One thing which STO has been very excellent for, is the character customisation. We can all pretty get as near as damnit, the look we are after, but what about getting the look exactly right? I'm sure some of you more artistic players have tried
I was thinking that there will be quite a number of talented, creative people who play STO, and I was wondering if there are those who have tried to make an EXACT avatar, of some of the famous/infamous and memorable characters across the whole star trek franchaise.
You could try the obvious ones like Kirk and Picard, or you might want to try others, like General/Chancellor Gowron or Garak the DS9 tailor. When I mean exact, I mean even the facial structure and features, the build, height, shape, skin tone, the outfit, the lot. It would be great if those who can truly master the customisation options could post their work on this thread.
With the Romulan customisations, I bet I could make a decent looking KHAAAAAAAAN (the original one of course
Who knows, if a Dev or Mod spot this thread, they may even make it into a competition for some goodies!
I think it's just the ones that are still alive.
If only the devs played with the character creator as much as the players do so they could stop constantly using ensign derpface and derpina when promoting content. :P
Yeah, every time I see a "Kirk" flying the "Entarprise" or something else that's a direct copy from the show, I cringe a little. Have a little imagination, people.
This... in my fleet, we actively point and laugh at copy-cats and the Mary-Sue descendants of canon characters. All the "Patrick Kirk" "Enterpraise" "John Luke Picard" "Voyagerrrr" "Diefiant-B" "Achie Archer"...We take UI screenshots in our forums and laugh at them.
Also, Dax seems to get around alot... sometimes not even in Trills
My main character is a 187 year old trill symbiot. It has seen alot of the canon events... but most of the time it was through news feeds and political shifts. No need for him to get dirty in the universe, His time for making a mark will come later.
But as for the Character creator, I have alot of fun tweaking uniforms and making various off-duty, diplomatic, and Special Ops uniforms. I love being able to change my uniform for ingame EC and not a premium currency like Zen. I was actually a bit upset when playing Neverwinter and I found that the face-respec cost $5.
I agree, I always use original characters.
I admit, once I got a new character slot... Say hello to "Rukia" (anime character). :P
Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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What? Has to be famous? hmm...well, I was in an MCI commercial once. Does that work?