So far I am loving this game. The space battles are lots of fun and the customization is cool so far. I am having trouble finding info about Off Duty Outfits though. The tailor tells me about them but I have no options to make one. I had purchased one from the Zen market and it's kinda lame that I can't wear it. Does anyone have any idea that can help? Do I have to buy additional slots?
They used to give you a second slot for an off duty outfit, when you asked the tailor about them, I do not know if that is still the case. I haven't used the new tailor UI much, but there used to be a separate dropdown menu in the tailor for switching between uniforms, MACO/Omega armor and Off-duty clothes, they weren't normally listed with the rest of the outfits.
I just looked, and I can't find them anymore.
Thanks for the response all. I see that menu for my Bridge Officers but they are greyed out like they are supposed to be. So I am not sure when that is supposed to pop up for me. Oh, I am not using the first tab to try and do it. I have 3 tabs available to me right now. One Fleet one, my uniform and another one I unlocked by leveling up I think. So far I am level 5.
I have enough to buy 2 more costume slots but before I do it would be awesome if someone could confirm that they are just bugged or that I get one at a later level. Thanks!
i have 3 slots and in noneof them it works. its only shown , greyed out on my BOFFs but with my captain not even the button appears. i have one civvie clothing set saved as outfit when i wear it it diesnt work at all. it shows them in the tailor on my toon but no options or whatsoever
My 2 older toons work ok, but 3 others cannot use off-duty either. :eek: Let's fix important things first though, too many critical bugs to list here.
"If you can't take a little bloody nose, maybe you ought to go back home and crawl under your bed. It's not safe out here. It's wondrous, with treasures to satiate desires both subtle and gross. But it's not for the timid." Q Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online:
i cant wear some of the stuff i got on the zen store they dont show up. Off duty gear does show up for my officers do. I wish they would bring back the abiilty to modify the maco gear cos i do not want to wear the helmet and like to change the colour
I just spent $5.50 on mercenary gear and the only thing I have access to is the belt?!!! Come on... and in the process I thought maybe I needed more costume slots and I paid for but didn't get them either. That's $8 for nothing. Take the items off the ZEN market at least!!!
I just spent $5.50 on mercenary gear and the only thing I have access to is the belt?!!! Come on... and in the process I thought maybe I needed more costume slots and I paid for but didn't get them either. That's $8 for nothing. Take the items off the ZEN market at least!!!
I just spent $5.50 on mercenary gear and the only thing I have access to is the belt?!!! Come on... and in the process I thought maybe I needed more costume slots and I paid for but didn't get them either. That's $8 for nothing. Take the items off the ZEN market at least!!!
I just bought the Merc set as well, only to notice that my newer characters (the ones I actually care about playing) aren't able to use them.
My shortly-after-release made character can use them just fine though, so it's something to do with newer characters (characters made after free-to-play perhaps?).
Suffice to say, I'm rather annoyed. Spending money on items only to be unable to use them is bloody ridiculous.
EDIT: I managed to get mine working. Turns out you can't go; Create outfit > set to off-duty > finish. You need to create a new uniform outfit first, then edit it via the drop-down tab in either Head or Uniform to be an off-duty uniform. No idea if this'll work for Silver, though I don't see why not.
tailor is really bugged now -.-
I just looked, and I can't find them anymore.
Join the 44th Fleet. [FED and KDF] Apply Online:
Oh man, lol.
I just bought the Merc set as well, only to notice that my newer characters (the ones I actually care about playing) aren't able to use them.
My shortly-after-release made character can use them just fine though, so it's something to do with newer characters (characters made after free-to-play perhaps?).
Suffice to say, I'm rather annoyed. Spending money on items only to be unable to use them is bloody ridiculous.
EDIT: I managed to get mine working. Turns out you can't go; Create outfit > set to off-duty > finish. You need to create a new uniform outfit first, then edit it via the drop-down tab in either Head or Uniform to be an off-duty uniform. No idea if this'll work for Silver, though I don't see why not.
Hope that helps some of you.
Yes, it was added in the Risa patch, I'm using it on my Romulan.
How did you unlock the Off-Duty slot? I was able to create another Uniform but still no Off-Duty Tab or Clothes Options.