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Fleet Leader locks on Store Provisions

supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Fleet System and Holdings
Let me start off 1st by saying i am not a Fleet leader, but the fool who contributes more than others in my fleet to Star Base projects.

Also let me say contributing to Star bases is completely voluntary

BUT Provisioning the stores is costly and time consuming if you only have a couple of people grinding hard to build up the star base.

I'd like to see Fleet leaders be given total management over access to fleet provisions. From the ground store to space store to fleet ships where they can set a cap on how much a fleet member has to contribute before they can have access to the stores. At present all a leader can do is deny access to fleet ranks

My proposal is to allow Fleet leaders to say ok if you want to equip your ship with fleet weapons ect you need to contribute this much to the star base before you can have access to that part of the store and so forth. I believe it will either encourage people to contribute more if they want the item and help out the committed fools like myself to leveling the thing up, Or it will stop the mercenaries that use the star base as a big commodities vendor and put the minimum in to gain gear, draining the fleets provisions for little return from that player ,by having this management system the idea is to stop this happening and try to get people to commit more to the building of the base

I know this wouldn't be a welcome change to the vast majority of players but i think it would be a good thing.
Post edited by supergirl1611 on


  • thehellnbackthehellnback Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So how much did you put in ? I'm at 4 mil and everyone else is not far behind .. T5 soon .. and what about the people that leave the fleet to buy a fleet ship some where else and pay them to do it ... should they be penalized when they come back?
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This just 1 fleet
    Toon 1 6968362
    Toon 2 3864361
    Toon 3 2970358
    Toon 4 2897490
    Toon 5 2267433

    Total 39378004
    Im sure there more people out there who have put in more but if my calculations are right that should be enough to take most fleets to tier 4 or pretty dam close. Not in all 3 areas only 1

    Fleet leader has 3658377
    Next highest is 1409278
  • supergirl1611supergirl1611 Member Posts: 809 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This just 1 fleet
    Toon 1 6968362
    Toon 2 3864361
    Toon 3 2970358
    Toon 4 2897490
    Toon 5 2267433

    Total 39378004
    Im sure there more people out there who have put in more but if my calculations are right that should be enough to take most fleets to tier 4 or pretty dam close. Not in all 3 areas only 1

    Fleet leader has 3658377
    Next highest is 1409278

    Answer tour question about leaving to buy a ship elsewhere and come back. That's the idea of the lockdown to stop these people from using a fleet as a vendor. If another fleet is happy to do that sell provision fine. Also the guy coming back have his access restored as the leader board should coincide with the lock.
  • hevachhevach Member Posts: 2,777 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Everything you're suggesting can be done through the fleet administration tools. Many fleets keep new members at the lowest rank until a certain amount of time. It's been a standard thing forever, to protect the fleet bank from looting. A lot of them have switched that to a certain amount of fleet credits earned, because the fleet bank is less vulnerable than provisions.

    I've even known fleets to control things down to the single provision, with every purchase requiring assistance of an officer moving the member to a special rank for purchases, and then returning them to their normal rank without unassisted purchases. That usually proves to be overzealous, but it's still not unheard of.
  • blackfiretwbblackfiretwb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed wholeheartedly.

    Division Commanding Officer of The Wild Bunch in PW/Cryptic Games
  • blackfiretwbblackfiretwb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Let me start off 1st by saying i am not a Fleet leader, but the fool who contributes more than others in my fleet to Star Base projects.

    Also let me say contributing to Star bases is completely voluntary

    BUT Provisioning the stores is costly and time consuming if you only have a couple of people grinding hard to build up the star base.

    I'd like to see Fleet leaders be given total management over access to fleet provisions. From the ground store to space store to fleet ships where they can set a cap on how much a fleet member has to contribute before they can have access to the stores. At present all a leader can do is deny access to fleet ranks

    My proposal is to allow Fleet leaders to say ok if you want to equip your ship with fleet weapons ect you need to contribute this much to the star base before you can have access to that part of the store and so forth. I believe it will either encourage people to contribute more if they want the item and help out the committed fools like myself to leveling the thing up, Or it will stop the mercenaries that use the star base as a big commodities vendor and put the minimum in to gain gear, draining the fleets provisions for little return from that player ,by having this management system the idea is to stop this happening and try to get people to commit more to the building of the base

    I know this wouldn't be a welcome change to the vast majority of players but i think it would be a good thing.
    hevach wrote: »
    Everything you're suggesting can be done through the fleet administration tools. Many fleets keep new members at the lowest rank until a certain amount of time. It's been a standard thing forever, to protect the fleet bank from looting. A lot of them have switched that to a certain amount of fleet credits earned, because the fleet bank is less vulnerable than provisions.

