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Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer, what is similar?

amuntothamuntoth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited June 2013 in Romulan Discussion
I am just wondering, I have a Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer, but I have no idea if I'd like the GAMEPLAY style of it, so I was wondering. What in game ship does it MOST play like, so that I can get that, try it out and decide if I like it. Then decide if I want to keep the Tal Shiar ship or sell it.

Also, any tips for how others play the ship, what they outfit it with, etc, would be great. Thanks.
Post edited by amuntoth on


  • ijimithyijimithy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Tal Shiar Adapted Destroyer is based on the Dhelan Warbird but obviously much bigger and more powerful. For that Edge you get it you sacrifice some speed and maneuverability but you get cool borg looking stuff lol. I would try a Mogai or the Dhelan then go from there. My Dhelan was a cannon and torp boat as it was quite agile but it's up to you a ship like that could make you very rich on the exchange
    No Drama, No Fuss, Just good old fashioned pew pew!
  • eisenw0lfeisenw0lf Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Honestly, if you are playing Romulan I wouldn't bother with this ship. In my opinion our fleet ships are superior to the Tal Shiar Destroyer because they don't sacrifice their battlecloak for a measly buff in other categories. Remember, we get huge bonuses for cloaking. The Destroyer however will stay uncloaked most of the time. This ship is basically a battlecruiser and as such it is more directed at the Fed playerbase (once again ...) because they don't have these in their fleet roster.
  • wolfpack12cwolfpack12c Member Posts: 242 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    It plays a lot like the Breen chel gret to be honest
    -"There is no such thing as an I win button!" "Um, Sir. Whats this button that says (I win) for then?"
  • amuntothamuntoth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If I shouldn't use it on a Romulan, I might save it for my Federation character. I know it could make me super rich on the exchange, but honestly not sure what I'd buy. Plus, the odds that I ever get that ship again are pretty low, so it's probably best I keep it.
  • amuntothamuntoth Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Also, does it become useless at level 50 once the Vice Admiral and fleet ships open up? If so, that's kinda sad with how rare and special it is supposed to be.
  • drzzdendrzzden Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So.. Dumb question.. Is their a level requirement if we get a ship from the Tal Shiar box?
  • kalvorax#3775 kalvorax Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    level 40 for all lockbox ships
    I find this line of replies sadly hilarious. We put a lot of work into the massive list of fixes/changes above, and ya'll are hung up on the ability to skip our content. =p
  • drzzdendrzzden Member Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Would I still be able to get it from the box if i'm under 40, just not use it yet?
  • pavihanpavihan Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    drzzden wrote: »
    Would I still be able to get it from the box if i'm under 40, just not use it yet?

    I got it and I was level 14
  • tilviustilvius Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Playing a Reman and flying the destroyer will gimp you out. You benefit ALOT with battle cloak and your covert perk ability. Romulans in the other hand are just like any other race. Thier Romulan perk only works for ground.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tilvius wrote: »
    Thier Romulan perk only works for ground.

    Incorrect. Plasma specialist is ground specific. Romulan Operative is space specific.
  • romineshrominesh Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    tilvius wrote: »
    Playing a Reman and flying the destroyer will gimp you out. You benefit ALOT with battle cloak and your covert perk ability. Romulans in the other hand are just like any other race. Thier Romulan perk only works for ground.
    Incorrect. Plasma specialist is ground specific. Romulan Operative is space specific.

    Not to mention that Romulans, as well as Remans, get access to Singularity Specialist, which further encourages us to fly a vessel with a singularity core.

    On a side note, isn't the Reman trait actually called Infiltrator? +Cloak Stealth, +Defense, +Ambush Duration? The Romulan version is Covert Operative: +Crit and Crit Severity, Reduced Cloak Cooldown. In addition, the Romulan species-required trait is: +Stealth while Cloaking, Bonus Damage when exiting Cloak, Bonus Physical Damage, chance to knock down foes when using Melee attacks. With this, Romulans pull ahead of Remans with regards to cloak benefits.

