Hi all,
So I know I have some work to do on my build, but I want some guidance doing the work. Here is my current setup:
In no particular order, here are my thoughts and questions:
1) I see a lot of builds using FAW and not Beam Overload. What is the benefit of FAW as opposed to BO?
2) This build is based on the
Dragon Flagship, so if you take a look at the tactics you can see that I pretty much keep shields and weps at 125 power by rotating EPtS and EPtW
3) I know my Science Consoles badly need to be upgraded, but I haven't done it because I am looking for the right build.
4) I am at Tier 3 rep with Omega and working on it, I know I need to get to the Tier 5 weps.
Thanks in advance for the help!
The dragon flagship build is kinda obsolete now thanks to Aux2Batt + Tech doffs.
Beam Overload needs a good way to get prevent drain (engineers have 2, Batteries or EPtW for everyone else) and can only ever hit one target.
Depends on your play style.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
Aux2Bat with tech doffs are the way to go with the Assault Cruiser. I cannot suggest strongly enough that you look into that.
My second is, Are you in a fleet? and if so what tier are they?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
Well, my IRL money is kinda tight, I pay for Gold subscription but not much else. In game I am working on rebuilding my stock, but have no problem grinding dilithium and EC the whole time I am online. I am also working on Tier 5 omega, so I do a lot of STFs.
Yes I am in a fleet, but not a very advanced one, we just got Tier 2 on our starbase. We work hard, but it's a very small fleet so we don't always get very far. I haven't tried to join more advanced fleets because of contribution requirements and such, my schedule limits my gameplay time some weeks.
If you do decide to go for an AtB build, note that the B'Tran Cluster colonial chain yields purple Technician doffs on a crit of the final repeatable mission, so that's a nice cheap way to get them. http://bit.ly/DOFFS is very helpful for that.
allrighty then.
First I would suggest you find a fleet willing to sell you access for less than a small country. Or, if your not terriblt attached to your small fleet Try joining UFP. Only limit is a two week waiting period to make sure your real and that can be changed with a message on the forums.
You can also join the ingame UFP channel if you would just like access {UFP-UFPK}
I suggest this since fleet gear and ships are really the best, And since you are a gold member you could save up your stipend for some fleet mods if you cant afford them off the exchange.
In my opinion the excelsior is the best federation assault cruiser, With the regent a close second. At fleet level both the excelsior is available sooner at T3 where the regent is T5.
And getting an excelsior would push your turn rates into the 20's so you could go for a signle cannon/ turret build ATB for maximum cruiser DPS.
But.. thats all future stuff.
In the near term you should look into getting an aegis set. that jem hadar set's bonuses are wasted on your build.
If you do join a fleet I would consider looking into getting a romulan embassy science console. They come with some neat mods but I would use [pla] to add some burn.
When you get the resources you should also get the borg console and cutting beam. The 2 pc bonus should help with your weapons drain.
And OFC when you can get some of the stf set gear, MACO is a good standby but omega isnt too shabby either.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
If your willing to farm the B'Tran Support DOFF Mission the Crit is a Purple Technician and the Blue guy is the support mission.
It's not the fastest method, it relies on that mission being available but hey it's the cheapest method.
I've been considering the Nukara gear for my Standard Assault Cruiser (I already run Tetryon) swapping out a front beam for a DBB, dropping my rear torp for the mines and the Assimilated Console for the +10% Beam Accuracy. Just wondering if it would be worth it.
I've considered a full set of the Refracting Tetryon Beams.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
I run an eng in an fleet Excelsior with an all beam double aux2bat build and it works spectacularly. Seven spiral waves and a cutting beam. I almost never get below 100 weapon power, even with FAW, and it tanks well. You just have to spec it correctly.
7 single beam arrays, disruptor or romulan plasma. Alternatively polaron/tetryon because consoles and beams are relatively cheaper on exchange. Cutting beam is the 8th weapon + the assimilated module for the drain weapon power resist proc.
3 doffs blue of tech boffs for reducing cooldown whenever Aux2Bat is used.
Your Boffs abilities:
Lt. Tac: TT, APB (Delta if you pvp)
Ens Tac: FAW
Com. Eng: ET, A2B, EPtS, DEM
Lt.Com. Eng: EPtW, A2B, EWP
Lt. Sci.: PH, HE
Eng Consoles: 2 Neu. alloy, 1 RCS, Assimilated module
Core one that has W->E or W->A
3 MACO Set or 2 piece Aegis with MACO shield
KDF Eng: Boreas I.K.S. Demonon Nemesis {Fleet: HoS}
Rom Sci: Crius I.R.W. Noctem Aeternus {Fleet: LoS}
Fed Tac: Kronos U.S.S. Xibalba, I.S.S. Theogonia{Fleet: HSF}
(This is not to say that I am done accepting information, please feel free to continue posting, I just wanted to acknowledge all the help I have gotten already!)