    I've even known fleets to control things down to the single provision, with every purchase requiring assistance of an officer moving the member to a special rank for purchases, and then returning them to their normal rank without unassisted purchases. That usually proves to be overzealous, but it's still not unheard of.

    What is overzealous is expecting to be able to go in and clean out all our holdings we provisioned by converting a zen allowance into dilithium wiping the fleet out...still it takes one person to TRIBBLE the pooch in a manner of speaking and not follow the "guidelines" of the fleet. Thusly that person would be kicked from fleet but 15 assets provisioned would be gone forever... access controls coded into the fleet system is the only logical resolution to the holdings provisioned stores.
  • nicha0nicha0 Member Posts: 1,456 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The biggest problem is the 7 rank dilemma. Everything in the fleet is managed by ranks.

    Look at what you need to do in 7 ranks.

    Security - You have untrusted, leader, moderately trusted and highly trusted members that make up new players, leader(s), regular members and ranking officers. I would think this is bare minimum good security, you could definitely add more, but less is dangerous.

    Leadership structure - We have 3 levels of leadership, from the leader, to 2nd in command and then officers below them. Anything below that has no responsibilities. You need a structure in place, the larger fleets must be a disaster.

    Rank structure - People like feeling special. If 80% of the fleet sits in the grunt position, they won't be happy. You need a tiered structure to make them feel like they have achieved something when they actually do.

    Fleet Provisions - This is the area I struggle with the most. There are a lot of players that contribute almost nothing, or bare minimum to get what they need for themselves. There are people that contribute but don't meet up to the security and rank areas of the fleet.

    What you need is individually checked off access to fleet provisions, or just way more ranks.
    Delirium Tremens
    Completed Starbase, Embassy, Mine, Spire and No Win Scenario
    Nothing to do anymore.
    Visit our Youtube channel
  • lagunadlagunad Member Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Perhaps the least complicated way to do this would be to create two pools of provisions: Available and Reserve.

    Newly created provisions would go into the Reserve pool, and can't be used by anyone.

    A fleet permission (presumably assigned only to trusted officers or the fleet leader) would be required to transfer provisions from Reserve to Available.

    The management of this process could be as strict or as casual as a fleet prefers.

    You could simply move all provisions to Available as soon as they were received (basically the current system, if you give everyone the "Reserve -> Available" clearance).

    Or you could keep a modest number Available, corresponding to roughly the amount of purchases you expect at any given time.

    Or you could have a strict system where nothing is Available by default, and anyone who wants to purchase something would have to request that the necessary provisions be made Available by an officer or the leader.
  • jivedutchjivedutch Member Posts: 357 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Please give us a coparative system to the fleet bank, where amounts of provisions / time / type can be set per rank.

    A few more ranks in the system would also be highly apreciated to set permission on as well.
    With the current system there are really only 4 ranks for players in a fleet to grow in, the Starter rank, leader rank, and senior/second leader rank all being "hardcoded" for use as it is now.
  • incursis01incursis01 Member Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This is what my fleet does:

    Once you have earned 100,000 fleet credits through contributions AND have achieved a game rank of Vice Admiral, you will be promoted to the fleet rank of Captain. Once this happens you have access to the fleet stores.

    I was once in a fleet that didn't have such restrictions, and the fleet stores were constantly cleaned out. Anyone had access. If you were in the fleet you could buy from the fleet store. Once I donated 100,000 dilithium, but couldn't buy anything because people kept on cleaning out the fleet stores. After that I just gave up and stopped contributing.
  • wmcarsonwmcarson Member Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Adding in additional ranks would be very nice, but really what i would like to see is some sort of 'Fleet Reputation' for things like operational assets and the like.

    Lets face it. Spending the high amount of time and resources to get Engineering Provisions, Ship provisions, etc is worth it. You also get a fair amount. Our Fleet has well over 100 provisions in each category.

    ON THE OTHER HAND, the stupid fleet support devices, operational assets, etc. cost wayyyyyyy to much for how few you get, and Buffs are even worse.

    So as a Fleet Leader we can decide to queue up a T4 Provision Fleet Ships project that provides 12 ship provisions for 960 marks, 72K dil and some fluff OR spend the same amount for 5 buffs?

    So spend it on something that will last as long as you want it to last, or spend it on a bloody one time use buff that isn't really needed if you have even a decent build/team?

    So back on target - it would be nice to not even have Fleets dealing w/ buffs and the like, and move those to a personal reputation where the people using them actually have to fund them.
    |William@wmcarson|Starfleet Reserve|www.StarfleetReserve.com
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