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kasandarokasandaro Member Posts: 198 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
So, question on the Space Turtle. (Got described that way to me once, I can't unsee it.) Yes, there's other heavy cruisers (the Negh'var foremost) that can support a cannon build, but they have half again or more turn rate. Is a cannon build viable on the D'D (and the Ha'apax, for that matter), or is it better laid out as a beam boat?
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    timelord79timelord79 Member Posts: 1,852 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Not viable for a sustained fight.

    You can throw everything into a devastating alpha strike cloaking sneak attack from close range, combined with roots and stuns and a torpedo barrage you just might be able to kill something just by element of surprise.

    If you fail at surprise attack you might wanna go with a more traditional cruiser build.
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    ijimithyijimithy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm trying a DHC build with a Torp up front but as the turn rate isn't amazing I'm switching it out to a Plasma Beam fit with plasma torp back and front. One thing however is spec into turn rate and get RCS Consoles lol I have 3 on mine and it can turn around fairly fast on the DHC set up so maybe I'm doing something right with it lol.

    The D'D is a good ship its just not an escort that's the mistake i made when i got it. It does however have one hell of an amazing tank with the abilities it has. Just watch those missions where you have "Teleporting" enemies...

    Good Hunting
    No Drama, No Fuss, Just good old fashioned pew pew!
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    malakhglitchmalakhglitch Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If you have mastered the nuances of flying the D'deridex, then it might be possible to have a DHC build. That being said, it will make your life easier if you had the consoles from the D'ridthau and the retrofit since the set will give you better turn and allow you to phase to avoid massive damage when cloaking during a battle.
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    victorstellavictorstella Member Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There was talk about this in another thread. Some have loaded up the DD with cannons, de-cloak and throw everything at a target, then re-cloak. While cloaked the DD actually maneuvers quite well. So basically you use it for hit and runs. I gave it a try and I actually like it better than trying to turn the DD into a beam boat.
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    ccarmichael07ccarmichael07 Member Posts: 755 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There was talk about this in another thread. Some have loaded up the DD with cannons, de-cloak and throw everything at a target, then re-cloak. While cloaked the DD actually maneuvers quite well. So basically you use it for hit and runs. I gave it a try and I actually like it better than trying to turn the DD into a beam boat.

    Would it not make more sense to go with a heavy hitter beam build, and using the tactics you described?

    Meaning, Dual Beam Banks Fore, with a Tac Team I / BAFW II Tac setup, with Beam arrays in the back? (Or a BAFW I, Torp Spread II Tac setup)

    What this does is make the most of being in a cruiser (Dual Beam Banks have better firing angles than cannons, plus you have access to EPS Power Transfer (as an Engineer) or AP Alpha (as a Tactical) and can use Directed Energy Modulation II/III for a horrendous Cruiser based Alpha Strike. Something you can't do with cannons, because you get maxed out with a single cannon ability with your LT TAC officer.

    This is the route I plan to take with my Reman Engineer. DBB Forward, with alot of RCS Turn. That should (at least in my mind) make the D'Deridex semi-playable. If not, then I'll steal a Vor'cha ;) .

    "You shoot him, I shoot you, I leave both your bodies here and go out for a late night snack.
    I'm thinking maybe pancakes." ~ John Casey
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    theodrimtheodrim Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There was talk about this in another thread. Some have loaded up the DD with cannons, de-cloak and throw everything at a target, then re-cloak. While cloaked the DD actually maneuvers quite well. So basically you use it for hit and runs. I gave it a try and I actually like it better than trying to turn the DD into a beam boat.

    To that I'll add, use your fourth aft slot for mines to drop right before you cloak. It's quite effective, even without an available boff slot for dispersal patterns.
    Somebody getting uppity about canon? No problem! Just take a deep breath, and repeat after me:

    Spock's Brain.
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    dalebot1dalebot1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The Space Turtle just isn't working for me...

    I got into the Mogai with the intention on a hard hitting cannon/torpedo alpha strike mindset. Bridge Officers to match and whatnot...then I get this POS and it's a straight up slow-mo cruiser...and I'm a tactical toon. So I can either get robbed on the exchange (because people wanna charge 100K plus for a single RCS thruster) or sit there and die because I can't turn quick enough or afford to switch all my duty officers skills...

    Sorry but the lack of "escort" warbirds at my level is odd. I get it that the game just came out but this sci sci eng eng eng ships kinda TRIBBLE me off.

    Can't wait to level and get a true tactical warbird.

    Untill then it's me and Mogai against the world, and it's still working fine.
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    mathcubemathcube Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Recall that some of the earlier missions rewarded an RCS console at the end, which is a cheaper way of getting RCS consoles if you really want one.
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    voicesdarkvoicesdark Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Actually if you check out the active thread I started a few days ago titled "D'deridex turn rate....again" there is a lot of information in that thread about how to overcome the low turn rate ranging everything from skills, consoles, equipment to mini-set bonuses and lobi consoles along with special traits and various doff active powers.

    The main focus has been not relying on the "cloak to turn" fodder most have suggested. Of course there's also the rage war about the turn rate in general, but I'm going to post all the relevant information in the first post later.

    It might help with your cannon builds you're discussing in this thread.
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    dalebot1dalebot1 Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    For the most part the Mogai is doing the job better. It's faster and deals good damage on NPC's if you level up the systems as you go along. Should see me into a tactical warbird rather easily.

    Getting the RCS consoles just takes too long, by the time I have a load out that'll work I'll be on my next ship.
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    gavinrunebladegavinruneblade Member Posts: 3,894 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    dalebot1 wrote: »
    For the most part the Mogai is doing the job better. It's faster and deals good damage on NPC's if you level up the systems as you go along. Should see me into a tactical warbird rather easily.

