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Rommies squishy or enemies too OP?

kiarasenakiarasena Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Romulan Discussion
Ok so I decided to start playing Romulan, so far I'm enjoying it alot, but just a bit dissapointed that there aren't any more fun special Romulan missions after lvl30-ish.. :(
Hope more will come soon or such, reall like the new Rommy stuff.

Anyway, besides that, I think you guys messed something up big time..

At missions around 25-30+ on normal (easy) mode, with the best possible gear, it seems as if the difficulty mode is messed up and as if I'm playing on Insanity Mode (harder then hard).. Seriously, enemy ships take too long to be killed, and are hard to kill.. On the ground your boffs die like crazy including you (Badlands mission, Heavy Turrets are insane, they're N.O.T. meant to 1hit you..) :(
So far I've only died maybe 3-5 times on ground missions in total, not counting my boffs, but on space maybe 10-20 times.. and I'm even using Rare/Very Rare gear for my lvl.. so explain how on earth a big enemy ship that my Fed/KDF Sci can beat up like it's nothing with the same gear and lvl, is too hard for my Romulan to destroy and even resulting in me dying 1-2 times?.. :confused:

So I'm wondering.. what's the problem? Are the Romulan ship (/player) "stats" broken? Or are enemies just bugged or such that they're too tough?
Post edited by kiarasena on


  • greveiousgreveious Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2013
    I feel the opposite way... I been feeling pretty op since level 10, everything dies from just decloak, torp spread 1, few beams, then torp spread 2. Its been very very easy.

    Now past 30 its been even more of a blast since the levle 30 ship is a cruiser, wich is what im used to play.
  • kiarasenakiarasena Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    greveious wrote: »
    I feel the opposite way... I been feeling pretty op since level 10, everything dies from just decloak, torp spread 1, few beams, then torp spread 2. Its been very very easy.

    Now past 30 its been even more of a blast since the levle 30 ship is a cruiser, wich is what im used to play.

    :P Guess everyone is used to different things, and not everyone uses the same strategy or gear, but guess you're just used to it, as others from the fleet chat I'm in also have trouble with enemy ships. :(

    Will try some different weapons and try, hope it works.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Torp spread plus scatter volley will kill everything in front of you.

    Also the game feels quite different when you're using regular gear instead of post-game rep gear and buffs.
  • tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Some of the missions are longer, but not really harder.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
  • tom61stotom61sto Member Posts: 3,685 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Could be a level-scaling bug, or just lag.

    Click on your enemies, there should be a number near their picture, this number indicates their level relative to you. On Normal this number should be 0 or negative, if it's plus it's the level-scaling going wonky. If this happens, try beaming/warping out, changing the difficulty on the 'In Progress' tab of your Mission Journal to something else and back. At the beginning of Season 5, this would sometimes happen and you'd be facing level 60 mobs.

    Lag is nearly universal right now, causing things suddenly go from seemingly fine to total party kill when things catch up. Had this happen a few times today on ground, everything going fine with me firing on a target and all the others seemingly ignoring me, then a small rubberband and see the animations for about 12 weapons firing on me plus a couple of grenades and I have to Call for Help (luckly my BOffs usually live through these events).
  • griged32griged32 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    With my plasma-focused weapons (doing extra dps) and my tactical class (militant characters for the win) I've been rocking the dmg output and stomping the HELL out of targets

    Especially the nausicaans - those power-draining frigates are like paper when I drop my singularity powers :D

    Granted, a lot of the tactical-aimed Warbirds are a bit fragile - but that's what the battle cloak is for.

    If you're trying to tank with the T'liss or the Dhael you're doing it wrong

    As for the D'Deridex warbird and it's sub-class, they have lousy turn-rates (somewhere between carrier and late-game cruiser rates) and will need several 180 to 360 degree weapons to keep them protected and dmg-viable during combat
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kiarasena wrote: »
    So I'm wondering.. what's the problem? Are the Romulan ship (/player) "stats" broken? Or are enemies just bugged or such that they're too tough?

    Just finished the Rom storyline missions today myself. I didn't have a problem on the ground, but I found space sections harder than I'm accustomed to. I usually do not play on Normal... had to eventually throttle the difficulty down (pretty much after the Nimbus series) in order to complete the missions in reasonable times.

    When I've followed five complete circles battering at an enemy light cruiser's side and only achieved bleedthrough damage to secure a kill, I figure something's going on. Pretty sure it's just the bad ship system power, but IDK. Have to see how the previous featured series go.
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    kiarasena wrote: »
    Ok so I decided to start playing Romulan, so far I'm enjoying it alot, but just a bit dissapointed that there aren't any more fun special Romulan missions after lvl30-ish.. :(
    Hope more will come soon or such, reall like the new Rommy stuff.

    Anyway, besides that, I think you guys messed something up big time..

