I am having issues with the chat tabs. When I joined a fleet it gave me a fleet chat tab. I was able to hit enter ans it would type my text in fleet chat. No problems.
I added a romulan alt and had my fleet send me an invite. after I accepted the game did NOT automatically set up a fleet tab (unusual) so I created one manually and got rid of everything in the options except fleet chat. This tab will display all fleet chat but I am not given a bar to type in. I have to go to another tab and type /fleet to type in fleet chat. In the fleet tab I cant get the typing bar to come up AT ALL.
This is random. sometimes it happens sometimes it doesn't.
Broke in December with the "log onto another character" feature. Unless you believe it takes 6 months to fix this and cryptic has put all their resources into fixing this bug use this work around: never use the log onto another character feature.
Sometimes... Opening chat options, then dis-selecting and re-selecting fleet works; or add another window and only have fleet for that one... And the tried and true - switching characters and going back, or logging out, or exiting the client...