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Status UI for Hangar Craft and Carrier Commands for Combatant Space Pets

novapolaris#2925 novapolaris Member Posts: 836 Arc User
With how small most hangar craft tend to be, it can be hard to target each one that has been launched from a carrier to tell if they need to be healed or recalled. What I am proposing is a sub-section of the player status windows, which will display the active player's deployed hangar craft statuses if any have been launched. This will allow carrier captains to keep better track of the statuses of each of their hangar craft.

As for other types of combat-capable space pets, I am proposing the addition of the commands available to carriers so that players can control combatant space pets such as the ones spawned by abilities like Saucer Seperation and Multi-Vector Assault Mode. If the previous proposal makes it into the game, these ability pets should also get a similar status UI window (or windows). This would not be available for pets summoned by consumable items or from items such as the Nimbus Pirate Distress Call, but this is subject to change.
Post edited by novapolaris#2925 on


  • lordgyorlordgyor Member Posts: 2,820 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Interesting idea.
  • timezargtimezarg Member Posts: 1,268
    edited June 2013
    While we're at it, we could also try to work in an expansion to the carrier commands. As far as I can tell, they're still operating on the same 4-command setup. . .and I kinda felt that was frustrating. What it means is that you're taking a somewhat ham-fisted approach to pet control. It's either 'all pets are attacking a specific target', or 'all fighters defend a target' or 'all fighters intercept', or 'all fighters return'.

    If we could have options for 'squadron commands' (i.e., being able to command specific squadrons of fighters to perform specific tasks) rather than just 'all fighters following a single command', that would make carriers more attractive to me. I could never really get the hang of the way the commands work, especially since it meant sticking with a single-target focus when attacking (since the pets didn't seem to like switching targets that regularly).
    tIqIpqu' 'ej nom tIqIp
  • makburemakbure Member Posts: 422 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I think Carrier/Fighter mechanics need to be redesigned, the above OP suggested is a good, I don't understand why it wasn't implemented from the start. Hell, we can't get our fighters to redock with the ship....because they're not actually fighters, right? They're an ability?

    - All fighters need a small UI section to show shields/hull, at least this. I understand screen real estate has to be thought of, but we need this

    - Consider making fighters an on/off ability like the Odyssey's destroyer, new fighters redeploy automatically when one goes down, include appropriate CD's as necessary. When they are ON, they deploy like they do now, when they are OFF, they redock in a similar fashion that the Aquarius destroyer does, disappear and reappear behind the ship with a docking animation, this is cool.

    - Address AI commands that are buggy, i.e., Escort mode. Does this even work? Do we really need it? Can we replace it with something that's more creative in function like what timezarg suggested?

    - Losing all fighters to warp core explosion - fix this, I don't care how. This should not be accepted as 'working as intended'.

    - Consider combining the Flight Deck doff bonuses so they all do everything, i.e., reduce CD, increase accuracy and damage all in one Doff. Fighters are weak, this would not push them over to the OP area and all active duty slots on ALL ships are crucial when setting up.
  • linuxkn1ghtlinuxkn1ght Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Agreed, we need at least some kind of status on the hangar pets.
    Ability to have the squadrons replenish automatically would be nice.
    At least though some kind of status on the squads so we can determine if we need to send out a fresh wave...

    Currently, with carrier pets at least, it basically boils down to: spamming the deploy button during combat whenever it is available, until combat is over. With the way they behave now, with some going off into la-la land, many/most/all being destroyed by warp core breach of the enemy they are attacking, or just to replace ones that are lost in normal combat, there is no way to know. So just spam them until the battle is done. This is unrealistic and problematic.

    Now that we have some decent carrier options in this thing, on Fed and KDF, it is time to tighten up carrier combat... (Romulans don't have carrier warbirds do they? But they could use T4 Fed/KDF carrier... do those exist? Maybe we should petition for a carrier for Romulans.... anyway....)

    I fly these carriers:
    Vesta Science

    I would love to see some more polish on carrier combat.

    Thanks :)
  • talientalien Member Posts: 712 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Now that we have some decent carrier options in this thing, on Fed and KDF, it is time to tighten up carrier combat... (Romulans don't have carrier warbirds do they? But they could use T4 Fed/KDF carrier... do those exist? Maybe we should petition for a carrier for Romulans.... anyway....)

    There are no Romulan specific Carriers yet but they can use the lockbox Carriers, Recluse and JH Dreadnought.
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