    At missions around 25-30+ on normal (easy) mode, with the best possible gear, it seems as if the difficulty mode is messed up and as if I'm playing on Insanity Mode (harder then hard).. Seriously, enemy ships take too long to be killed, and are hard to kill.. On the ground your boffs die like crazy including you (Badlands mission, Heavy Turrets are insane, they're N.O.T. meant to 1hit you..) :(
    So far I've only died maybe 3-5 times on ground missions in total, not counting my boffs, but on space maybe 10-20 times.. and I'm even using Rare/Very Rare gear for my lvl.. so explain how on earth a big enemy ship that my Fed/KDF Sci can beat up like it's nothing with the same gear and lvl, is too hard for my Romulan to destroy and even resulting in me dying 1-2 times?.. :confused:

    So I'm wondering.. what's the problem? Are the Romulan ship (/player) "stats" broken? Or are enemies just bugged or such that they're too tough?

    I haven't noticed anything specially different on ground missions.
    In space, however, I do find the Romulan ships a bit squishier, but that's not necessarily a bad trait to them as they're just a bit different to fly. They actually started to grow on me, because I find it a bit more complex and challenging to fly them. Unlike the Fed. ships where I just storm in and punch through the NPCs in mission, with Romulan ships I found myself really considering which Boff skill setup I want to use and pay attention when I use them. I also found the singularity abilities immensly compatible with my Romulan ships and really usefull answer to some of their shortcommings. I also started to utilize the battle cloak, it's very usefull to disengage in certain scenarios and the spike damage bonus from the Romulan traits I get upon the decloak afterwards really helps in defeating enemies.
    I'd say they are a bit different to command and utilize, but that what makes these ships really fun to play with for me.
  • torbktorbk Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    If one try to play regular tactics Romulans might, just might have a slightly harder time, though my experience is spray fire on the enemy and watch him burn in plasma. Romulan ships alpha strikes (first strikes) very well and with some good attack boost abilities can smash even battleships in a matter of seconds.

    That said, they have less power overall than the Federation and Klingon vessels. Base power for systems, before ship bonuses, is only 40, not 50. If you go all power to weapons, your shields will only be about 40 and your engines and auxilliary might go as low as 20, if you have no specs in system efficiencies. For Romulans, speccing the system effieciencies and warpcore stats are a must. More so than with regular Federation and Klingon vessels.

    If you feel squishy it might be that you do not give extra power to weapons and shields for an excample (might not be, who knows) and as a result, since you do not quickly destroy your enemy or have the power to absorb sustained conflict, your ship suffers. My suggestion is to invest in offensive power and manually save an assault configuration for weapons and shields. (Energy managment, don't worry, it can be reset to default again)

    Also beware, if you use Plasma torpedoes and make them heavy, if you are too close to your target they will also deal damage to you and set you on fire. So best to keep a safe distance from impact. 1km minimum, but I'd say don't fire overloaded if the enemy is within 3km.

    Have fun flying your Romulan. Hope this helps against squishiness.
    The user formerly known as Khern!
    I hate the fact Perfect World force-joined STO and PW accounts...
  • fmgtorres1979fmgtorres1979 Member Posts: 1,327 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    My toon is at level 30...ish (2, I think) and I am not having much trouble. There was one or two missions that I died twice, but in general (so far) I'm not finding it all that different. In fact I'm finding it generally easier. Mind you that it's probable that I find it easier because now I know a few more things that I didn't when I played my first toons. For instance, using engineers (turrets and drones) and science (nanites) on away missions, and no tactical Boff.
    Also the D'Deridex being slower (I thought the Odissey was slow..) is also forcing me to take different approaches by exiting fights (cloak) rather than staying around trying to tank the attacks.
  • alopenalopen Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    torbk wrote: »

    That said, they have less power overall than the Federation and Klingon vessels. Base power for systems, before ship bonuses, is only 40, not 50. If you go all power to weapons, your shields will only be about 40 and your engines and auxilliary might go as low as 20, if you have no specs in system efficiencies. For Romulans, speccing the system effieciencies and warpcore stats are a must. More so than with regular Federation and Klingon vessels.

    Good advice. I hit 30 before I had any issues on a sci character. I can't complain though since I am nervous about speccing Sci characters and haven't put a single skill point into him yet ;)

    That being said. I tried the D'deridex out once and tossed it. It turns like a space whale and I don't like taking 40 minutes per mission. Instead I pulled out the Kamarag I picked up from the temporal ambassador mission to get me to 40 and despite having only a single tac console with a mk 4 disruptor coil, I have been cruising through the same opponents. Still have not specced any skills on my character. * Mind you the Mogai was only doing a little better than the D'deridex due to flismy heals and really weak shields.

    Romulans are feeling underpowered to me. I get the singularity abilities and I just tried the lvl 4 one a few times before I tossed the D'deridex but so far the ONLY really useful power has been the quantum absorbtion one. If not for that one power the whole lot would seem not even worth -5 to each subsystem. I'd almost suggest they nerf quantum absorbtion a bit and go back to -20 overall power. I've done too much PvP to appreciate fooling around with prey :D Is it true the lvl 5 singularity power won't stack with boff powers like crf?

    *This is because I've only played KDF and have never specced a proper sci character before. Since I lack access to proper sci ships as I level up I'm waiting to get the sci warbird at 40 before I use tribble try to figure out what I want to do with skills.
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