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Rather than the "i quit" threads before i left...

grandmasteroz01grandmasteroz01 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
how about reversing it. why should i come back to the game? what have i missed? whats better/worse?

before i left (over a year ago) things were... not very good? now they are?

don't want to be taken as a troll, but someone sell me on the idea of why i should play again. i actually want to, but been away so long not sure what to expect!
Post edited by grandmasteroz01 on


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    curs0rcurs0r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If you actually want to, then play it. What more reason do you need? You're not buying new tires here
    I'll sell you some weapons from New Romulus. Never fired, only dropped once.
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    grandmasteroz01grandmasteroz01 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    curs0r wrote: »
    If you actually want to, then play it. What more reason do you need? You're not buying new tires here

    well, at some point soon i will. but i at least want to know what i am getting into. i think its reasonable to ask for some sort of quick synopsis of what i've missed?

    and wtf, romulans? when did this happen?!
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    curs0rcurs0r Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    well, at some point soon i will. but i at least want to know what i am getting into. i think its reasonable to ask for some sort of quick synopsis of what i've missed?

    and wtf, romulans? when did this happen?!

    I guess it didn't occur to me that asking "why should i come back to the game?" would mean anything other than what it states.
    I'll sell you some weapons from New Romulus. Never fired, only dropped once.
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    devian666devian666 Member Posts: 473
    edited June 2013
    Cryptic have spent a lot of time adding things for players to do.

    There are 3 rep systems to work on. These give access to mk x to mk xii sets and special consoles/weapons/equipment. The new sector space with new romulas ties into one of the rep systems. There's a ground adventure zone which has some replay value with a little bit of exploration.

    Based on the same mechanics are starbases with embassies and soon to add dilithium mines. You can contribute to large projects on a fleet basis and get access to fleet gear/ships.

    There is a lot more pve content on the pve queues which people actually play.

    If you want good gear you can pay in marks, dil and effectively ec rather than waiting for a specific STF drop. So slightly less punishment.

    There are a number of new episodes to investigate including the romulan arc for romulan characters. The romulan expansion was only released recently.
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    starkaosstarkaos Member Posts: 11,556 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    They introduced the Romulan mini-faction and there is the New Romulus and Nimbus Adventure Zones. No you can't play an evil and deceptive Romulan in the Tal Shiar or Romulan Star Empire military.
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    horkathanehorkathane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I Quit for a moment, but after reading the threads I came back, not because of Cryptic but because of the community. In Game I received support for my post and a understanding. I am a Purist. To me "Balance of Terror" Episode Star Trek Season 1 Exemplifies all and everything about a conflict between the Federation and Romulan Empire. Although my grief was being a Klingon vs Romulans.

    What I forgot was "Teamwork" and how I cant expect to be the sole Hero or Villain that flies to the heavens with his foes buried in flames. No, It takes others and working together we can even the odds.

    I learned from my arrogance that I alone am not a God, but a Captain just like the rest of you.


    "Now back to the First Course"
    The Legendary Horka Thane
    1999 Tribes 1
    Infamous TurreNt Camp ( if you dont know you are not Legendary )
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    pegasuscicpegasuscic Member Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    horkathane wrote: »
    I Quit for a moment, but after reading the threads I came back, not because of Cryptic but because of the community. In Game I received support for my post and a understanding. I am a Purist. To me "Balance of Power" Episode Star Trek Season 1 Exemplifies all and everything about a conflict between the Federation and Romulan Empire. Although my grief was being a Klingon vs Romulans.

    What I forgot was "Teamwork" and how I cant expect to be the sole Hero or Villain that flies to the heavens with his foes buried in flames. No, It takes others and working together we can even the odds.

    I learned from my arrogance that I alone am not a God, but a Captain just like the rest of you.


    Hmm, I'm trying decide if you're being "tongue in cheek" with your post or not. If you're serious, then "Balance of Terror" is the TOS episode you're thinking of. "Balance of Power" is a TNG novel.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people."-Commander William Adama
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    horkathanehorkathane Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    pegasuscic wrote: »
    Hmm, I'm trying decide if you're being "tongue in cheek" with your post or not. If you're serious, then "Balance of Terror" is the TOS episode you're thinking of. "Balance of Power" is a TNG novel.


    no im serious, a moment of Illumination :cool:
    The Legendary Horka Thane
    1999 Tribes 1
    Infamous TurreNt Camp ( if you dont know you are not Legendary )
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    mondoidmondoid Member Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    An "I Quit" thread is pointless if you really think about it. As are the "I'm sick of this game and I'm uninstalling it!!" ones. Why are they pointless you ask?

