I notice that everytime I get a ship from upgrades it usually increases science stations rather than tactical stations. any reason for that? I would figure as a tactical officer id have more tacticals ........ or am I playing my Rom wrong?
I jus thit commander. I get 1 tactical officer, 1 science and 2 engineering. I don't get it
It is because the Romulan faction is new and still has a limited selection of ships. As commander, you get the D'Deridex, which is actually a cruiser and that's the reason it has 2 engineering Boff slots and only 1 tact. & sci.
Nothing to be alarmed though, as soon as you hit Subadmiral I (lvl 40) you'll have 3 free ships to chose from, one tactical, one cruiser and one sci.oriented warbird. And at end-game you'll have access to the C-Store ships that are retrofits from the ones you used through the leveling process. Quite a few of them are suitable for tacs. - the T'Varo Retrofit, the Dhelan Retrofit and the Mogai Retrofit pair up well with tactical officers. Heck, even the retrofit of the D'Deridex you have now is flexible enough to be used by tact.officers at end game.
I would figure as a tactical officer id have more tacticals ........ or am I playing my Rom wrong?
The only difference between careers is captain-specific abilities(not to be confused with bridge officer abilities). There isn't a single ship type that favors one career over another.
It is because the Romulan faction is new and still has a limited selection of ships. As commander, you get the D'Deridex, which is actually a cruiser and that's the reason it has 2 engineering Boff slots and only 1 tact. & sci.
Nothing to be alarmed though, as soon as you hit Subadmiral I (lvl 40) you'll have 3 free ships to chose from, one tactical, one cruiser and one sci.oriented warbird. And at end-game you'll have access to the C-Store ships that are retrofits from the ones you used through the leveling process. Quite a few of them are suitable for tacs. - the T'Varo Retrofit, the Dhelan Retrofit and the Mogai Retrofit pair up well with tactical officers. Heck, even the retrofit of the D'Deridex you have now is flexible enough to be used by tact.officers at end game.
It is because the Romulan faction is new and still has a limited selection of ships. As commander, you get the D'Deridex, which is actually a cruiser and that's the reason it has 2 engineering Boff slots and only 1 tact. & sci.
Nothing to be alarmed though, as soon as you hit Subadmiral I (lvl 40) you'll have 3 free ships to chose from, one tactical, one cruiser and one sci.oriented warbird. And at end-game you'll have access to the C-Store ships that are retrofits from the ones you used through the leveling process. Quite a few of them are suitable for tacs. - the T'Varo Retrofit, the Dhelan Retrofit and the Mogai Retrofit pair up well with tactical officers. Heck, even the retrofit of the D'Deridex you have now is flexible enough to be used by tact.officers at end game.
The only difference between careers is captain-specific abilities(not to be confused with bridge officer abilities). There isn't a single ship type that favors one career over another.
at rank 45 now, lolz about a day too late :P