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Cryptic understated the new Klingon experience

krovankrovan Member Posts: 86 Arc User
I just did the first hour or so of new level 1 Klingon stuff, and it was everything you'd want from a Klingon type experience, survival of the fittest, a bit of humor, a first officer that speaks as if hes got a stomach full of broken glass and a hangover for the ages..it's all there.

It's also some nice story content, I hope more people decide to try it out, it feels like some polish and love went into it.
Post edited by krovan on


  • cptjhuntercptjhunter Member Posts: 2,288 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I am totally looking forward to rolling out another warrior of the KDF this weekend.Thanks for the review.
  • catoblepasbetacatoblepasbeta Member Posts: 1,532 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sounds great. I only wish that as much love and care went into making the Romulan experience as authentic as the Klingon one.
  • gypsyinspacegypsyinspace Member Posts: 76 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The romulan experience is great. Wonderful voice actor and storyline
  • jonsillsjonsills Member Posts: 10,505 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I was particularly fond of how I got my first ship when I tried out the new Klingon stuff on Tribble.

    Before, my Commander had to run around First City, talking to a bunch of people he didn't care about, in order to impress some random flunky enough to get assigned a ship.

    Now - well, I'm not going to spoil it for anyone who hasn't started a Klingon yet; I'm just going to note that this is how a Klingon junior officer gets his first command!
  • commadorebobcommadorebob Member Posts: 1,223 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I too am enjoying the new KDF content. But the cross-faction Nimbus III content is a work of genius. The entire situation feels realistic and I love the Orion Syndicate. We need to see more inside stuff like this!
    "If you have never used Cello, I'm not interested in your browser opinion."
    In game: Commadore_Bob; Joined Jul 2009; That post count + 20,000
  • krovankrovan Member Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    What really works with the new Klingon stuff is the heavy dose of humor, combined with some really top shelf voice work, I found myself laughing out loud at some of the stuff, and its a great way to add another dimension to the usually one dimensional mentality Klingons can sometimes be stuck in.

    I really am curious who did the voice for the first officer, there is such a subtle undercurrent of humor in his delivery you can't help but grin whenever he makes a suggestion towards unsubtle violent solutions.
  • johngazmanjohngazman Member Posts: 2,826 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    krovan wrote: »
    I just did the first hour or so of new level 1 Klingon stuff, and it was everything you'd want from a Klingon type experience, survival of the fittest, a bit of humor, a first officer that speaks as if hes got a stomach full of broken glass and a hangover for the ages..it's all there.

    It's also some nice story content, I hope more people decide to try it out, it feels like some polish and love went into it.

    I enjoyed duties of command very much. Although, I was a little confused when I arrived at the Exchange and assumed it was the injured Klingon screaming like a little girl. It was a little disconcerting.

    However, the revelation of the voices' owner and the subsequent interaction - instantly brilliant.
    You're just a machine. And machines can be broken.
  • szerontzurszerontzur Member Posts: 2,724 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The first 10 levels are fantastic. The story flows nicely and it really captures the atmosphere and what it means to be part of the Empire(moreso than the Romulan one does for the Republic). I had a stupid grin on my face because of the audio when you first arrive at Qo'noS and I may have drooled slightly at seeing the revamped Lowlands(Seriously, I would love that place as a social zone over the Academy any day of the week).

    10-20 was a bit more rough around the edges from what I recall, but it did a good job of tying things together before Nimbus. Oh, and the intro gives the Temporal Ambassador mission where you're working with Drake a completely different tone.
  • eklinaareklinaar Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Agreed, the new Klingon content is amazing. It's even better than the excellent Romulan story content. This is the best part of LoR, and it's not getting the recognition it deserves!
  • leviathan99#2867 leviathan99 Member Posts: 7,747 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I just want to say, I think Cryptic is finally hitting its stride with content design.

    This is rich. This is full. Not every mission is necessarily trying to be the kind of technical show off that Featured Episodes were but the writing is absolutely top shelf stuff and the novel mechanics and cutscenes are spread out enough that they aren't intrusive or gimmicky but leave you wondering what's going to happen around the next corner.

