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The V'Vegidex build.

vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
edited June 2013 in PvP Gameplay
Ok, the name of the ship was not mine. MT coined the name, but the build is designed as a "Blockade Breaker" explicitly for Ker'rat.

First and foremost it is a Fleet D'Dex with lots of Toys. Why would I use P2W? Cuz it has real use now, like before they nerfed Klinks, again, and again.

The build,

Fore Weapons, 3x Nanite Disruptor Beam arrays, 1 Torpedo of Choice.
Aft Weapons, 3x Nanite Diruptor Beam arrays, 1 Tractor Beam Mine. (The TB mine replaces the usefulness of EWP for tail hugging escorts, also quite good to spam for cloaked Fedulans)

The Captain,

Tac... Can be noobish. I am :D

The Gear,

Shield Aegis (or Fleet)
Engine Aegis (or your choice with Fleet Shield)
Deflector Aegis (or Omega with Fleet Shield, for the Acc bonus)
Sing Core XI rare with hopefully the Proc to disable with Plasma Shockwave. (It is very handy)

The devices,

Aux batts, Red Matter (not needed), Phase Modulator (great for added Defence)

The Consoles,

Engie: 1 Projected Singularity Console (Note 1), 3x Neutros
Sci: 1 Quantum Inversion (The one that makes rapid Heals and reason I run weapon power.), 1 Phase Inverter, 1 Plasmonic Leech
Tac: 3x Mk XI rare or better Disruptor Consoles

The Boffs,

Ensign Uni: EPTS1
Ensign Tac: FaW1
LtCmdr Tac: TT1, APB1, APO1
LtCmdr Sci: Haz1, Haz2, TSS3
Cmdr Engie: EPTW1, Aux2Bat1, Aux2Bat2, DEM3

The Doffs,

2x Purple Shield Distribution, 3x Purple Technicians

The Strategy,

This ship has a variety of purposes to help break Ker'rat spawn camps, you will die every once in a while, but it should take quite a bit to kill you. First you should cycle the Aux to Batts when in general combat. For escorts, if you find yourself under an escorts pew run a traditional Aux to Batt cycle and use your Phase Inverter to brush off the Alpha/Find your target/CD if needed. This will get most Escorts or BOPs in a very bad way fast, if they don't Cloak and or Run, you get an easy kill mixing Aux Batts with Pew/DEM. Now for more hax, when fighting a sustained DPS heavy Escort, like a bug, it's more or less trial and error there, but to be honest your in a D'Dex so you have a few seconds to find out befor your hurting too much. I prefer to spam DEM and hope for a lack of hull heals. Hopefully this helps break some Camps, it was designed to do so, but is increadably effective against PVE and general PVP.

Note 1,

This console is hilarious, I like to save it for spaming at spawn, it stirs up the campers like a hornets nest as they are dragged litterally kicking and screaming 8k away just to be impacted by the explosion to follow. If it crits, a few of the weakened ones from FaW will die for added lols. If nothing less it gets you and a few others out of the camp, since getting out of weapons range of the pack is only 2k back rather then 10k+.

Have fun, :D
Post edited by vegie0 on


  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Sub Nuced Tactics D:

    If you find yourself sub nuced, you can still survive and pew for almost a min, befor your cycle is so disturbed that you must cloak or retreat. However that greatly depends on what is going on around you.

    Say for instance you are fighting a Tac Escort and he is Pewing away and you notice a Sci has stumbled upon your fight and given you the gift of SNB... It's at this time that you need to either withdraw by hitting your Phase Inverter then cloaking while Evasive to GTFO.
    Or if your not hurt, which you really shouldn't be unless it is some god like dmg raining on you. Then resume your cycle and keep your facing balanced or moving around, don't let then have just one side of your ship then.

    If you had to withdraw, there is no shame in it, you have a battle cloak for a reason. Use it!
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    D'Dex Ganking

    How can you do this? Well this is taking some trian and error, but running a ton of power to Weapons in this case does help, that and DEM for sure. I like to throw out an EPTW, DEM, TT1, APA, and watch atleast 1 shield drop and even when it goes up, hull keeps going down. You can gank if you spike really hard, and GDF can even kill in seconds, but thats more subjective.
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Arena/Even Odds tactics

    Lets get real here, not everybody confines themselves to Ker'rat like I do. So can the V'Vegidex hold it's own in an Arena situation. Yes, while not as team oriented as other builds, the D'Dex can tank and add DPS like the best of Cruisers. It also benefits from great deception, the Singularity Core being one of those assets. Like using your Singularity Jump to escape an enemy's Gwell and Make one of your own! (This is Hax of the worst kind, and makes Sci Gwell spammers Rage!!!) Primarily I find that the D'Dex tactical withdraw and reposition to be of the greatest use in Arena, but the fact that you can tank a LOT of pew while your Inverter is active is extremely useful at that same time.

