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Ask Cryptic: May 2013 - Submit Your Questions, Please! [Now Closed]



  • kirksplatkirksplat Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For about 28 months, the Foundry for STO has been in a state of Beta. Why?
  • renegadeonlinerenegadeonline Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    In the Ask Cryptic of September 2012 there was this question and answer posted:

    Quote: Q: (michaelfinnern99) Could we have some kind of honorary event for Gene Roddenberry, e.g. featuring the Glorious Heritage Class?

    Dstahl: What a great idea! In addition to the 1000 day veteran rewards coming up in October, we will look into adding something special in honor of Gene.

    Is there any actual plans to add the Glorious Heritage Class from Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda? If so I would definately pay for it should it enter the C-Store, and I'm sure many others would to.
  • sathidphoenixsathidphoenix Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will shuttle events get any better rewards than they currently have? They seem to be not really worth it in comparison to the other PvEs. Also Could they possibly reward/drop better shuttle weapons than are currently available?
  • trekkietravistrekkietravis Member Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yay, Ask Cryptic! Some questions I would like to know...

    1. When will we see some more ship interiors along the lines of the TOS, Belfast and Romulan ship interiors? We've heard the Galaxy and Intrepid ones mentioned before. Those interiors are so far ahead of the other interiors in game. The KDF needs a better interior option for sure.

    2. Any chance of a "respecies" coming in the future? I'd like to make my human a liberated Borg (wasn't lifetime when I started) and my Trill a Joined Trill (since I didn't have the exclusive pre-order prior to start). Even if the cost is high to discourage frequent respecies, I would love to see this feature added so my main can finally get a symbiont. ;)

    Great work on LoR!
  • canis36canis36 Member Posts: 737 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1) Are there any plans to expand the number of Warbirds available for the leveling experience, especially for those that aren't wanting to spend their own money on the game?

    I ask because as an experienced player the transition from the Mogai to the D'deridex was extremely jarring and I can see it being almost completely unmanageable to an inexperienced player. Since STO's big strength (in my opinion anyway) is it's space-based content this could be a big problem for new players that chose to play a Romulan first.

    2) I do not recall exactly where I heard it, but there's a persitent belief that one of the developers had said that Fed and KDF characters who had achieved at least Tier 1 in the Romulan Reputation system would have a transwarp to New Romulus unlocked. So far that hasn't happened. Were we misinformed or is that something that didn't get implemented for launch?

    3) There are a number of new items that were introduced as mission rewards for the new content released with Legacy of Romulus, but many of them have no EC value attached and cannot be sold at the vendors. Was this deliberate or an oversight on the part of the programmers trying to get them into the game. Specifically I can recall the Piercing Tetryon and Caustic Plasma weapons having this problem, though I think I've run into one or two others.
  • acenoodlesacenoodles Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    well we see klingon ships anytime soon and any if at all missions for klinks

    will be any considerations adjusting va or ra ship for romulans for their allied factions??
  • snakeswar2snakeswar2 Member Posts: 245 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    any new featured episodes coming?
  • ceekayzeroceekayzero Member Posts: 411 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any reason the Nimbus III missions do not have any references to the Guns and Roses song "Paradise City"?
  • monshmonsh Member Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What is the expected completion date of the additional Gold/LTS Romulan perks such as the 1k-day Ship and unique costumes and ship material?
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  • rakhohl#4803 rakhohl Member Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Is there any possibility that the Romulan ranks can be renamed to proper Romulan ranks? (Arrain, khre'Arrain, erei'Riov, Riov, Enarrain, erei'Enriov, Enriov) If nothing else, could they be added to the Title dropdown so we can select them when we reach that rank?

    Any possibility of Romulan rank pins for the uniforms?

    Great job on LoR!!
  • tahlloltahllol Member Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Easy question is when is TRIBBLE going to get fixed, the game is closer to being completely broken then actually working and the down time is out of hand.

    Easy fix is fire your old dev and tech staff and hire employees that know what they are doing.

    And give the players some type of compensation especially those of us that pay to play since as it stands now PWE/Cryptic is basically stealing.
  • psycoticvulcanpsycoticvulcan Member Posts: 4,160 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    When will the Foundry get more love? Even a small-ish update, like unlocking C-store costumes or adding more Contacts and maps, would be great. I saw you've already added the Elachi; thanks for that.

