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Suggestion for Streamlining Fed/KDF Gameplay

leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
I think the following missions need to be shifted to occur dramatically earlier in the leveling process, probably between The Klingon War and the Romulan Mystery for Feds and between The Fek'Ihri Return and The Romulan Mystery for Klingons:

"State of Q", "Assimilation", "The Return", "Fluid Dynamics", "A Light in the Dark"

Why? Because Q's hints about the Iconians are moot for people who have done the Romulan FE series and because the cause of the Fed/KDF war should be known before doing The 2800 FE series.

My overall take would be to relocate these missions to the relatively deserted Iota Pavonis Sector and to delete the Pelia Sector.

This also has the net effect of causing the leveling towards endgame to be entirely FEs.

There are several other things I'd look at doing to spruce up these missions. TNG/DS9 LCARS assets assets exist now as do a full range of TNG-era uniforms so the Saratoga interior could be populated with appropriate assimilated crew, bodies, and the odd fleeing crew member.

I'd look at adding some appropriate costume unlocks here as well, perhaps to mirror the Tal Shiar costume unlock Romulan side. Maybe toss the TNG S1 costumes in here? With the Worf beard and haircut? It's conceivable those could be in use for junior officers on the Saratoga at Wolf 359. Or maybe something more readily cross-faction like TNG utility worker jumpsuits. Those wouldn't be impossibly weird on Klingons

Or in keeping with Q's sense of humor (and his look could use a once over with some of the new assets in game), maybe he dresses us up in Napoleonic outfits (like he wore in TNG) to save Sisko and keeps bantering about the Charge of the Light Brigade.

And people get a faction unrestricted Q Napleonic uniform as a mission reward. And a napleonic cavalry sword. Could also be a nice introduction to melee there if the sword is supplied for the mission and Q makes us fight the Borg with melee weapons. After all, it's very sporting of him to send us back to save Sisko to begin with so maybe the appropriate thing in the spirit of good sport would be to send us back but require us to use swords to fix things.

Borg are a good enemy for a melee tutorial since there's no need to use remodulators and then the later Borg missions I suggested relocating involve disoriented Borg so perhaps they could be adjusted not to require remodulation, much like the ones in the Fed tutorial and the Romulan leveling episodes don't.
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    mathcubemathcube Member Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I think it's more an issue that the missions after The 4400 FE (Breen FE excluded) need to be remastered pretty badly rather than any sort of issue about where they're placed.
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