    First and foremost if you and your team are out gunned by the opposing force, let your ship be the focus of enemy attention. You are designed to tank and fire back, fill your role. This provides your team with valuable time to Pew on the weakest member of the opposing team thus securing a kill. This also is enhanced by your ability to use the Phase Inverter to make yourself an irrisistable target, since they will see you sometimes with no shields, and low hull. You survive, they waste alphas. :D

    These tactics are only the ones I have discovered for myself, I am sure there is others. But I refuse to let a ship such as the D'Dex go to waste.

    I don't always fly a cruiser, but when I do. I fly a D'Dex. Stay Blood Thisty my friends. :D
  • stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A few of things stand out immediately.

    1) With an Aux2Batt setup you only need one copy of Tac Team. Get rid of TT3 and replace it with APO1. Personally I'd drop Delta, too, and replace it with HYT for some burst hull damage.

    2) Aux2SIF with an Aux2Batt build isn't worth it. Having to pop a battery to heal yourself every few minutes for less than half of your health is not a good investment; you're better off using HE2 with those Aux batteries as it's a decent heal still with really low aux, and lets you use DEM 3 or RSP 3 in that commander ENgi slot.

    3) FBP won't do much with no Aux. Switch this out for something like VM1, Tractor Beam 3 or perhaps TSS3. If you switch to TSS 3, grab Sci team 1 to deal with subnukes.

    4) For an Aux2Batt build you absolutely need at least one purple and two blue technician doffs. Without them, your cooldowns will not be at or near their globals. Three purples is better, but bare minimum is one purple and two blues. Get them from the B'tran Cluster colonial chain and its repeatable.

    Seems like you're surviving on the strength of those consoles to me. It's not a *bad* idea, it just isn't optimal and will probably end up not working against more experienced, better-geared PvPers.
  • dalolorndalolorn Member Posts: 3,655 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    D'Dex Ganking

    How can you do this? Simple, your cloak is very valuable in doing tactical withdraws, simply cloak when you are the main target of your enemy, use EPTW then decloak with TT3 and profit from your opponents now greatly weakened shields and heavy frustration as the D'Dex does move some serious distance while cloaked. Not a joke, you can circle some escorts while you are cloaked.

    This is quite possibly the most valuable combat asset of the D'Dex, it tanks very well, and can position its self in a battle wherever it likes. Then if that position is compromised by heavy fire or now the subject of dispute (the enemy is very active in that area). Then you can reposition with some serious reliability.

    Not seeing this often enough to be honest, but tactics are revealed as they are discovered I suppose.

    My T'Varo's Charged Particle Burst disagrees. :cool:

    It's so funny, watching Romulans cloaking left and right when a few of my more competent allies show up during a Ker'rat battle - it makes the difference between "annoying torpedo boat" and "valuable asset", right there.

    Infinite possibilities have implications that could not be completely understood if you turned this entire universe into a giant supercomputer.p3OEBPD6HU3QI.jpg
  • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Or you could, ya' know, stop running Aux2Hax 3 Technician exploit and learn to fight like an honest player.
  • stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dsaris wrote: »
    Or you could, ya' know, stop running Aux2Hax 3 Technician exploit and learn to fight like an honest player.

    Since when is A2B an exploit? Both the ability and doffs are working as intended. You're just mad that cruisers aren't worthless anymore.
  • dsarisdsaris Member Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    A2B w/ 3 Technicians was an exploit the moment it was discovered. An ability that, when activated, not only jacks up your weapon/shield/engine power but ALSO reduces ALL your BOFF cooldowns to minimum? You're serious... right? Run 2 A2B, one of everything else, bind the whole thing to spacebar, slap on 8 beams and walk all over people.

    I set it up on one of my toons... and while incredibly effective it is also incredibly BORING, requiring no skill at all on the player's part. A monkey can be trained to slap spacebar every few seconds.

    When you roll into Kerrat and 3 out of 5 ships are using minor variations of the same build, it is obviously a broken mechanic that further unbalances an already unbalanced system.

    Remember when PvP actually took knowledge and skill and wasn't about seeking out the latest OP thing and running it until it got nerfed?

    And, for the record, cruisers were never worthless... people were being torn up by Galaxy Dreadnoughts long long ago. It just took *gasp* knowledge and skill to run a good build.
  • kkthx88kkthx88 Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    If anyone can make the V'Vegidex its you Veggie :D

    But seriously, I think with the current capability of the game it is in fact possible to make a D'Deridex vape build or at least a very spiky one.

    Can it equip Dual (Heavy) Cannons? Not such a problem if it cant though.