    The Mind Games episode in particular has to be one of my favorite gaming experiences, period. It's in the vein of the old 25th anniversary stuff. I wouldn't want it every mission but it's a treasure placed exactly where it is. It could easily just be "Press F" (and it is, really) but the presentation is good.

    In fact, one thing that strikes me about LoR in general is how many of the missions are "Press F" and "Kill 5" but I DON'T CARE because the writing is compelling and there are tricks that conceal the gameplay limits.

    I was THRILLED by the Borg episode and the colony episode. And the colony was a straight up "Kill 25" mission. But the launching shuttles and the auto escaping prisoners and the pacing were flawless and the mission journal never says "Kill Enemy (1/25)." Instead, it's "Defend the Shuttles (1/4)" and that is a thousand times more compelling because the behaviors and pacing are authentic.

    I'm sure the Klingon stuff is great too.
  • boydzinjboydzinj Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have left the game for so long, I forgot how to play... and there was no such thing as Klingon PvE. I started a KDF character... and so far... its amazing. I just wish they paid Michael Dorn some money for voice acting. :):(
  • dragon47dragon47 Member Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I played a Klingon faction character in OB, and absolutely had a blast with it. The "change of command ceremony" was well done, and I'm finding it very difficult to find a mission that tops the one on Rura Penthe...It's just got the right amount of everything Klingon...The insults, the pace and that bad-as-anything scene right towards the end. ("You forgot one thing.") THe cinematic feel on that one moment is something I don't think I'll forget for quite some time.
  • flightofcrimsonflightofcrimson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I love the Romulan story, so if the new Klingon story is just as good ...

    Well, I should really buy slots to make a new character then.
  • snoggymack22snoggymack22 Member Posts: 7,084 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Sounds great. I only wish that as much love and care went into making the Romulan experience as authentic as the Klingon one.

    I dig the Romulan story so far. It's a lot of fun. And I'm really into the Romulan Republic, the idea of it, and I've got my crew/BOFFs rocking the RR uniform.

    But the whole thing is really not that Romulan feeling. At least they don't feel like any of the Romulans from the shows. Maybe nicer versions of Nero and his crew? But nothing like Tomalak, or Romulan Commander from TOS. It's just too nice and sunny, none of that tense treachery except when the villains show up (like Sela).

    So I don't know. I mean it's a fun fun FUN story. But I feel like I'm running around in my Romulan Republic Uniform and me and my mates are all kind of Romulan Browncoats sticking it to Sela and Hakeev. Shiny!

    Or something.

    It's fun though.
  • vhylevhyle Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I dig the Romulan story so far. It's a lot of fun. And I'm really into the Romulan Republic, the idea of it, and I've got my crew/BOFFs rocking the RR uniform.

    But the whole thing is really not that Romulan feeling. At least they don't feel like any of the Romulans from the shows. Maybe nicer versions of Nero and his crew? But nothing like Tomalak, or Romulan Commander from TOS. It's just too nice and sunny, none of that tense treachery except when the villains show up (like Sela).

    So I don't know. I mean it's a fun fun FUN story. But I feel like I'm running around in my Romulan Republic Uniform and me and my mates are all kind of Romulan Browncoats sticking it to Sela and Hakeev. Shiny!

    Or something.

    It's fun though.

    I totally understand where you are coming from, but you have to also understand that this is taking place after Hobus annihilated a few billion Romulans. They are all shocked to the core, their entire way of life has flipped a very hard and violent 180 on them. It has forced them to wake up to reality, that they are not what they thought they were, and are what they are now.

    If you look at it from our point of view here in the real world, it would be like taking a rich family, and in less than an instant making them 100% poor and broke. You basically take everything from them, and throw them out into the world and expect them to survive and fight off a ruthless, relentless force that cares nothing for them; add in that they are the same race as them, cooperating with an unknown force.

    Once you come to realize that the Republic is truly still Romulan, just with the evil taken out of it (Tal Shiar), you come to find that they are just people trying to defend their families and rebuild. They are actually trying to forge something new that is still distinctly Romulan. The Tal Shiar is really the only thing that gave the Romulan people a very bad name. I think that most of the scheming that is attached to the Romulans, were from the Tal Shiar because they played such a huge role in Romulan society. From the lowly farmer all the way to the Emperor/Empress's , you feared the Tal Shiar. They basically ruled the Romulan people without actually saying they rule them.

