I read over the forums daily, gathering information that I could use when I play and here's all of my opinions and thoughts.
- Yes, I agree the Defiant would need a Battle Cloak but I feel that it would be taken off as quickly as it would be added. I'm sorry, but it's better to use a console. Reason being there would be more whining and complaining and "omg Defiant OP" dismal arguments.
Stop asking for buffs and debuffs. There's enough broken without more piling on or whining.
- With the fracturing of the Romulan Star Empire, of course they're going to crawl to the Empire and the Federation. Safety in numbers. Even though I feel the Tal Shiar should cut their TRIBBLE out and help the Republic, I also feel they have a bigger but diminishing role to play in the Iconians' plans.
- The D'deridex, Gal-R and the Gal-X are battleships. They did not turn as fast as the Defiant, therefore shouldn't in the game. They are meant to be resilient, which makes the additional engineering consoles... logical. More resistances mean more resiliency, more resiliency means it can survive in a fight longer.
If a cruiser is meant to turn like a rock, that's because it's a flipping cruiser. Realistically speaking, all mass is affected by gravity. Space, to me, seems like it is in a constant state of fluctuating gravity. Since mass, like I just said, is affected by it, then cruisers are going to turn slow. It's not going to hurt to put an RCS accelerator, but please don't whine about it constantly. Also, why doesn't anyone complain about the Negh'Var?
- Not everything has to have hangar bays and cannons and tactical console slots. So yes, people are going to choose escorts like the Armitage. It's not a big deal, get over it. Me? I just fly what I'm in the mood to fly.
- Gowron, Worf and Martok did not whine and complain because they did not have adequate Birds of Prey. They held the line for the Romulans and the Federation during the Dominion War when the latter had to modify their warp cores to deal with the Breen Energy Dampening weapon. The way I see it, the Hegh'Ta is an excellent Bird, so either get it at level 40, or drop 120k dilithium on it and be quiet. You don't need a fancy 25 dollar B'rel...
While they may have a Qin Heavy Raptor, the Hegh'ta has battle cloak. Enough said.
- I also agree that Caitians and Ferasans need more diverse options. Now before you even fire a synapse in your mind, think about it. Just think. Caitians and Ferasans respectably come from what I can assume are jungle planets, similar to Africa's plains and jungles. They're more feline than human, anyway. Though I would like a mane or some different fur colors and patterns. While we're on the subject of our kitty cat friends, I'm not expecting it, but I would like to see the Ferasans get a ship and fighter of their own of some sort, along with a special bridge for them both. And more fur colors and tattoos and options! Oh and clothing. I would like to see some sort of Caitian tribal clothing. More... native wear for these races.
- The Phaser Lance. The Iron Man's unibeam of the Federation's Dreadnought. Iron Man's unibeam didn't hit every target it was fired at. Do you honestly expect a weapon like that to hit a target that probably doesn't want to get hit with it? No, it's gonna get out of the way. Don't bother hitting a pesky Bird of Prey with it. Save the shot for a much bigger target, like a Borg cube or Tactical Cube. What do you want? Do you want it to be put on a turret and have 0 cooldown with so much damage. that it crashes the destroyed player's game, uninstalls it and shuts down their computer forever?
- What does a Breen bridge look like? Nobody knows. I mean, you have the Tholian bridge, the Romulans have one, the Jem'Hadar have one. To me, a ship's bridge gives some insight into the previous occupants. The Tholians? "How did they manage to stick a console station up there?"
The Jem'Hadar? Primarily a spartan design not meant for comfort. No flipping chairs.
Romulans? Playing with Borg tech is playing with fire. But hey as long as it's cool-looking. I think they make a cream for that veiny grey stuff on your neck. No, get that away from me... Stop poking me with your cyborg arm!
- Speaking of the Romulans, I would definitely like to see their own STF set made instead of using their allies. You mean to tell me that between the Tal Shiar experimenting on the Borg, and the Republic keeping an eye on the Tal Shiar's doings, neither of them have found a way to adapt Borg technology for their own uses against the Borg? The Borg "threaten" all life in the Alpha Quadrant, not just the Klingon Empire and the Federation.
- Species should start with their own races' tech. While the diverse races are pushed into two factions, I believe that they should start with their respective races' technology. Andorians start with Andorian phasers... things like that. And speaking of species specific, why not make it to where you have your species' specific ship, and then you have the choice to join Starfleet, or the choice to join either the Tal Shiar or the Republic, or the same with the Klingon Empire or... say the Orion Syndicate, cuz you know as well as I do, Melani may look like a simple Orion slave girl, but I am pretty sure she has some machinations of her own.
- What is with the Vengeance threads? Seriously. Chronologically speaking, that is Kirk-era technology, easily dispatched by 25th century technology. Did anyone even watch the beginning of '09 JJ Trek where the Kelvin was just ripped into with a simple barrage of shrapnel torpedoes? Granted Kirk's dad Jem'Hadar'd the Narada, but still. It's a flawed design if they did add it. Please refer to my comments on the Gal-R, Gal-X and D'deridex.
- In PvP, perhaps it's not the ship that's broken or sucks. Perhaps it's your character. Go look at some builds for your cruiser or your escort, consider a respec or make a new toon. Ask some friendly (and I cannot stress the word friendly enough) PvP veterans that may be on your friends list or fleet to help you. that's what they're there for is to help you play the game.
Just my thoughts
Every Klingon ship should get a Battle Cloak long before we worry about giving it to Federation ships that shouldn't have cloaks at all, except that it makes Cryptic money through Zen sales.
Realistically speaking ships 10 time the size of an escort should have more than 1 extra weapon, and probably much better shields due to sheer power generation. But here we are.
How about we give Klingons females for all their races, and more customization over all before we start worrying about the fact that the Federation doesn't have enough customization options for a single race.
How bout we give the KDF more unique content, instead of handing them reheated Federation leftovers and worrying about Romulans.
You're a member of Starfleet, not the Andorian or Tellarite or Bolian planetary defense force. Same on the KDF side, except that they got lazy and gave them a bunch of pirate ships instead of Klingon designs.
Hey, look at all those Miranda's and Constitutions and Excelsiors flying around, good thing they can be instantly killed by any other ship. Oh, wait.
Think of it as a nebula class with extra firepower instead of sensors. I would also like to have my ship for Adventure cat to be atleast a captains level ship (Constitution refit) but with the old tv series skin. Dont forget to also make cats paws option for caitians so they can go barefoot like Gorn do.
The Klingon female outfits...i imagine everyone just wants skimpier clothing for them, but I think the Klingons need instead are more leather and metal, make assorted dungion crawler choices for them, like boot knives, belt pouches and ornaments, helmets and masks, chest daggers and maybe even cloaks and backpacks. Maybe even some decore for special accomplishments to be unlocked like in dawn of war. have like a sash option for those who unlock governor, or medals for those who finish thier military duty officers thing. How about a belt buckle with your own personal insignia on it, that you can make like when making a fleet symbol.
You have made a few generic items for the lobi store like the whip and jemhadar minigun, what about a generic tommy gun like picard used, make it to where the borg cant adapt to it, but only really damaging to the borg and beast/bugs in the wild since personal shields would curb the bullets. How about a fencing sowrd like Sulu used in the old show, give it new moves (fencing style) and what about cats for pets, like spot
One last thing, what about a lobi store unlock for weapons, if we want to change the look to TNG phaser rifles or pistols for authenticity, it wouldnt change the function just give you the option to change the appearance of phaser rifles and pistols for rpers.