    Arguably all of those (aside from Singularity Specialist) would benefit someone flying the Adapted ships as well; its just that with the Romulan battle cloak, we get to (and should) utilize those benefits much more frequently. Also, I think a major incentive for Romulans and Remans to not fly the Adapted ships is the Singularity Specialist trait. I think its too good of a trait not to have and use.
  • johankreigjohankreig Member Posts: 449 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    being the first ship of rare class i have ever managed to get, i am quite happy with it, i have been using it in much the same way as my other ships, tbh i rarely use battle cloak, its handy to have a cloak but i started with a fed char so playing them the same still works, the cloak is just a bonus, the tal shiar ships lkack the warp core but the enhanced speed and hull heal more than makes up for it, you also get 2 universal bridge cre slots so these can be crammed with engineer crew giving you your heals etc..., its nippy and i have a couple of rcs accelerators on it and its as manaouverable as my Ha'feh, I have never been one to play the game in depth, I use ships I get a feelk for and like to have a variety for different roles. Arnemant wise I have found that all my romulan ships work very well with the basic weapons arrangement with the rear torps being replaced by mines, i use the same weapons load on all my ships from my from dps class to tank class, it gives a decent damage output regardless of your task, the destroyer has pretty good shield strenth and seems to absorb damage well, I would say its probably going to work best as a hit and run craft, but like will all romulan ships i find its handy to have a decent tail arnament for when your swinging about.
    Jorhana Kreig: KDF, Tal'is: Romulan Fed, Shona'a: Romulan KDF, Johan Paul Kreig: Fed
  • iskandusiskandus Member Posts: 1,062 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    I sold mine for 91 million EC and am very happy with my decision. The TS Adapated Destroyer is based off the Romulan Fleet Dhelan as the two are identical in many respect including weapon slots and boff seating. The former has marginally better base hull point (only 4300 more, not very significant) and tiny bit better shield modifier : 1.1 vs. 1.045. The Fleet Dhelan has significantly faster turn rate however, 16 vs 11 and Inertia rating of 70 vs 60. The Dhelan is also faster, impulse modifier of 0.20 vs. 0.18. More importantly, the Dhelan has 5 tactical consoles space while the TS Adapted Destroyer has 4 although it has one more device slot and +5 to Shield Power.

    So considering the above, they appear fairly even on paper depending on your preference. In my view, speed and agility in STO is critical. Turn rate of 11 means it is slower than even the Vesta and has no hangar pets to support it.

    Furthermore, the Dhelan has more practical universal consoles than the Adapted Destroyer. Sabotage Probe on a Sci Captain is incredibly powerful due to Particle Generator skills + Conservation of Energy. It disables your target's weapon after 10 seconds, after which you manually detonate it. The DoT and final explosion deal a total damage of around 15000 in electrical damage, all of which bypass the shields 100%. Because the damage is electrical, there is no resist for it. So after it took out a big chunk of your hull in 12-13 seconds, it left your ship's weapon system disabled. This combined with the Singularity Inverter console which allows your ship to have a +30 energy damage resist and +30 shield resistance to energy damage for a long 30 seconds, then add those energy damage to your singularity to charge it up even faster - it is extremely practical when under rapid fires from an escort. The set bonus boosts your defense value as a constant passive bonus based on your speed, again very practical as the Dhelan is very fast. With the Dhelan, I can create a ship that has Defense value of a staggering 175, practically making it impossible to be hit. This is not even the highest Defense value since my build does not use APO3 but could if I want to, in which case the Defense value would be well over 200 so more than twice the value of Starship Maneuvers specialization even if you put 9 points into it.

    The Adapted Destroyer's Sharpenel Torp is destructible projectile and can be easily taken care of with even just Lv 1 Plasma Shockwave or PSW or FAW. Even if it does hit, its damage is kinetic, totaled around 9800 with 50% shield bypass. Realistically, we are talking about an actual damage around 3000-3500 after shield bypass and kinetic resist, which is about the same as what a single of my Transphasic Torp can do on my Dhelan right after decloaking. But my Transphasic Torp can fire up to one per second, the Sharpenel Torp cannot.

    Last but not least, the Battle Cloak on the Dhelan vs the regular cloak on the Adapted Destroyer. No comparison there, the battle cloak is >>> better. Because the Adapted Destroyer is considerably slower and less maneuverable, it's going to have a tough time trying to get away when targeted say by a Defiant or any other competent Escort as its cloak can't be used under fire. The 4200 more in base hull point will not allow it to last even 1 second longer since many of these escorts can top 10000 in DPS. Unlike the Adapted Destroyer however, the Dhelan can use its speed, agility and battlecloak to sneak up on a Defiant or the bug ship as one has a second tier cloak, the other has none. Once there, unload an Alpha, and as soon as the Defiant/Bug activates APA and APO or EPtE to escape, Subnuke it then launch the Sabotage probe to disables its weapons. Because the Sabotage probe interferes with EPS transfer, the Defiant / Bug ship will be unable to transfer energy from its disabled Weapon system to Engines in its attempt to escape. So after subnuked and weapons disabled, unable to boost engines, it is a sitting duck with poor healing skill and relatively low hull. It will be dead in the next few seconds.
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