    What we are seeing now are what the Romulan people really are, just thrown into a very harsh life at the moment. I think what Cryptic has really done, is really flesh out the Romulan's in a way that authors do with novels. I havn't read many, if there are any, books on the Romulans, but from watching ToS and TNG (anything with Romulans in it) I've noticed the same theme: Tal Shiar.

    Wall of text just to make a point, I apologize for that. I hope I made some sort of sense.
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I'm sort of at odds with the new KDF storyline missions.


    In one aspect, I really like the creativity of the Tutorial and how they tie in a certain character and tieing in TNG Episodes: All Good Things and Firstborn.


    The design of these new Klingon missions seems like they really rushed it, like someone threw it together in the Foundry overnight. Designwise it was sloppy (except for the last part of Rura Penthe, even if it was a ripoff of STV and VI :rolleyes:).

    And the team trying to tie these to the older KDF Storylines felt awkard at times, like they were purposely jamming a square peg in a round hole.

    Massive CON:

    But what I REALLY hate the most about the higher-tier KDF Missions, is that they weren't KDF Missions at all, they were just rehashed Federation missions, that just had the text edited according to faction.

    Which that really felt massively lazy.

    Look, I wouldn't mind them if they reused those zones and put a KDF spin on it, like if they let KDF have access to the Kuvah'magh mission and give us the KDF side of the story. That what I didn't mind. But instead, they literally copied and pasted.

    That really felt like a major cop-out for KDF players who were promised they would get KDF storyline missions all the way to endgame prior to Romulans getting introduced.

    And thats why I'm disappointed. They just didn't try, they just threw stuff together at the last minute in an attempt to look like they were honoring our requests.
  • lordfuzunlordfuzun Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I dig the Romulan story so far. It's a lot of fun. And I'm really into the Romulan Republic, the idea of it, and I've got my crew/BOFFs rocking the RR uniform.

    But the whole thing is really not that Romulan feeling. At least they don't feel like any of the Romulans from the shows. Maybe nicer versions of Nero and his crew? But nothing like Tomalak, or Romulan Commander from TOS. It's just too nice and sunny, none of that tense treachery except when the villains show up (like Sela).

    So I don't know. I mean it's a fun fun FUN story. But I feel like I'm running around in my Romulan Republic Uniform and me and my mates are all kind of Romulan Browncoats sticking it to Sela and Hakeev. Shiny!

    Or something.

    It's fun though.

    There are just enough bits in the Romulan story line where Romulans are Romulans. I've enjoyed all of the Romulan touches for the old all-faction content. The climax to the Romulan Republic arc is very satisfying and very Romulan.
  • wikinger22wikinger22 Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    So can I just download sto and play as a Klingon from level 1? or do I have to purchase the Romulan Legacy pack?
  • azurianstarazurianstar Member Posts: 6,985 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wikinger22 wrote: »
    So can I just download sto and play as a Klingon from level 1? or do I have to purchase the Romulan Legacy pack?

    You absolutely do not need the Legacy Pack.

    The Legacy pack is just a box full of discounted Romulan ships.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    vhyle wrote: »
    What we are seeing now are what the Romulan people really are, just thrown into a very harsh life at the moment.
    lol no, what they "really are" are the ex-vulcans who nuked their own kind and then left to establish a fundamentally different culture. Cryptic has reinvented them as a kinder and softer Vulcan, when what they "really are" is what they have always been portrayed as.

    I tell ya, when my Romulan-Klingon hybrid [alien] does some Marauding, she hopes that D'Tan doesnt find out about it. And that's just ridiculous.

    As is having Romulan Warbirds in orbit over Qo'Nos.

    And everything else about it.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    wikinger22 wrote: »
    So can I just download sto and play as a Klingon from level 1? or do I have to purchase the Romulan Legacy pack?
    Free download and free to play
  • duaths1duaths1 Member Posts: 1,232 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    yes, the KDF content is EXCELLENT!

    ill sure play through it with my kdf main. later, when the joy of playing my new Romulan, KDF aligned main will become old (in august).

    NOW, guys, as you were stating there will be a large influx of KDF players once there is content - i look forward to it (queues)..

    also looking forward to see the numbers. players playing FED, KDF or Romulans.
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