    Getting the RCS consoles just takes too long, by the time I have a load out that'll work I'll be on my next ship.

    I stayed in my mogai all the way to level 43. Worked just fine.

    Edit: I did try out the other ships, but wasn't any good with them and kept going back to the mogai.
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    shaanithegreenshaanithegreen Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've got my turn rate up to nearly 20, which is about the turn rate of a Mogai. Granted, you could just get a Mogai . . . but some of us really love this ship and want to make it work.
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    bauer6bauer6 Member Posts: 125 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've got my turn rate up to nearly 20, which is about the turn rate of a Mogai. Granted, you could just get a Mogai . . . but some of us really love this ship and want to make it work.

    how ? and using what exactly?
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    sarovensaroven Member Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I've got my turn rate up to nearly 20, which is about the turn rate of a Mogai. Granted, you could just get a Mogai . . . but some of us really love this ship and want to make it work.

    Also would like to know how you did this. I've been trying to do a cannon build in my DD but its just painful waiting for the BC to come up to use it just to be able to turn to get targets back in brackets.
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    ashgrey77xashgrey77x Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    saroven wrote: »
    Also would like to know how you did this. I've been trying to do a cannon build in my DD but its just painful waiting for the BC to come up to use it just to be able to turn to get targets back in brackets.

    It's not hard. The bonus from the console set helps, a rcs console or 2, the helmsman trait, Aux2Damp, APA if you are a Tac. I run a Tac Fleet DD and I don't have any turning problems. It's huge ship with a lot of momentum don't expect it to turn on a dime. Fly it like a very nicely handing battle cruiser not a escort. Use it's strengths to exploit other ships weaknesses. And above all else use the battle cloak when you really need to turn tightly, there are tons of ways to mitigate damage on this ship to avoid getting killed while cloaked.
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    hereticknight085hereticknight085 Member Posts: 3,783 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If turn rate is an issue with the D'deridex, I would recommend you try single cannon builds. They give you a much more forgiving firing arc, and can still deal serious damage.
    It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once. B)
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    taknathtaknath Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    i didnt mind the DD using DHC's it seemed to work quite well.

    i stuffed 3 RCS consoles in it, and i think 1 armor just something to keep me up while cloak recharged.

    used it the same way i used a BOP. stay cloaked. at 10k pop all my skills, start decloaking at 8 and by the time i start firing im at 5k and i drop speed to 1/2. if it was a group id drop the singularity teleport skill right on their heads as i passed. then cloak and come back for another pass.

    3 DHC's + torp front, and 3 or 4 turrets in the back (cant remember if it was a 4x4 or a 4x3)

    doing it that way was the fastest i ever killed the command ship in the final romulan mission.
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    kyias1kyias1 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Honestly I do not understand the issues people are having with the DD and cannons. When you decloak with the DD you are NOT doing it at 5km, you are doing it at 10KM.

    You can stay on target for your ENTIRE alpha strike and enough time to cycle it TWICE before you have to worry about position. Then you can pick your strategy:

    1) tractor beam! This one ability has done some great things for me. Keep your target in place and fire away.

    2) Pass over your enemy/cloak and get a new position.

    3) utilize the retrofit singularity projectile. It basically resets the fight back to square one without needing to disengage....helps that it also does some nice dmg too!

    4) learn to utilize reverse and pre-empt your turns before you need them. Flying a cruiser with cannons is about anticipating where you go next NOT reacting like in an escort.

    5) slot some control abilities: Graviton pulse, gravity well, tractor repulsors, anything to slow your enemy down.

    You have a LT Com sci BOFF. You NEED to utilize it to control your enemy. The DD is a powerful cruiser with a some nice options. You can slot it with beams or you can slot it with cannons. The key is learning to fly it properly. I flew the Gal-X for a long time before flying the DD. I also slotted that same ship with DHC's and was very successful.

    Turn rate is just one small part of the overall ship and tbh I have had zero problems keeping the Big D on target and out performing my teammates.
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    mandoknight89mandoknight89 Member Posts: 1,687 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another thing you can do (and is what I'm doing right now with my Ha'apax) is to take the hit to maximum DPS and mount a few single cannons in addition to your DHCs, so that if something outmaneuvers you, it has a little more work to do to get safe. I'm currently under the impression that a 2 DHC/2 Single arrangement is a fair compromise, giving you a fair bit of punch from your DHCs but some versatility from the Singles.
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    kyias1kyias1 Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another thing you can do (and is what I'm doing right now with my Ha'apax) is to take the hit to maximum DPS and mount a few single cannons in addition to your DHCs, so that if something outmaneuvers you, it has a little more work to do to get safe. I'm currently under the impression that a 2 DHC/2 Single arrangement is a fair compromise, giving you a fair bit of punch from your DHCs but some versatility from the Singles.

    Or a variant of this is to put an 1 beam array and/or torpedoes in your aft to do decent damage to units that hit your flank.

    My favorite is a beam array and a cluster torpedo to keep fighters and small frigates at bay while I stay on the bigger stuff.
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    farmallmfarmallm Member Posts: 4,630 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    They said from the start it will be compared to the Galaxy. So they did what they told. However they did one thing to help it out. By adding more on the offense with the 2nd Tac spot. So at least you can get more weapon use on it. Where the Galaxy and Negh' Var only has 1 Tac spot. And your very limited to what you can use for offense.

    The turn rate won't deter me from buying the C store version when I get my Romulan to Lv50. Just like the Galaxy-R. I plan on buying it as well in the future. Way I look at it. Someone wants it bad enough. Then loves using it. They will turn it into a nasty brute to deal with. Cause they get good at using it. Saw it many times.

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