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Request Can we have Science Vessels

wolflzeroonewolflzeroone Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
I'm enjoying the new content. However at rank 30 commander I ran into a problem. I play a science Romulan officer. I really didn't want to choose the D'deridex because of it not being geared for a science officer. I sold some zen on my account just so I could fly a federation science ship. This is a request to have science vessels. The Kinglion Faction has options for science as does the federation. Why not the Romulans?
Post edited by wolflzeroone on


  • player20092player20092 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Probably because the content was just released, and they wanted to focus on making sure there were enough end-game ships to keep people interested, as it's very easy to rank up in this game. I've been playing for 3 nights (probably around 8 hours of play time as Romulans) and am already approaching level 30. That's insanely fast, especially considering it took my Fed toon about a month to reach level 40 when the game first came out.

    We'll probably see a few more lower level ships come out in the coming months/years. In the mean time, appreciate the fact that you'll have a lot of choices at level 40+.
  • aveimperatoraveimperator Member Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Romulans don't have options period until Admiral rank. That's when the warbirds split into distinct Escort/Cruiser/Science classes. This...really isn't news.
  • macfellymacfelly Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah the switch from escort to d'deribus was a pain, would be nice to have a choice of ships while leveling.
    Apparently not loyal enough :|
  • player20092player20092 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    This content was literally just released. There was obviously a focus on having end-game choices, since most players are going to get to the end game relatively quickly (I'm nearly level 30 and have played my Romulan for ~8 hours) and players are going to spend the vast majority of their time (more than 99%) playing at level 40+.

    Just like Klingons, they'll probably go back and add some lower tier ships eventually. But if it's a choice between being pigeon holed until level 40, or having them not release the content because they need to design and balance new ships that you'll only play for an hour or two anyway, I'm personally glad they went with the former and not the latter.
  • davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    From a previous post:


    The scout ship should be at Tier 2 with the following stats:

    Hull: 14,500
    Shields: 4030
    Shield mod: 1.3
    Weapons: 2 Fore, 2 Aft
    Crew: 50
    BOFFs: Lt. Science, Ensign Eng, 2 Ensign Tac
    Devices: 3
    Consoles: 2 Sci, 1 Eng, 1 Tac
    Turn rate: 15
    Impluse Mod: 0.15
    Inertia: 60
    Target Subsystems, Senor Analysis, Battle Cloak

    The Science Ship should be Tier 3 with the Following stats:

    Hull: 20,500
    Shields: 4845
    Shield Mod: 1.3
    Weapons: 3 Fore, 2 Aft
    Crew: 400
    BOFFs: Lt. Cdr Sci, Lt. Tac, Lt. Eng, Ensign Sci
    Devices: 3
    Consoles: 3 Sci, 2 Eng, 1 Tac
    Turn rate: 14
    Impulse Mod: 0.15
    Inertia: 40
    Target Subsystems, Senor Analysis, Battle Cloak

    The scout ship should have three skins. Lanora, Theta, and Talon to match the names used in other sources.

    The Science ship should have two skins named Apnex, and Talvath after the two science ships named or seen on screen.

    I will try and find the Tier 5 stats I proposed for those ships.
  • stirling191stirling191 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Somebody is clearly forgetting that if they don't like the Warbird for a given non-VA tier, they can choose any allied ship instead.

    Want to fly a science ship at T1-T4? Fly a science ship.
  • davidwforddavidwford Member Posts: 1,836 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Tier 5 Scout Ship:

    Hull: 25,500
    Shields: 5300
    Sheild Mod: 1.3
    Weapons: 3 Fore, 3 Aft
    Crew: 50
    BOFF: CDR Science, Lt. CDR Tac, Lt. Eng, Lt. Tac, Ensign Science
    Devices: 3
    Consoles: 4 Sci, 3 Tac, 2 Eng
    Turn Rate: 15
    Impulse Mod: 0.15
    Inertia: 60
    Sensor Analysis, Cloak, Target Subsystems