    Take your BoP as a template, a bit of tweaks and voila :D

    Im having tons of fun in the OP'Varo lol its such a sweet ship to vape with, raw deeps!!!!
    The torp critted on myself for 60K earlier tho its quite a uncontrollable torp and so slow. Got up to 125K Crits so far in PvE.
    dsaris wrote: »
    Or you could, ya' know, stop running Aux2Hax 3 Technician exploit and learn to fight like an honest player.

    Heh fun, so you can neither afford footpedals nor technician doffs huh? Seems you know nothing of balance. It gives alot but at the same time it can make a whole set of options less reliable and useless. On top of that the investement requires 3 doff spots and 1/2 abilities to make it even remotely worthwhile.
  • stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    People were using spacebar keybinds long before A2B builds. In fact, if you're not using one you're most likely not as efficient as you could be.

    A2B is hardly an instant win button. It heavily restricts your aux options, making your control and healing negligible. Moreover it requires sacrificing two Lt Engi slots (or a Lt andlt com for a D'deri), as well as three doff slots.

    @kk yeah it can equip DHCs, but personally i've found singles more effective as even with full RCS consoles its a pain to line up shots.
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I run a similar aux2bat build, but use DHC , 3 plasma infused particle generator consoles, DEM3, TBR2, and BO1 with a DBB to use that other ensign tac slot.

    The TBR2 works great with drained aux and still gives a slight push into your singularity projectile while not pushing them faster then you can keep up, so adds to your damage by a decent amount with max particle gens and 3 consoles, and the singularity hits a lot harder too, I have gotten 30k+ crits with it before.

    sometimes I put isometric charge on it also, this is pretty funny to use in along with the repulsors and singularity projectile for a combined massive decloaking particle generator attack, but I have no room for armor if I use it so don't always use it.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • johnbloomfield1johnbloomfield1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    Bad stuff

    Literally the worst build I've ever seen. Have fun with it.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Fought you in Ker'rat the other day, Vegie. Not even looking at your build, you were doing pretty well. I tried not to use EPtA after the first try, and it was promising.

    Your damage output is okay, but survival is great. Looking forward to a rematch, hopefully without the large fleets! :)
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    dsaris wrote: »
    A monkey can be trained to slap spacebar every few seconds.

    How are you redistributing your shields?

    Separate keybinds for each facing? WASD'ing it?

    Clicking them?
  • virusdancervirusdancer Member Posts: 18,687 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Fought you in Ker'rat the other day, Vegie. Not even looking at your build, you were doing pretty well. I tried not to use EPtA after the first try, and it was promising.

    Your damage output is okay, but survival is great. Looking forward to a rematch, hopefully without the large fleets! :)

    Heh, I think I've been to Ker'rat 2-3 times since LoR. Each time, I've seen Vegie in there getting camped. If they haven't mined/poo'd/well'd/etc the spawn, he manages to get out of there while others pop...
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    Cuz it has real use now, like before they nerfed Klinks, again, and again.

    Sounds like a fun build. fixed it for you.

    Why not this?

    Ensign Uni: EPTS1
    Ensign Tac: FaW 1
    LtCmdr Tac: TT1, Faw2, ApO1
    LtCmdr Sci: Haz1, TSS2, ST3
    Cmdr Engie: EPTW1, Aux2D1, Aux2Bat2, Dem3

    or just keep the twin A2B's. Add the demlike passives and such and it could be naster maybe?
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    And I am back.

    Ok lessons learned, even a tanked out D'dex can get slaughtered when 5+ engies start a train on you. But other things I did pick up is that yes Purple Doffs seems very much needed. They reduced it down to a managable cycle. As for other things, I learned that Pumping a ton of power into Weapons doesn't actually solve all my problems. I can get much better and more reliable tanking if I spec and power distribute over a broad number of systems. Not only does this work way better for tanking. But I still have 100% up time for my power levels being 100 or greater. Also, the build has changed somewhat and I plan to throw DEM 3 on soon, I also invested in 2 Purple Shield Disribution Doffs.

    Now for how to break heavy camps... You need helps...
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Now for some of the other things,

    I run more then one TT to help mitigate a SNB, I prefer to cloak as soon as possible and 1 TT is usally the difference for me. But I am more of a BOP pilot then anything else, so there is a bit of a learning curve for me.

    To touch on the anybody can do it, yes I do agree, but where I place my ship and when I spike my DPS with APA is quite different then when you might. So no its not too OP, since I could be running EPTS3, RSP and get similar results.

    Now for the "Worst build ever"... Ok... Don't use it? Dunno if feeding the trolls is productive here...

    And as for alternate setups. I am planing on ditching the FBP soon too, I do think that I don't hold enough DPS with it to make it useful, so I might go with Haz3,Pol3,TSS3,PSW1... the list goes on, but it's a build in progress and I plan to keep working on it until I make it fun and reliable for breaking camps.

