I d like to hear some opinions cause I'm not sure witch path to choose for my escort. I'm going after the Mk XI full MACO set but ...now that Borgs got turbos (:rolleyes:) and more power what do you think would work better on an escort, (in the survivability part),
the more shield more defence like MACO set and shield cap increase consoles or
the more regeneration more speed/maneuver like Borg set and shield regeneration aligned consoles?
(Stick in the middle and fire anything that passes through (like cruisers tanking) or
chase them around? (that seems to me that reduces the overall damage you deal..?))
-Each set has good or bad things when it comes to escorts-
Till now stopping or moving slowly in front of the target till it blows worked fine in most targets big or small, but now half of the targets are running all over...:P
Extra question: is Heavy Graviton Beam you get from full MACO any good for escorts? The damage seems nice for big targets but dont know about the repel thing....wouldn't drive the target away from your firing range?
While I haven't used the Heavy Graviton beam recently how much Aux power do you have because that effects it's Damage and last time I tried it did less damage than a single photon torpedo (With max Aux power) and it's on a 3 minute cooldown.
I believe the consensus is it is still not worth it.
I was once DKnight1000, apparently I had taken my own name so now I'm DKnight0001. If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why. When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
50/25 aux at the moment.
if I choose the full MACO I'll have it so I'll use it for as many damage it provides, but my biggest concern is the repel and if it could make damage instead of good
yes sjokruhlica thats how I thought it my self , just wondering if the other one would help with the new changes.
Havent tried either.
on the other hand I could use only the 2 pieces set get the first bonus and the increased defense from shield and deflector and use the borg engine for speed ...manouvers seem to be the same, but dont know if would worth it...
Me personally,outside of the JHAS,most of my ships use the Adapted MACO Eng/Shield and standard MACO deflector,as this gives the best bonus for surviving(deflector/shields) and ive found the engines to be the best across the board Combat impulse engines(even better than Elite fleet ones).
personally i'd go with the middle ground:
Take the Borg Deflector & Engines for the 2 part set bonus (Hull heal proc) and the best M.A.C.O. shield you can get for the shield resistances and low bleedthrough.
This has the added bonus of giving you the highest sector travel speed and you won't break any set when you upgrade the shield to MK XII at Tier 5 (or decide to give the adapted MACO a try).
I'l chip in. I use the Maco XI/XII set depending on the ship.
The graviton pulse doesn't get used much by me. Like tractor repulsors you have to know when to use it for its knock back. And at 50/25 aux its only a knock back of 2-3km. But that can be enough for when you are dealing with say siege dreadnoughts on Star Base Defense. Or probes on Infected if things go south.
Cheers from Antonio Valerio Cortez III, Half-Celestial Archduke of the Free Marches Confederacy.
I haven't used a set on my Defiant Retrofit and Fleet Defiant since I replaced my MACO shield with an Elite Fleet shields. And that was just a 2-set MACO before that.
Prior to fleet gear, I used to run 2-set MACO and Omega engines.
Now, I use Elite Resilient Shields, Advanced Hyper-Impulse engines, and Advanced Positron Deflector Dish.
I prefer the KHG/Adapted MACO set for escorts. Capacity is king.
On an escort, damage resist and low bleedthrough are king because of your low hull strength. That's why Resilient is generally the choice (like the MACO shield). Capacity matters more on a ship with a big shield modifier and lots of healing (sci, cruisers). Still, KHG is a good choice on escorts as well because of the placate proc. Annoying as all hell in PvP too.
First off, I am assuming that this is PVE for this recommendation. I am running 2 Adapted MACO (Shield and Deflector) and the 1 Romulan engine all level XII in a Kumari Tac with my tacs. The adapted MACO gives you a boost to Kinetic Damage. (I.E. Torps and Cutting Beam) So your torpedoes get a boost and you can hit like a Klingon as a fed. The Romulan engine gives you a boost to attack patterns so your alpha strike is now 15%! more powerful. My Kling is running the KHG Set XII (Shield and Deflector) and Romulan engine XII in a garamba.
yes its a PvE build..
never thought of the romulan parts. I'll check them out to see what they give.
I thought they were better for romulan ships with all that stelth stats + plasma buffs
To get the adapted MACO I think I must take the "simple"MACO first. Dont have that much marks or dil...
Gah acronym hell, good advice if you understand it. answering people in elite terminoligy leaves more questions..... lets go basics for setups. Tacs have flimsy sheilds and hull what individual console and shield to use together to mitigate that on a freebie escort at level 45-50? What equipment to then replace those drop parts to reputation parts?
Every thread on this forum to help new players is like a veteran talking to a veteran. It does not help new players when they spend an hour decyphering acronyms that could read as bloodlike bungalow carpenter sparrow pooh. or uber elite thingamajig I just got lost on. Want to help new players? speak the same language as them and not acronyms specific to the game and sometime to fleet.
Good day.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
I believe the consensus is it is still not worth it.
If I ask you a question it is not an insult but a genuine attempt to understand why.
When I insult you I won't be discreet about it, I will be precise and to the point stupid.
if I choose the full MACO I'll have it so I'll use it for as many damage it provides, but my biggest concern is the repel and if it could make damage instead of good
yes sjokruhlica thats how I thought it my self
Havent tried either.
on the other hand I could use only the 2 pieces set get the first bonus and the increased defense from shield and deflector and use the borg engine for speed ...manouvers seem to be the same, but dont know if would worth it...
I need some more days, these 20h projects are killing me!
Take the Borg Deflector & Engines for the 2 part set bonus (Hull heal proc) and the best M.A.C.O. shield you can get for the shield resistances and low bleedthrough.
This has the added bonus of giving you the highest sector travel speed and you won't break any set when you upgrade the shield to MK XII at Tier 5 (or decide to give the adapted MACO a try).
The graviton pulse doesn't get used much by me. Like tractor repulsors you have to know when to use it for its knock back. And at 50/25 aux its only a knock back of 2-3km. But that can be enough for when you are dealing with say siege dreadnoughts on Star Base Defense. Or probes on Infected if things go south.
Prior to fleet gear, I used to run 2-set MACO and Omega engines.
Now, I use Elite Resilient Shields, Advanced Hyper-Impulse engines, and Advanced Positron Deflector Dish.
On an escort, damage resist and low bleedthrough are king because of your low hull strength. That's why Resilient is generally the choice (like the MACO shield). Capacity matters more on a ship with a big shield modifier and lots of healing (sci, cruisers). Still, KHG is a good choice on escorts as well because of the placate proc. Annoying as all hell in PvP too.
never thought of the romulan parts. I'll check them out to see what they give.
I thought they were better for romulan ships with all that stelth stats + plasma buffs
To get the adapted MACO I think I must take the "simple"MACO first. Dont have that much marks or dil...
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Every thread on this forum to help new players is like a veteran talking to a veteran. It does not help new players when they spend an hour decyphering acronyms that could read as bloodlike bungalow carpenter sparrow pooh. or uber elite thingamajig I just got lost on. Want to help new players? speak the same language as them and not acronyms specific to the game and sometime to fleet.
Good day.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek: