With Season 6 going live and all of the new content to the game. Peoplew are looking for a means to join in and help. Well Pax Infinitus has a place for you. We are a very active fleet involved in all aspects of the game form the tried and true PVP to the newest Fleet missions.
Pax Infinitus works very hard to make the game as fun for all of our members as possible.
We keep drama to a minimum and we compleatly understand R/L family conserns. Pax Infinitus is a division of Pax Gaming. Pax Gaming is a large community of like minded people that have banded together to enjoy and offer support to eatchother in a wide assortment of games. Please feel free to check us out at
I am available to answer any questions here on the forums, in game or through the pax web site.
Fleet Admiral
Pax Infinitus
My name is Elina and I am the Recruitment Coordinator for Pax Infinitus.
Now that Season 7 has gone live, we wanted to put it out there that Pax Infinitus is still recruiting.
Feel free to check out the community website at www.paxgaming.com
I am available to answer questions through the Pax site or in-game. My @handle is @woodsgirl3353.
I look forward to seeing potential new recruits.
Recruitment Coordinator
Pax Infinitus
What is the Pax Gaming Community?
Pax Gaming is a collection of community minded members committed to enjoying games of all sorts together. The community has been around since 2001, and has been experiencing games together ever since. We are a community first, and a game aspect later. This means that we fully support all playstyles including PVE, PVP, and RP. Our interests are not focused on a single game, but includes many MMO's as well as tabletop, shooters, and more. Who a recruit is as a person weighs more heavily than any other consideration. We are a group of friends, family, and like minded geeks. Many of our members have met up in the world, and at conventions you can expect to see a table or two with Paxians. While our numbers steadily grow over the years, the quality of our family remains our single largest benefit.
Pax hosts our own server for teamspeak as well as our forums. We have an organized charter that outlines a very simple yet definitive set of rules to maintain the level of community we wish to provide. While we strongly encourage participation in roleplay, no single element of a game is enforced. Our concern is for our members to enjoy gaming together. That being said every division of Pax Gaming has origin stories, roleplay officers, and event planners. We also promote and support officers in charge of pve and pvp content as well.
In the end our name best describes who and what we are. Pax is a community, above everything else. It is a common phrase for us to state that we recruit the player, not the "toon".
Is Pax Gaming Recruiting for Pathfinder Online?
Pax Gaming currently has no forum support of a Pathfinder division. The community is extremely excited about a fantasy sandbox hybrid, and has been actively involved in the process from the Kickstarter to now. We encourage anyone interested in our community to check us out. We play plenty of games together, including dice oriented games on our voicechat servers. In time as this game moves from the demo phases to production and alpha, we will be formatting specific forums on our main site to support Pax members that are interested in this game.
Why join Pax Gaming?
Many Pax Gaming members call Pax their second family. We cherish the members we have developed over the years and our cohesion quickly becomes apparent whenever we begin approaching content. Our drive is cemented in an environment where members can explore progression, role-play, and player versus player gaming competitively. Time and time again the Gaming Community has been able to achieve these goals while maintaining a community first mindset. A game is played to have fun, and this family provides opportunities for varying playstyles to flourish.
Pax Gaming has been around since 2001. Since that date we have had successful guilds in many MMO's, Pax Gaming has never disbanded, and never has been without at least one MMO our members have been playing. We will stay in an MMO as long as it's members are there, we will not shut down a division just to move to another MMO. If you are looking for a guild that isn't just a rest stop to another goal, this is the home for you. If you like mature members that are socially active outside of raid nights, this is your guild. If you think achieving content progression does not require yelling and degradation, look no further.
This will NOT be a guild that folds. Our SWG Chapter of Pax Imperius stayed active and going strong since the servers first opened. We remained active through the games turbulent history. Pax remained there until the game itself was shut down. Over the last eleven years Pax has remained strong and active.
Pax has always looked at each members contributions to their division and community fairly. A member advances through effort and not through a veteran system. We have leaders and officers that have been with Pax Gaming anywhere from a couple of weeks, to eleven years.
We have opportunities to move up in rank, even by newer members. We have a history of giving dedicated members a chance at being in a leadership position if they show the dedication and drive, no matter how long they have been a member of Pax. We are not a guild who shows favoritism to our ?veteran members?.
Pax Gaming always recruits the individual. We're always looking for those who will fit well within our family. This means we are never looking for your chosen playstyle, "level", or gear. We are interested in growing our collection of high quality members. We are here to recruit you, not your "toon".
Above all Pax is a family and you will form friendships within our guild. Many of us have become RL friends, traveling to meet up with each other when we can and one of our members even hosts a New Years Eve party where all Pax members are invited.
All Play Styles
We support all play styles. Role-Play, Raiding, PVP, Crafting, you name it, all of our divisions support it. We have been doing it since the launch of Star Wars Galaxies we know what works and doesn't when it comes to all encompassing
Our members have years of experience in RP, PvP and PvE in a variety of games. Many of our members are held in respect on their respective servers. Pax members are always willing to give advice and a hand if you need it.
More than a Single Game
Pax Gaming is eleven years strong with hundreds of members spread through different gaming divisions:
Pax Imperius : Sith Faction - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Pax Dominus : Republic Faction - Star Wars: The Old Republic
Pax Infinitus : Star Trek Online
Pax Emunio : Eve Online
Pax Illuminatus : Rift
Pax Thalion : Lord of the Rings Online
Pax Praesidium : Guild Wars 2
Pax Concordia : PlanetSide 2 (Planning stages)
Pax Agnitio : The Secret World
Dead Prezidents : A casual first person shooter clan for Pax Gaming members
Pen and Paper : Pax has games running on our Teamspeak server and on virtual tables in Shadowrun, Pathfinder, Dnd, Dark Heresy, and hybrid or home made rulesets. New games are created and led all the time, with varying times and days as well as systems.
What is this Charter You Speak Of?
Our Charter is a ?living document? that out lines our guild structure, Chain of Command, Rules of Engagement, Codes of Conduct and general guild rules. You may view our charter here
How do I join?
We are currently not ready to begin recruitment for Pathfinder Online. If you are interested in our community, however, we suggest you drop on by. We will be fully supporting a Company for this game in the future, and if you currently play any of the games we have established divisions in, you might find us a good fit. Once a Pax Member has been accepted, they are free to join any game we are playing without further applications. This means that while we are not recruiting for this specific game, your application to another game we play means you can be a member of our Pathfinder Online division in the future.
First you will need to go www.paxgaming.com to register with the Pax Community.
Our application process is a two week application period, during this two week period you will interact with Pax Gaming members and make sure you are a good fit for our guild. This two week period is also here to help you determine if our guild is a good fit for you.
Full instructions on joining Pax Gaming can be located here
With Season 7 in full swing. I wanted to take a chance to give yall some info on what we are up to. Pax Infinitus is a division of the Pax Gaming Community and as such we are very active in supporting the player. We strive to keep an open drama free environment. We are open to all play styles, and we welcome everyone from the casual to hard core player. The Pax Gaming Community has stood the test of time as we have been going strong for over 12 years. We have active divisions across several games to include but not limited to Star Trek Online, Star Wars the Old Republic, Rift, Eve online, Planet Side 2, and Guild Wars 2. We also have a very strong division that play traditional table top games such as D&D. We are always looking to the future of gamming and are constantly improving the community to meet the new gamming environment. Please feel free to check us out at http://www.paxgaming.com for further information.
Pax Infinitus is now actively in the stages of setting up a server wide community event. We are planing to run the new 20 man events in game in both role play set up to a run and gun grinding set up. We are very excited about this project, and hope to see lots of our fellow STO players join us for the event. We are looking to start this event during the month of January and hope to be able to continue them throughout the year.
As always we are continuing to build our star base for not only our Federation fleet but or KDF fleet as well. For this reason we have been running several fleet mark event runs throughout the week, and we always are open to more players.
Pax Infinitus is always looking for new membership. We are open to all play styles from the casual to hard core gamer. We are extremely supportive for all members of the Fleet and continue to offer new and exciting ways to enjoy the game. As a member of Pax Infinitus you will be a member in good standing with the Pax Gamming Community, and as such it will allow you to take advantage of everything the Pax Community has to offer. Please feel free go and look at http://www.paxgaming.com and see what the Pax Community has to offer you. If you have any questions you can PM me here on the STO forums, and or in game @BIG-BEAR. I will always be open to helping you any way I can.
Fleet Admiral
Pax Infinitus
If you have any questions regarding PAX ifinitus please feel free to visit our boards at http://www.paxgaming.com/
hope to hear from you soon
Commodore and XO of
PAX Infinitus
I am hoping to join one, if not all of your divisions (Fed, KDF and Romulan) here in STO. I'm very familiar with Pax Gaming through my contact with Areks and Krows (Pax of Pathfinder Online).
In PFO, I am known as Bluddwolf. Here in STO I will be using my Romulan most: Malik Taev@blodveard (FED alligned Romulan btw).
I will place an application for your STO division momentarily.
Master The UnNamed Company