    So aside from vocalizing your frustrations or drawing attention to yourself so you can get a last minute reply from someone who convinces you to stay in the game, unless you are a regular on the forums or a DEV no one will miss you. Your fleet-mates or anyone who has friended you might be sad to see you go but the game won't grind to a screeching halt with you gone. This is from a player point of view.

    From PWE viewpoint unless you are a gold member it doesn't matter. Here is my reasoning behind this. Basically as a gold member you are continuously paying them per month for about $60 to $80 worth of features that they would get if you were a silver member, the cost of unlocking all the features to be equivalent to be a gold member minus the 500 zen per month. Lifetime have paid up front and get all the benefits of a gold member all at once. Silver members are iffy, I'd say maybe 2 out of 5 will actually pay for their zen via the website, the rest will try to use the dilithium exchange. Speaking of statistics.

    Like I said earlier there are some regulars on the forums. But if you're on the forums you're not in the game. I'd say maybe 20% to 30% of the players have ever looked at these forums, and about 30% to 50% have posted anything on here that wasn't drowned out but everyone else posts. "I quit" threads are like pictures of cats on facebook or reddit, you'll look at one but then look at something else.

    I'm not trying to be a jerk but I know where stuff goes. :P
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    savnokasavnoka Member Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    mondoid wrote: »
    An "I Quit" thread is pointless if you really think about it. As are the "I'm sick of this game and I'm uninstalling it!!" ones. Why are they pointless you ask?

    That's great, but since you clearly didn't even bother reading the entire thread title, much less the post, none of your words really answered the OP's question.

    To the OP: it really comes down to this , did you leave before or after the F2P transition?

    If you left before, then the game is definately worth looking at because you can play most of it for free. You can even earn C-store currency through dilithium that you obtain in game. The Reputation systems are not my favorite thing , but they do an excellent job of money sink and long term goal as well as provide a framework for endgame play. I'm not saying it's like, wonderful or anything, but it's better than playing with a subscription.

    If you left after F2P, not a lot has really changed. The Lockboxes are still intolerable, stability is bad after most patches, and a lot of the recent content is kinda buggy. With the exception of the Rommies, nothing has fundamentally changed about the game.

    It depends on what you want out of the game, as well. For Lifers like me, sitting back and watching the game evolve costs nothing. It has gotten better, and it has gotten worse. Some things really improved and are pretty neat, others have become hidebound or bug-broken to the point where they are useless. Crafting has become stagnant and fleets spend all their time and resources building up starbases for 'super ships' and 'elite' weapons.
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    lucianazetalucianazeta Member Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    devian666 wrote: »
    If you want good gear you can pay in marks, dil and effectively ec rather than waiting for a specific STF drop. So slightly less punishment.

    I disagree, it takes a lot more effort now to get basic STF gear then it did before.

    Things like weapons with the [Borg] fix take far more effort to get now in marks, time and dilithium, while they only cost EDC's before.

    The same goes for all Mk X and Mk XI sets, as the green and blue tech was fairly easy to come by, though I will state I'm an ESTF regular, not a casual.

    Really, the ONLY thing that's been made easier with the new system is getting the MK XII sets, and even that I disagree with, as now random mooks who never even touch ground STF's can get those sets, while before it took ground STF's as well, before when you saw someone in Mk XII Omega or MACO costumes, you knew they had decent ground STF experience, now the only way to tell is whether or not they have the additional costume options from the Elite Commander Accolade.

    Not to mention literally everything, even the costumes that came with the accolades before, costs marks, dili and expertise now.

    I'd say the irritation of all the above far outweighs the ''guarantee of getting your item in due time'' they so proudly presented the new system with upon release, yes, it was pretty dull at a given moment for me to literally farm IGE for months to get that last purple part I needed, but when I DID get it, I was ecstatic.

    Now I just look at the dili cost of getting everything STF gear wise and barely even want to bother with it on new chars.

