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Do I need to make a New Character?

crashhubble17crashhubble17 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
edited June 2013 in The Academy
I started Playing STO when it first came out (Preorder special edition and whatnot). I was moving into STO from WoW, like a lot of people, and used WoW to help me pick my character. In WoW, I played an elemental Shaman and loved it. I liked the DPS role and, well, totems. When I started my chartacter, I looked at all of the options and Fabriaction Engineer seemed the most like a Shaman from WoW because, well, totems...turrets, yeah. I played for about a year, got up to captain, and then took a long hiatus from the game. I would play on and off, but the frequent chjanges made it hard to get back into it. I want to start really playing again, so I started learning more about roles and careers. I have learned that Engineers are supposed to be more in the tank role than dps, which seemed right since I never felt like I was doing a lot of damage in my ship. Naturally I am disappointed. After scouring the forums for hours I have finally decided just to post something so I can get a strait answer. The question being, can I turn my Engineer into a good DPS, or do I have to start fresh with a Tactical toon? I am not against creating a new character, especially since, with all the changes that have been made since the game came out, it would help me to learn the game again, but I do enjoy turrests and my Galaxy Class ship. If you say that an Engineer can be a good dps, please provide details and not just say "Yes". Any advice on builds, I.E. most effective weapon types (Phasers, plasma, etc.) and shileds and such would also be helpful. Thanks. Redirection to threads sites that address some of these issues are also welcome. Knowledge is power, after all.
Post edited by crashhubble17 on


  • oracion666oracion666 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yesh. You sure know how to poke a sore spot on these forums, dontcha? First off, the question is are you sticking with PvE, or moving into Pvp? Either one will warrant many different answers to your question, so clarify that if you could.
    Engies 'can' be speced out for decent dps, but unless you fly an escort, it's not going to be groundbreaking. And the Galaxy? Hate to break it to you, but that is one of, if not the, worst tanking ship to try and squeeze dps out of. Its layout is nothing to speak of, and its turn rate is atrocious, though you can increase it by a few points. If you are looking for a cruiser that has teeth to it though, I suggest the Exelsior. That thing is a monster when done right.
    If you are looking for pure dps though, create a new toon and go Tac flying an escort. You get all the goodies that come with it, such a APA, plus you get ships that can use DHCs to their full effect and make things go boom.
    Formerly known as Echo@Rivyn13
    Member since early 2011

  • natewest1natewest1 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Yes, DHCs are great, dont know why anyone would use anything else. My main toon in a tac in an escort. I have an engie in a cruiser that I use from time to time. Its hard to get used to using a cruiser after zooming around in an escort. Trust me, once you start using your escort, your cruiser will start to feel too slow, sluggish and not nearly as damaging.
  • branericbraneric Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Another option that involves creating a new toon is to create a Romulan. All warbirds can load DHCs, even the cruiser-like ships such as the D'Deridex, and the ability to cloak mid-battle lets you set up attack runs even with a slow turn rate.
  • natewest1natewest1 Member Posts: 99 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    but beware, the D'Deridex has a pretty bad turn rate, it will require loads of tactical thinking, hit then cloak and set up for another attack. I tried using it the same way I was using all my other Rom ships and swirled into a brand new level of frustration.
  • dongemaharudongemaharu Member Posts: 544 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I was leveling a new tac character recently and used the Mirror Assault Cruiser which has a turn rate of 7, but with a newly acquired Helmsman trait and an RCS Accelerator, that thing turns amazingly. I'm really curious to try it out on the Galaxy X.
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