I'm just playing through the campaign with a KDF alligned Rom for the first time, and I've got upto the mission "bigger picture"
When I played through with a Fed-Romulan, by this time, I could accept the exploration missions, so I could start building up some dilithium. My Available missions tab simply says "Nothing to Display"
Is this a bug? Surely we have access to the KDF side missions, don't we?
Could someone tell me if they've got anything showing there, or if there is a problem with my account?
Empire Defence is also not present. Admittedly, that's more troublesome since one of them is 'vs Romulans'. Still, it was a major reason I signed up with KDF. I am...concerned, since it basically means there is little for KDF Romulans to actually DO besides the story. It doesn't feel intentional.
I agree. I might carry on with my fed until this gets patched up. No dilithium missions is pretty big - Every character I play I try to earn 3-4k dil when I play.
I enjoy the story, but I don't just want to focus on that alone - the exploration dailies are a big absence.
Just found out that Loresinger Ch'toh doesn't want to sing any lore to me, so it seems dilithium is off the menu for Roms on Qo'noS...
Yes, I do believe that Romulans should be able to do exploration missions. At a minimum, Explore Arucanis, Hiromi, Khazan, and Afehirr clusters should be open to all Romulan characters, not just Fed aligned characters. The Romulan Flotilla should have a specific mission giver that hands out these missions. Yes, the Khazan and Afehirr clusters have Random Romulan and Reman enemy NPCs. It can be explained that they are either working for Sela, or the Tal Shiar.
KDF-Romulans also do not get the PVP Dailies that other KDF characters have access to. I'm thinking the situation is similar with Fed-aligned Romulans.
I'm a new player trying to decide between a Romulan and KDF character. Is it true that the Romulans have fewer missions to get dilithium? If so, that may help me decide which faction to pick.
I've done the 'Empire Defense: Kahless Expanse' mission a few times for drops and dilithium on my KDF character, and I have yet to find an equivalent on my Romulan. This has led to my KDF character being far more 'wealthy'.
I'm a new player trying to decide between a Romulan and KDF character. Is it true that the Romulans have fewer missions to get dilithium?
So far this is true for Rom/KDF vs KDF. The Rom/KDF characters are missing extra PvP missions and pseudo-PvP missions that gave rewards for killing Starfleet ships, dying on the ground, etc.
Still, I wouldn't worry about it too much. At 50, Romulans can easily make their 8K per day limit anyway.
_________________________________________________ [Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth] [Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk] [D'Mented][D'Licious]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING
I enjoy the story, but I don't just want to focus on that alone - the exploration dailies are a big absence.
Just found out that Loresinger Ch'toh doesn't want to sing any lore to me, so it seems dilithium is off the menu for Roms on Qo'noS...
I've done the 'Empire Defense: Kahless Expanse' mission a few times for drops and dilithium on my KDF character, and I have yet to find an equivalent on my Romulan. This has led to my KDF character being far more 'wealthy'.
So far this is true for Rom/KDF vs KDF. The Rom/KDF characters are missing extra PvP missions and pseudo-PvP missions that gave rewards for killing Starfleet ships, dying on the ground, etc.
Still, I wouldn't worry about it too much. At 50, Romulans can easily make their 8K per day limit anyway.
[Kluless][Kold][Steel Heels][Snagtooth]
[Louis Cipher][Outta Gum][Thysa Kymbo][Spanner][Frakk]
Joined October 2009. READ BEFORE POSTING