    Will we get playable Reman-designed starships at some point? The Countdown comics have already provided a frigate design, and of course there's the Scimitar too.

    The last episode of the Fek'Ihri arc kind of left us with a cliffhanger. Will we ever see a continuation of that storyline?

    Are any of the Federation or Klingon missions slated for remastering in the near future?

    What will the next season/release after Legacy of Romulus bring to STO?

    Will we ever see a mission (or missions) that take us back in time to the Star Trek: Enterprise era? A story involving the Earth/Romulan war would be awesome.

    What is being done to get rid of all these server crashes?

    Will "Blood of the Empire" ever get fixed?

    What is the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything?
    "Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
    -Thomas Marrone
  • vengefuldjinnvengefuldjinn Member Posts: 1,521 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    As the server goes down again, this time a week after the launch LOR AND after the Memorial day weekend:

    . What is being done ?
    . What is causing all of these issues? Bugs, server issues ?
    . What can we expect in so far as server stability issues in the future ?
    . Is a server or other hardware upgrade in the future?

    P.S. THANK YOU for LOR ! It's wonderful !

  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1 - what about the Romulan/KDF PVP - where are all the neat missions?

    2 - what about the KDF embassy costume

    3 - a sci ship for romulans - incoming? any new interiors?

    4 - KDF costumes - will there be any? new hair?

    thank you and kudos for the update!
  • sollvaxsollvax Member Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any chance of dismissing Tovan Khev (or giving him his own command or shooting him)?
    Live long and Prosper
  • cidstormcidstorm Member Posts: 1,220 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will the ways to get Romulan and Reman species duty officers expand?

    What are the release plans for the Scimitar? If it's a three pack, will there be multiple ship skins?

    While trying to sneak around enemy troops in a Cardassian campaign mission I fell through an invisible wall and got stuck outside the mission area. I thought I could kill myself by falling off the edge of the map, but there was a second invisible wall preventing me from doing so. Could the devs add a suicide command so I wouldn't have to restart the mission all over again?
  • tarastheslayertarastheslayer Member Posts: 1,541 Bug Hunter
    edited May 2013
    With Fleet Marks being so readily available now, isn't it time for the Officers of the Watch to have a new job? Instead of giving us Fleet Marks, why not give us a mission that reduces the upgrade countdowns by an hour or so? It would give small and big fleets alike a way of making progress on the Starbase/Embassy when there are few projects to fill in.
    Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head. - Euripides
    I no longer do any Bug Hunting work for Cryptic. I may resume if a serious attempt to fix the game is made.
  • dcblackmandcblackman Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Neverwinter Gateway has functions like selling on the Auction House and Professions.
    Will we see this being implemented in the STO Gateway like selling Items on the Exchange and doing Doff Jobs via the Gateway?
  • berrycolaberrycola Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Any update about the C-Store Negh'Var warship?
  • rahmkota19rahmkota19 Member Posts: 1,929 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Ok, here they come:

    - Will the Elachi/Tal Shiar Romulans also make appearances in PvE missions for Federation/Klingon players, such as Fleet Alert?

    - With the Romulans as a new playable faction, is the Foundry gonna change to create missions for Romulan characters, or are they restricted to playing the missions of their ally's?

    - While the event reputation makes it clear for every player where the next Q's Winter Wonderland rewards can be earned, this reputation unlocks at level 50. Is this going to mean that lower-level characters are gonna miss the awesome fun of Q's, including a possible new reward ship?

    - For the KDF players from before May 21st, is it going to be possible to play the new tutorial without having to create a (temporary) character or delete one?

    - Although the new voice-overed Bridge Officers are awesome, is there any chance that we can update their uniform, without changing the character's face/body/name?

    - Now that the Romulans have a ship with Enhanced Battle Cloak that is only inferior to the B'rel in terms of maneuverability, is there any chance that the B'rel will be updated to be competitive? Perhaps give the fleet version a fourth Tactical Console slot instead of an Engineering slot?

    - Since the Romulans get uniforms of their ally's, is it going to be possible for Fed/KDF players to wear a Romulan uniform-lookalike?

    - Can you give us a clue about how the story is going to evolve next, now that the Romulan story arc has advanced? Maybe some new content relating the Undine or Cardassians?

    - Any ETA for the Tribble Testweekend Rewards? (Would only be nice to know, not really important.)