    Edit: Do note I state this for the Omega rep, and mostly have issues with it because basically all the gear we could already get before has been locked behind a dili wall the size of a fricking mountain

    I do think Romulan and Nukara rep adds some interesting things.
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    amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    how about reversing it. why should i come back to the game? what have i missed? whats better/worse?

    before i left (over a year ago) things were... not very good? now they are?

    don't want to be taken as a troll, but someone sell me on the idea of why i should play again. i actually want to, but been away so long not sure what to expect!

    You shouldn't , cause you don't want to obviously. A game sells itself, if it ain't yer "cup o' tea" when you first tried it out, then what makes you think it is now?

    Those whom like it, will keep the game in business, those whom don't won't. So move on.

    I think STO has done more than enough to "sell the game", your either a trekky or your not. Simple as that.

    I never use to be such a huge star trek fan, until I played this game near a year ago, now I can't get enough of it. No matter the faults that may exist. At least the STO team tries , (from what it seems , alot harder than most online game company teams).
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    drowrulesupremedrowrulesupreme Member Posts: 692 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Noone has mentioned the ability to play as Klingon from level 1 with new tutorial, added content (not a huge amount, but enough that I even took my lvl50 KDF toons back to do them). Qo'nos has had a tiny revamp in places (tailor for example now has mannequins) and you... well, spoilers and all, dive in, find out for yourself and go red... OR NOT!
    You can choose your UI colours from 6 choices, so KDF headache red is no longer compulsory.
    Romulan FEs have been slightly reworked with Denise Crosby voicing Sela in many of them and if you come back now you'll be in during rerun week and can earn a Reman Bridge Officer for the final Romulan episode "Cutting the Cord".
    Yes, the grind is still there but it is now a finite grind. No longer 1000+ STFs to get the one piece you need to complete your set... now grind for 3 months or less (if you like grinding, and are smart about where you grind and what you queue) and you will have your set guaranteed!
    Server stability has been an issue, but I've seen worse on other games (and worse on this game too) and it is improving.
    So, the question is not "Why should you come back?"... the question is "Why haven't you done so already?!" :D
    "...we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than the things that divide us.”
    Jo Cox 22.6.1974 - 16.6.2016

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    amahoodamahood Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Noone has mentioned the ability to play as Klingon from level 1 with new tutorial, added content (not a huge amount, but enough that I even took my lvl50 KDF toons back to do them). Qo'nos has had a tiny revamp in places (tailor for example now has mannequins) and you... well, spoilers and all, dive in, find out for yourself and go red... OR NOT!
    You can choose your UI colours from 6 choices, so KDF headache red is no longer compulsory.
    Romulan FEs have been slightly reworked with Denise Crosby voicing Sela in many of them and if you come back now you'll be in during rerun week and can earn a Reman Bridge Officer for the final Romulan episode "Cutting the Cord".
    Yes, the grind is still there but it is now a finite grind. No longer 1000+ STFs to get the one piece you need to complete your set... now grind for 3 months or less (if you like grinding, and are smart about where you grind and what you queue) and you will have your set guaranteed!
    Server stability has been an issue, but I've seen worse on other games (and worse on this game too) and it is improving.
    So, the question is not "Why should you come back?"... the question is "Why haven't you done so already?!" :D

    BRAVO!!! I couldn't have put it better myself!
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    twg042370twg042370 Member Posts: 2,312 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    how about reversing it. why should i come back to the game?

    We miss your sunshine smile.
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    captainrevo1captainrevo1 Member Posts: 3,948 Arc User
    edited June 2013
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    packer3434packer3434 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013

    Well said.
    Well I can't forget a face but I won't remember y'all.
    Bleed Green and Gold
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    johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    why i should play again. i actually want to, but been away so long not sure what to expect!

    If you actually want to play, you'd be installing the game rather than asking the community to convince you to do so. It's F2P, so it's not like you're paying for it. You're only risking your time by trying it.

    Yeah, it's alright. LoR could do with a bit of a polish, but that's nothing new in terms of new content releases.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
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    vesterengvestereng Member Posts: 2,252 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yep basically they nuked STF.

    Now you will have to unlock permission to spend dilithium - which takes about 5 weeks.

    Assuming you have the time for 3 reputations everyday...

    So where you could start earning top gear in 2 days before, you now looking at,well.

    And each drop that was free before now costs you 32,000 dil for the item alone (I don't know what months of work is worth to you).
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