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Character Selection Screen active ship bug for KDF Faction

gethralkin1gethralkin1 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
edited June 2014 in Klingon Discussion
My Character Selection Screen for the Klingon faction displays one of my Klingon Bridge Officers floating above the KDF crew at the top of the screen where the Klingon ship should be.

Is anyone else looking at anything floating above their KDF crew that is not your primary starship when you go to your KDF faction character select screen?
Post edited by gethralkin1 on


  • gethralkin1gethralkin1 Member Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    By the way, I submitted this problem in a Support Ticket. Here is the "brilliant" support tech's useless response ("blah"s added to shorten useless information):
    Thank you for contacting us! We are aware there is a queue to log in at this time. We are working to get you in-game as soon as possible.

    If you are receiving an "Incorrect Account Name/Password" login error, please ensure that you are logging in with the correct [blah blah blah].

    If it appears that your characters are missing, don't panic! Please make sure that you are logging in to the correct account. If you [blah blah blah].

    Afterwards, please [blah blah blah]. Then, [blah blah blah].

    Of course, more information is available on the forums! Please check the forums for more information.

    Recent News can be found [blah blah blah].

    Thank you very much for your patience [blah blah blah].

    It is obvious that the support tech (I removed the name just in case it violates forum policy) sent this impersonal response because he wasn't bothering to read my ticket at all (isn't that the job of a support technician?), because NOWHERE did I mention "queue" on that ticket. Do you see "queue" anywhere in my complaint?:
    Character Screen for Klingon faction displays a Klingon Boff elevated where the ship should be.

    Additionally, this reply came with a message that if they don't hear from me again in 168 hours, they will consider my request resolved. A link for responding is provided, but only leads to a page with this message:
    The page isn't redirecting properly
    The server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

    So, I have no way to tell them that they need to actually read the ticket and quit trying to guess what it says without opening it.

    I know that there may have been many people flooding support with queue hate mail, but come on! My report was for a different issue, and the least a support tech can do is actually read the reported problem. Especially if he's going to reply to it!

    At the very least, the useless (to me, anyway) information "blahed" above could have been provided in the Auto-Response when the ticket is sent, and not as a tech response. Definitely NOT as a personal response that sounds more impersonal. Anyway, griping over. Hopefully, someone who cares if this gets fixed will see the thread and decide it's important enough to do so. KDF sure looks stupid with a Klingon floating above everyone's heads.
  • aeternaliaeternali Member Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    My Character Selection Screen for the Klingon faction displays one of my Klingon Bridge Officers floating above the KDF crew at the top of the screen where the Klingon ship should be.

    Is anyone else looking at anything floating above their KDF crew that is not your primary starship when you go to your KDF faction character select screen?

    I have this on a Federation captain. I have no idea how this would happen.

    Please see photo here. http://files.enjin.com.s3.amazonaws.com/33698/module_gallery/original/1267402.jpg
  • majesticmsfcmajesticmsfc Member Posts: 1,401 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    You might want to remove their response otherwise you'll get a warning, happen to others before. Seems PWE doesn't like it publicly seen that their support is really useless. In fact my time here I have only encountered one person in support that actually helped me solve an issue. All the others think I am some sort of new idiot who doesn't even know how to use the character skill (k) option.

    We must also remember they are relatively new to STO and the average gamer/player know heaps more than them, still I think Cryptic needs to go back and get their own support people as it is obvious that PWE support, the majority of them anyway have no clue about this game. They didn't even know about the veteran rewards until I dumped it down and posted links to the STO website pages to show them.
    Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
  • thequinbythequinby Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2014
    You might want to remove their response otherwise you'll get a warning,
    **** their warning. I've got the duplicated boff glitch and this one occurring at the same time. PWE can take their warning and go straight to hell. I've never received any adequate service from their support ever.
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