I think the Bug ship should get a attack pattern K, for kamikaze maneuver which all bugship could do.
It states : kamikaze attacks on enemy vessels , which allowed them to inflict more damage than their weapons alone could perform.
Plus Jhas was retrofitted with breen energy dissipators ? with the breen's alliance with dominion.
And it had primary directed energy array was located in the forward section of the ship, and had a range that exceeded 100,000 km's ?
What about an attack from say like Boarding party , cause the bug ship possessed a transporter that could go right through federation shields hmmm sounds like a klingon faction only thing for sure
In addition , cloaking technology would not reliably hide a vessel from jem'hadar fighter's sensors because they used a form of antiproton beam.
Okay where is this stuff how do I get anyone of these abilities since I have the ship like the rare others that tried hard to aquire them for reasons to be n attack fighter, which is in the ship name ??.
they even had advanced long-range tachyon scanner, which was capable of penetrating a starships cloak from great distance. since all; the romulan's got cloak don't you think now a Jhas ship should at least get something to find these other than a rare lockbox federation emission seeking torpedo, which bug ships never used on there ships federation did ??
So when we gonna be able to get one of these natural ship abilities ? we all want better stuff , not just the klingons or federation or romulans its all of us now
please consider giving us all something for our ships that certain designs actually had.
oh wait, Ramming Speed already IS kamikaze.
Problem solved. :P
As for the antiproton (anti-cloak) scan, you're looking for the Dominion space set from the Dominion featured episodes.
Works for me
I own a bug and agree with it, hence why the character who has it will never PvP.
so i understand about the antiproton sweep i was just putting down all there natural abilities not saying it didnt have any of them , my bad for not being more clear.
Oh the ramming speed is for most all players which if it was for Jhas it should get a natural buff on top of that because it was a real ability for that ship, if other ships under desriptions in trek wiki say they have it tell me which ones ?? thank you
It's called ramming speed.
Combat ranges in the game are not that far. The Jemhadar has superior speed, BO arrangement, agility, and firepower to literally everything else in the game. It doesn't need upgrades.
What you suggest would not only make the ship a Pay-2-win item and make all other ships worthless, but would break game balance since there is no counter. Additionally, I feel your , ah, suggestions are not quite inline with Memory Alpha's description.
I'm astounded at how good you are at trolling. 10 / 10 , sir, bravo.
Wow wish I would have thought of that
Yes it would be certain destruction for bugship buit say against the right player at the right time in battle php or pve it would be beneficial in some instances greatly beneficial.
The bugship needs nothing but a nerf. It's already the most powerful escort in the game.
The bugship is essentially OP, and has been for a long while, though the edge is somewhat less than it used to be with the introduction of Fleet escorts. The Fleet Patrol Escort/Fleet Scourge are outturned and outpaced by it, and out-DPS'd. The MVAE might be able to keep up with it turning-wise if it's in the right mode, but it doesn't match up in other respects.
It doesn't need a buff anywhere. It's practically the perfect escort, extremely-well suited for decent self-tanking and dishing out tons of DPS.