What the heck is in this boxes that they are so valued on the exchange? They go for 200,000 EC + each and given how easily the can be obtained I really wonder why people fancy them so much?!
They are only easy to get hold of if you get groups for the Nakture missions. However they do have a chance to contain a set I believe that will give bonuses. Saying that the items of that will apparently be getting removed from the boxes once the Tholian rep system makes it live.
They are only easy to get hold of if you get groups for the Nakture missions. However they do have a chance to contain a set I believe that will give bonuses. Saying that the items of that will apparently be getting removed from the boxes once the Tholian rep system makes it live.
Yes, this is mostly correct.
However, not only is this set getting removed from the boxes in the future, that set you will be able to turn in once (per character) and get up to 150 Nukara marks to help 'jump start' your Nukara rep.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
When LOR hits on the 21st, the boxes will still drop, but they won't have a chance at the EV suit set, that is going into the new nukara rep. The will contain blue items though, I think. So high end vendor trash, probably.
If you're doing the grind for the boxes, you're doing it wrong. As mentioned, the best stuff is gone from the boxes. Instead, you unlock them through Nukara rep & buy them through the rep store.
Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.
Yes, this is mostly correct.
However, not only is this set getting removed from the boxes in the future, that set you will be able to turn in once (per character) and get up to 150 Nukara marks to help 'jump start' your Nukara rep.
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Gotta say they're a nice option for grinding EC
Does anyone have a clue what "future" means? 21st/LoR already?
Nouveau riche LTS member
Advanced 1 - Uncommon/Green EVA Suit
Advanced 2 - Uncommon/Green EVA Suit
Elite 1 - Uncommon/Green EVA Suit and Rare/Blue EVA suit
Elite 2 - Uncommon/Green EVA Suit and Rare Blue EVA suit
The advanced boxes I can kinda understand, but the elite boxes, gimme a friggin break, what a joke Nukara is, the rep is not even worth this TRIBBLE.
Keep calm, and continue firing photon torpedoes.