    I guess that is it for now.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was in the process of lending help to a friend and I told her I would give her some EC, in the process I believe I might have triggered some sort of auto ban, at least according to some other players who have reported similar incidents. I was NOT mentioning the spam site an I believe I was a victim of some sort of misunderstanding.

    is there any way this can be resolved faster?
  • nikolunusnikolunus Member Posts: 162 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Been wondering these few question since LoR came out, first will we see a third feline race for the Rom side (or an option for a halfbreed rom/reman feline?) second will we be getting more clothing options for the Roms like the hoods and capes you see the civilians walking around in or the open jacket look that feds have. Third will the KDF get a feline race ship like the Caitians have?
    Space is vast, it's wonderful and maddening. Yet in that madness is some of the greatest beauty I have ever seen.
  • emmmamirabeauemmmamirabeau Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Reguarding Legacy of Romulus My question is this :

    Will Romulan players ever get the thalaron mine device for ground combat? , If yes then how will it be implimented or aquired will it be part of a kit or individual?
  • mav75mav75 Member Posts: 113 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1. Any plans on improving the gear in reputation systems other than Omega? Or any plans on reassessing the prices (Dilithium and Marks) on the gear other than Omega? As the gear in the other reputation systems is intentionally not STF-quality.

    2. Any plans on improving the Nukara Marks? I raised this during the Closed Beta, it seems that others have become aware of the situation lately.

    3. Any expansion(s) to the Duty Officer system? Our last expansion was the Gamma Quadrant expansion last summer!

    4. What is the time table for the Romulan Duty Officers from commendations? I have no wish to employ any more than bare minimum of non-Romulan Doffs.

    5. Any chance of seeing the Achilles-class warship from Dominion Wars. As you know the game was published by CBS owned Simon & Schuster.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    1.) When will the issues with Legacy Of Romulus be fixed? The lack of Romulan Bridge officers, for example?

    2.) Can you give us an update on the upcoming ships that have been mentioned? The Scimitar, the Fleet Galaxy-X and the ship with side-facing weapon slots?

    3.) Is there any chance that in the future, the team who did the fantastic job on the Romulan Warbird interiors can turn their talents to the Federation and Klingon starship interiors?

    4.) Have the issues at this expansion launch caused you to rethink introducing further factions?

    Thanks for your time.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • purplegamerpurplegamer Member Posts: 1,015 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Romulan content is extremely prim and polished. When can we expect a second pass of the Federation content now that that side of the game is looking very dated? Would this include a new Federation tutorial?

    Are there any plans to introduce TNG uniforms for Romulans? Who doesn't love those big shoulder pads and sleeves?

    Will you be including more uniform presets? It's very hand to apply those uniforms if you're trying to match the looks you find on NPCs.

    When will some of the old Federation starships get a second pass? Some of them are still missing features (strobes) and some of them are still covered in the red hardpoint pimples. There's a big disparity in the quality of ships these days.

    The Tholian Alert is nearly impossible--not because it's difficult, but because 90% of the time the instance is empty and shoots you back into sector space. Is there a fix coming for this? What about some of the other unreliable instances?

    When can we expect to see the contact windows finished? Flying a warbird, it's kinda silly to see Tovan sitting on a Galaxy bridge when you warp into the Sirius Sector Block. That said, the new contact windows are brilliant when they're correct.
  • badvaiobadvaio Member Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Can you reconsider the decision to allow romulan characters to use the tier 4 and 5 ships belonging to the faction they have allied to ?
  • nevawinnanevawinna Member Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Will KDF and Romulans ever get visible kits? Why aren't they visible in the first place?

    Why is there no recruitment mission for Reman doffs on Romulan command?
  • sirrunonsirrunon Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Something on the side.

    Can you please add an impulse engine on the Nebula class? It seems REALLY odd the thing flys around with no red contrails or obvious signs of propulsion.
  • stardestroyer001stardestroyer001 Member Posts: 2,615 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What kind of Romulan ships will we be seeing in the coming months (including the Romulan version of the Temporal Science Vessel/Temporal Destroyer)?
    stardestroyer001, Admiral, Explorers Fury PvE/PvP Fleet | Retired PvP Player
    Missing the good ol' days of PvP: Legacy of Romulus to Season 9
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This discussion has been closed.