    Thank You to everybody that offered assitance, and to those who hate the build... Deal with it :D
  • stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    Now for some of the other things,

    I run more then one TT to help mitigate a SNB, I prefer to cloak as soon as possible and 1 TT is usally the difference for me. But I am more of a BOP pilot then anything else, so there is a bit of a learning curve for me.

    Don't run two TTs to mitigate an SNB, run a Sci Team 1 and remove it completely. You're wasting a LtCom tac slot by using TT3, which is just not acceptable. The Ltcom tactical slot on a D'deridex is easily the most valuable slot and you absolutely do not want to let it go to waste.
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Don't run two TTs to mitigate an SNB, run a Sci Team 1 and remove it completely. You're wasting a LtCom tac slot by using TT3, which is just not acceptable. The Ltcom tactical slot on a D'deridex is easily the most valuable slot and you absolutely do not want to let it go to waste.

    I have hence changed things quite a bit please do feel free to read over. Now I am kinda curious why the way you worded that was to sound... arrogant. But whatever, the strategy changes and so does the build with things I find to be more effective and reliable.
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Now for an update,

    The V'Vegidex has evolved several times, from rocking Aux2SIF3, to now using DEM3, among other heavy changes.

    The ship has started to really shape up into a DPS heavy cruiser. Do I think it is all it can be? No, I seem to be failing the ship more then the ship failing me. For instance I often find myself forgeting to cycle Aux2Bat and thus ruining a lot of DPS I could get from having various abilites on CD. Also it does seem to get squishy when 6+ get on you. But 2 good escorts can take it down like lions dragging a gazelle down. Also for one posotive outcome it is soooo BIG that the opposing team in arena seems to target it out of instinct. Also it does do quite well at breaking camps, as it can hit as hard as some escort builds.

    Timing is everything, and as I get better I look forward to a future with a D'Dex seeing something other then a Starship graveyard... I already parked my Gal X there :(
  • devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited June 2013
    Is it possible to fly a DD without the use of aux2bat and remain as tanky and pewy?

    Or are cruisers doomed to rely on aux2bat or wither away?
    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

    PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
  • aveimperatoraveimperator Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    It certainly seems that the fate of cruisers is Aux2Batt or GTFO :(
  • devorasxdevorasx Member Posts: 693
    edited June 2013
    It certainly seems that the fate of cruisers is Aux2Batt or GTFO :(

    Sad, i was hoping for something else exciting.
    Co-founder of The Spanish Inquisition TSI - Cause no one expects it!

    PaxOttomana: gawd mirror event is like fighting a tsi premade, they keep comin and comin!
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    As far as running something other than Aux2Bat, you can easily switch out to the following Boff setup and get similar results with heavy Pew.

    Ensign Uni: Haz1
    Ensign Tac: TT1
    Ltcmdr Sci: PolHull1, Haz 2, TSS3
    Ltcmdr Tac: TT1, APB1, APO1
    Cmdr Engie: EPTS1, RSP1, EPTS3, Aux2SIF3

    Not as much pew or tank, but it is certainly not worth ignoring either. It is what I ran for a while befor Aux2Hax. Now do try to look at it from the other perspective, you don't see any heavy pew escorts running all beams anymore. It is just not that effective.
  • stealthriderstealthrider Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    vegie0 wrote: »
    I have hence changed things quite a bit please do feel free to read over. Now I am kinda curious why the way you worded that was to sound... arrogant. But whatever, the strategy changes and so does the build with things I find to be more effective and reliable.

    If I came off as arrogant I apologize, I was just trying to illustrate a point. Your build isn't bad; in fact it's very similar to the one I use, except I prefer single cannons/turrets and VM1 in my sci slot, and HYT instead of APB. Just trying to be helpful in keeping one of my favorite Trek ships competitive.
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Hey no big deal with all the trolling that occurs in PvP in general its hard to tell when serious comments are out there. TBH the thread had kinda lost traction as I currently need better Mk XII purples to really take the build farther, that and end game gear.

    But no harm, just saw unacceptable and freaked. Probly my bad, but the build is shaping up. With End Game it could be quite difficult to kill.
  • cmdrparthoscmdrparthos Member Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Might I suggest using Attack Pattern Delta 1 in place of the APB1? extra hull resists for when they are burning thru your full shields :D
    The Parthos And Bunny Show
    Imperial House Of Pancakes
  • vegie0vegie0 Member Posts: 480 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I tried the APD method, but to be honest, it was almost counter to the point of the ship. Which is it made it rely on enemy fire in order to maximize its own DPS. While cycling APB and APO seemed the better option as the ship is constantly moving and throwing the opponent into a frenzy having to heal themselves.

    It may be more effective at tanking, but in a larger scale scenario, I prefer to use APB and FAW for added Pew. Since when an escort is in no danger from you, they just sit behind you and pew pew pew until you die eventually.
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