It's been a long time since any have been added (other than Romulan and Reman, but that's a whole new story progression and everything, I'm just talking about additional races for existing factions) This is my list:
RR: Suliban I'm guessing this is the soon-to-be-released race.
KDF: Yridian There was talk some time ago about a playable Yridian species, and since at least some of them had some affiliation to the KDF in one of the new missions, they could be a KDF race. That would give them access to race that could have a lobes-like ability for EC/Latinum discounts.
Antedean Worf thought they were "glorious." So, why not? I think they're pretty cool and would be fun to see in-game. (As long as I can get one as my Diplomatic reward for my fed character lol) It could be explained in the Race Info that they have developed something (whether medicinally or technologically) that makes space-flight comfortable for them.
UFP: Deltan Don't tell me it'd be hard to make bald, red-blooded Orions.
Idanian This enigmatic race is the one that I most want to see in-game, truth be told. I need an Idanian boff to complete my crew!
It's a big universe, let's diversify!
I have been asking for this for over 3 years. Throw me a frickin bone
Considering how often KDF players claim female Orions as a reason to play KDF, I think giving Orion as an unlockable Fed race would greatly upset them.
it wasnt glorious, it was "a handsome race" if i remember right.
there are plenty other races to explore, assuming cryptic stay true to their word about the delta quadrant and gamma quadrants at some point, doubtless the jem'hadar and such will be opened out like the kazon and devore..
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
"KDF gets orion slave girls, fed could get regular orions, then again you already can make one playing as an alien anyway(or getting alien boffs).
i mean the orions ARE a part of the federation.
Okay first your choices
Suliban I agree these would be a good addition to RR as they also are part of the first RR mission and help us and trade with the RR character when you get the suliban cell ship to trade with.
Yridian: Rumour has it on Memory Alpha that it may be a fed playable character now I know things change but maybe Yridian can be a cross faction for fed and kdf since they go to whoever gives the highest profit. However they are a wanted species by Klingons so not sure whether the KDF will be to friendly to these.
Antedean: Even though Worf found them handsome they find space travel disturbing and go into a catatonic state so this type of species would be useless as any kind of character
Deltans: The only way I can see Feds getting playable Orions but not really a fan of these unless we can get one that looks like the V'ger probe Deltan
Idanian: Not seen much of these so can't comment
I personally would like to see the Jem Hadar as a playable race connected to the KDF faction (as a cardassian faction may be a few years away) due to there mutual respect to each other as warriors.
Vice Admiral Volmack ISS Thundermole
Brigadier General Jokag IKS Gorkan
Centurion Kares RRW Tomalak
I thought he said both about them, but I could be wrong.
I forgot to mention this (I'll edit it); they could explain in the race info that they developed an inoculation or device of some-such that makes space travel comfortable for them.
They are an enigmatic, cloak-and-dagger race (much like the early Romulan concept) that wears cloaks...what's not to love??
I'd be okay with this, especially because I highly doubt they'd be affiliated with a Cardassian faction (other than True Way, which is not going to happen).
9 Episodes = 30+ episodes...?
It's pronounced "S.T.O." "Stow" sounds idiotic! lol
Kinshaya are an ancient enemy of the Klingons, like the Kreel.
Those guys as KDF races only make sense after they've been conquered and the player is confined to the ship's galley washing dishes.
Chalnoth could work pretty well IMO.
They have such a nice smile.
No, they are not.
The Kinshaya, Keel, Hurq, Feklhri, boy the Klingons have alot of Ancient enemies :eek:
Another race I wish Kestrel would nix are the Talarians, they're mourning sound reminds me of the wailing k Ferengi during Klingon play and they liook like someone pooped on thier heads. I don't want to offend any Talaran fans, just had to finally get that off my chest. No matter what the Talarians will not serve on my ship, not even as doffs, I'd sooner have the Sushi, er Antedeans serving on my ship, I have several great chefs in need of a challenge ;D
Races I'd want would be Risians for the federation, the Feklhri for the Klingons, and Aenar for the Romulans.
That doesn't mean thier aren't alot of Orions in the Federation, from merchants, to Political Dissendants, to simple refugees from the original polluted home world, filling the Federation in the time period before Melani took over. Lots of spies and crooks too.
More than giving the Feds Cloaks and Carriers did? :P
Offering Orions to the KDF players as a salve at this point is a bit like handing a guy a glass of water while his house burns down around him.
My problem with races is that each on needs to bring something to the table, otherwise there is no real point in having them. Most races have very little impact on the game and so I don't see the point of not having just the few core races.
If this is remedied then it will have my signature.
An excellent idea. I thought of something like this myself.
Hirogen could get a really neat story arc for joining up with the Republic.
Okay I'll add to this list.
Gallamites for UFP? I want to see their brain!
Join Date: Aug 14th 2008