    Tier 5 Science Ship:

    Hull: 31,500
    Shields: 5800
    Shield Mod :1.3
    Weapons: 3 Fore, 3 Aft
    Crew: 400
    BOFF: CDR Science, Lt. CDR Sci, Lt. Engineer, Lt. Tac, Ensign Eng
    Devices: 3
    Consoles: 4 Sci, 3 Eng, 2 Tac
    Turn Rate:14
    Impluse Mod: 0.15
    Inertia: 40
    Sensor Analysis, Cloak, Target Subsystems
  • khan5000khan5000 Member Posts: 3,008 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    an in story reason for the lack of science vessels could be that the Romulans are focused on creating a new government and maintaining it...scientific exploration has gone out the window.
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  • misterde3misterde3 Member Posts: 4,195 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    khan5000 wrote: »
    an in story reason for the lack of science vessels could be that the Romulans are focused on creating a new government and maintaining it...scientific exploration has gone out the window.

    Same problem that always comes up when people say Klingons don't have ships of that nature: how do you find new resources to exploit? nebulae that provide fuel, asteroids that provide raw materials for colonies and ships?

    The Romulan colonies we see in STO are all relatively new and small.
    They must have been established very recently.
    How did the Romulan find those worlds?
    How did they know they were suitable for colonization?
    As for the military side of things: you need electronic warfare ships to keep track of enemy movements (even more so with enemies like the Klingons at your doorstep) and to counter the jamming the enemy can throw at you.
    For these things you need science ships.
    Science is not exclusively exploration.;)
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well they did say if the current batch of Romulan ships sell well they will create more C-Store ship options for the Romulans.

    So we'll see.
  • dragoshawdragoshaw Member Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Well they did say if the current batch of Romulan ships sell well they will create more C-Store ship options for the Romulans.

    So we'll see.

    But we have way too many c store ships as it is. What we need are more in game currency ships. Not paid currency.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Yeah the Romulan ship-line is severely limited lol. Feds get a free ship of each class at each level, and 2 of each class at Rear Admiral. Klingons get at least one of each class at each level (except for Science-specific vessels, which they dont have as a shipline period). Romulans get one ship total at each level, good luck hope it works for you, until RA then they get 1 of each class. You basically have to either use your ally's ships, or hold your nose and wait, or pay real money on the C-store.
  • jermbotjermbot Member Posts: 801 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm enjoying the new content. However at rank 30 commander I ran into a problem. I play a science Romulan officer. I really didn't want to choose the D'deridex because of it not being geared for a science officer. I sold some zen on my account just so I could fly a federation science ship. This is a request to have science vessels. The Kinglion Faction has options for science as does the federation. Why not the Romulans?
    Somebody is clearly forgetting that if they don't like the Warbird for a given non-VA tier, they can choose any allied ship instead.

    Want to fly a science ship at T1-T4? Fly a science ship.

    For the love of God man, start reading the posts you're responding too.
  • malakhglitchmalakhglitch Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I also play a Science Officer and I agree with the request. However, I am willing to be patient and wait for new releases or at least until the next episode release. :D
  • sk4psk4p Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Somebody is clearly forgetting that if they don't like the Warbird for a given non-VA tier, they can choose any allied ship instead.

    Want to fly a science ship at T1-T4? Fly a science ship.

    You missed the part where Romulans have to grind dilithium or buy it with zen if they want a non-warbird, whereas "native" Fed or Kli races get the free ship token.

    I didn't roll a science officer to fly an escort, dammit.
  • bpharmabpharma Member Posts: 2,022
    edited May 2013
    "I sold some zen on my account just so I could fly a federation science ship." - OP

    If you had instead bought the fed c-store ship you could have had the console that comes with it and then a ship to claim instead of the fail'dex every time you level a romulan.

    I happen to have the sao paolo which has paid off so much this last week =D

    It is through repetition that we learn our weakness.
    A master with a stone is better than a novice with a sword.

    Has damage got out of control?
    This is the last thing I will post.
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