Excalibur class
Vesper class
Trojan class*
Exeter class**
*With a standard STO blue deflector and other texture melds.
It ain't the constitution.
**C-store skin
Hull - 34,500 (37,950 Fleet)
Shields - 1.0 (1.1 Fleet)
Weapons - 4 Fore, 4 Aft
Crew - 400
Consoles - 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci (+1 Eng Fleet)
Devices - 4
Boff Stations (Regular):Cmdr. Eng, Lt. Eng, Ensign Eng, Lt. Cmdr. Tac, Lt. Sci Boff Stations (Fleet):Cmdr. Tac,
Lt. Cmdr. Eng,
Lt. Eng,
Ensign Sci,
Lt. Universal
Turn Rate - 9
IM - 0.17
Only that its the 300th or so thread asking for a T5 Connie. Also, why in the world does the Commander station change if you buy a fleet variant? I don't know of any other fed ships that do that. The boff changeout is too much. Leave it the same, and give it the standard +10% hull/console slot.
If the ensign changes to Tac, then you have the Regent and D'Kora
If it changes to Sci, then you have the Galor
Swap the Lt Cmdr Tac with Lt Eng and you have the Galaxy
You are also obviously close to stepping on the toes of the Heavy Cruiser, Star Cruiser, Ambassador and
One option that is half-untaken is:
Cmdr Eng, Lt Eng, Lt Tac, Ensign Tac, Lt Cmdr Sci
However this can also be accomplished with the Tal Shiar Battlecruiser if one chooses a Tac Uni Ensign and Engi Uni Cmdr.
As for the Fleet layout, that is out of the question. This is a Cruiser and the Commander slot must be an Engineer.
ANY new version of this ship's hull stats (Turn) with ANY version of a layout that can or has been done already will outclass the previous ship. This would be pointless.
If you REALLY want to resurrect this hull, I propose the following:
Fleet Cruiser Retrofit
Hull - 34,500
Shields - 1.0 (1.1 Fleet)
Turn:- 9
Weapons - 4 Fore, 3 Aft
Crew - 400
Consoles - 4 Tac, 4 Eng, 2 Sci
Devices - 3
Boff Stations:
LtC Tac, Cdr Eng, Lt Eng, Lt Sci, Ens Uni
Good ship? Bad ship? That's up to you. You're the ones who keep nagging for this old/small hull to be fitted to modern standards. There's only so much you can do to it.
And give us:
Fleet Frigate Retrofit (Miranda)
Hull - 27000
Shields - 0.9
Turn:- 11
Weapons - 3 Fore, 2 Aft
Crew - 200
Consoles - 3 Tac, 4 Eng, 3 Sci
Devices - 2
Boff Stations:
Cdr Tac, Cdr Eng, Cdr Sci
Good? Bad? It's new, and not outclassing any previously existing ship. We want our Miranda back.
I believe the research science retro/fleet retro change consoles. or maybe it was the standard science. but I do know there is one, because I looked at the screen funny when I saw it.
I'd say the easiest solution is to just move the "useless 3rd ensign BOFF slot" to universal.
Not bad ideas. I like also the idea of a Retro frigate.
Fair enough. The galaxies seem shafted as they are.
Not to mention that Spock was a science officer and the first officer.
While I would love for there to be a fleet cruiser retrofit I don't want it to be the most powerful cruiser.
Let us explore it... together. Each man hides a secret pain. It must be exposed and reckoned with. It must be dragged from the darkness and forced into the light. Share your pain. Share your pain with me... and gain strength from the sharing.
Fleet to me is the Frontline ships, The Nova is a flying science Lab (but has a Fleet version) the T2 Cruiser is a light patrol survey ship. Better than a Miranda but not by much.
These ships still exist, they are still in use by Star Fleet, they just aren't part of the Task Force they'd send against a significant threat.
The Romulans get both T1 & T2 ships as Fleet. Well technically the T1 is the T'Liss and not available at T5 which is the similar shaped T'Varo, I made my T2 look old. Which Brings us to the Klingon B'Rel. I'd be happy to lose the B'Rel model at T5, but B'Rels where still capable of going up against a Galaxy Class when we last saw them and Cryptic aren't going to make a new design for the Klingons. And neither the Klingons or Romulans combined get close to the Fed ship count let alone the 3+1 designs most fed ships get.
I don't know if the rumour about CBS just says no is true, But I know Cryptic aren't going to do it.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
You know, if they just let us have Exeter/Vespa/Excaliber model choices on the fleet amby, I'd be happy with that.
I would understand that because of the whole CBS not wanting the Connie or its refit as an end game ship supposedly. However, if thats the case, why is there a T5 K'Tinga? Three of them are wiped in TMP, and it gets a T5, but the Connie refit does not? Furthermore, the K'Tinga is essentially the same hull as the D7 from TOS. So, a TOS era Klink hull (and a Vulcan hull older than that) gets a T5, but not the Feds? Guess the Klingons and Vulcans just make better ships!;)
IMO there should be a Tier 4 Cruiser Retrofit with the Vesper, Excalibur & (C-Store Purchase?) Exeter skin options. A Fleet Cruiser Retrofit would be nice but IMO is not essential! A Cruiser Retrofit would have stats along the lines of:
Hull: 30,700
Shield Modifier: 1.0
Weapons: 4 Fore, 3 Aft
Crew: 400
Turn Rate: 9
Impulse Modifier: 0.15
Inertia: 40
Devices: 4
Engineering: 4
Science: 2
Tactical: 3
Bridge Officers:
Engineering: 1xCmdr. 1xLt.
Science: 1xLt.
Tactical: 1xLt. Cmdr.
To be honest I wouldn't mind if they made the Cruiser Retrofit Tier 5 but with the above stats so that it was a nerfed Tier 5 ship! With the above stats I feel the ship would be viable at end game but at the same time it wouldn't be out performing the larger, newer & fleet cruisers! :cool:
With regards to the Galaxy Class as it's been mentioned I feel I should point out I am all for them getting a boost even though I am generally indifferent/not a fan of the design. Looking at their stats it's clear they've been shafted! How or why on Earth is a Galaxy Class out performed by a Excelsior Class?
Well I've said my bit, hopefully cryptic are paying attention and taking note of what's been said, until then I will just have to stick with my Tier 2 Exeter Class.