needs a specific item that drops in one of the two elite ground missions with a 30% drop chance. Space items need a drop either from elite CE, vault ensnared or azura nebula.
    Romulan space sets could be a reward for doing specific dailys on new romulus, or some of the new missions that went life with LoR...or 1 new stf/CE like mission that awards 40-60 romulan marks (the broken tholian-borg event comes to mind, this could be a fixed and queueable event)

    and second: all gear from the reputation should be account bound...and all marks gathered (including fleet marks) should be account wide.

    cryptic want's you, the player, to spend dilithium on items...the old system didn't do that, thats why it is gone forever.
    Go pro or go home
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