Hi all,
I am running the full Kumari but I have been told the T5 fleet ships are better, I like to fly in hit hard and escape with lots of DPS, would it be best to keep my Kumari or get one of the T5 Fleet ships and which T5 Escort would you recommend for me?
This is my current setup for the Kumari.
dump Andorian consoles,
get five phaser relays.
The reason I have the cluster torpedo is that I like to hit the Borg and then run away to heal, plus the cluster is good at hitting plasma torpedoes.
The Universal consoles are the reason I bought the full Kumari Package as they give some nice bonuses if I remove them I loose the bonuses. I have equipped
Kumari Phaser Wing Cannons
Tachyokinetic Converter
Zero-Point Energy Conduit
Universal - Phaser Dispersal Array
Universal - Wing Cannon Platforms
Universal - Tachyon Induction Relay
I almost have the Romulan plasma so I will put that on the back in the place of the cluster torpedo when I do get it.
Front Weapons:
Omega Torp
Romulan Torp
Wing Cannons
Quad Cannon
DUAL Heavy Cannon XII with ACCx3
Back Weapons:
Cutting Beam
PHaser Turret Acc x3 or Fleet Turret
Adapted Maco Deflector (2 piece buffs torps) (People disagree with me on this one.)
Adapted Maco Shield
Romulan Engine (Buff Attack patterns)
5x Phaser tactical relays (Best you can get)
1 Borg Console
3 Kumari Consoles. (People will disagree with me on this one.)
1 Armor or your favor universal console.
This is my build and is rocks in PVE. Sucks in PVP. I would recommend a different build and a fleet ship for PVP.
The Andorian is a tactical ship, so it has the most tactical console slots. The reason for this is so that you can load it up with damage-boosting consoles, such as phaser relays. The ship is the archetype of "glass cannon", but your build seems like it would be lacking in the cannon aspect of that.
It's a fair bet that my Vesta would end up beating your ship, because you wouldn't have the DPS to overcome my shielding. Whereas if you had those phaser relays in, the DPS would increase substantially, and my M.A.C.O. shields wouldn't hold up.
I'm not saying to get rid of the universals. Just put them in the engineering and science slots.
On my Vesta, I sacrificed 3 of my four Science slots for two Vesta consoles and the Borg console, one of my engineering ones for the last Vesta console, and one of the three tac slots for the Zero-Point console. In those two tac slots left, phaser relays went.
The Vesta is a science ship, but I was using the Tactical variant, and I made sure to address that variation. With two high-level RCS consoles, I can turn just as well as most escorts. With full power to aux, the ship does exactly what it's supposed to.
You need to get that escort of yours the DPS it was designed for. Don't give me the chance to shoot out your weapons, siphon your power, and board your ship. Blow the hell out of me with a wall of phasery death.
I used to have that same layout minus the rom torpedo, I compared it to my current setup and it is a lot better in DPS so gonna stick with that