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Trade up to an Elite Fleet 'set' or save dilithium and get a Reputation Set later?

hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Federation Discussion
Hello all,

Just like the the title says, I was curious what everyone's thoughts were about me trading up to an Elite Fleet engine/shield/deflector from the Aegis Set or should I wait and save my dilithium until I can get a set from Omega Rep?

I'm asking for two characters, one is a Tac flying a Fleet Defiant and the other is an Eng flying an Assault Cruiser Refit.

thanks much!
Post edited by hapievo on


  • vyperwoovyperwoo Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    The fleet shields are really the way to go at this point in an escort. Not sure what the nuk stuff looks like, but the fleet shields are worth it.

    I've tried many sets, and I've found that the mk 11 borg deflector and engines are really hard to pass on.

    Not sure how far you are into the reputation stuff, but I would suggest the borg deflector and engines with a fleet shield.
  • thratch1thratch1 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I run with the Omega Force Deflector/Engines, and MACO shields myself (All Mk XII). I'm not in a fleet, so I can't speak to the Fleet Shields... but the setup I have now is more than adequate for taking some heavy hits from Tac cubes and Donatra's Scimitar.
  • hapievohapievo Member Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Just about to complete tier 1 with my tac and tier 2 with my eng. So I am just planning ahead. Due to life getting in the way of more STO time I don't have much time to play so when I do I like to do more than just farm dilithium. That's why I was looking to find out if I should get the fleet items or hold off until later and get parts of the rep sets.

    Vyperwoo, from your response and other threads I have read it looks like the Elite Fleet shields at least for the moment are where its at, so I may dump the Aegis shield and get a fleet one. You mentioned for an escort this was good, but what about a cruiser?

    thanks for the responses!
  • vyperwoovyperwoo Member Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    I have never used the Assault Cruiser, but I ran it on my Gal-X and Jem Dreadnought, for the week or so I played each. I'm really an escort captain, so even when I hop in a cruiser I still have an escort mentality.

    You'll get more offense out of the Omega set
    You'll get more shield tanking out of the Reman/Romulan set

    I think that the combination of passive hull heals and the chance for some extra hull healing form the 2 piece borg set, allows you to run only 1 hull heal and really not notice a difference. Every other set I've used I felt that I needed an extra hull heal to compensate. On an tactical escort you really only have 3 or 4 healing options, I like to make 2-3 of them shield and 1 hull.

    The fleet shields (resB) will give you higher plasma reduction than any other shield in game, and will also build up for resistance against all energy types, like the Aegis.

    The drawback to this setup is that it's not as specialized as some of the other setups and you don't get that 3 piece set ability or bonus.

    Even saying that, I still think it's the way to go
  • shookyangshookyang Member Posts: 1,122
    edited May 2013
    I use Elite shields, Advanced Positron Deflector Dish, and Advanced Fleet Hyper-Impulse.

    The sets do not interest me anymore, as the three above better than any other set gear.

    I suppose if you wanted a slightly stronger "tankier" deflector, I'd suggest the MACO Deflector Dish.

    The Advanced Positron Deflector dish is close to the MACO Deflector, but can give you a slight bump in accuracy or defense. Not too bad. It's a toss up, really.

    If you ran 5x Subterfuge BOFF setup, then it would be a better idea to get the Elite Axiom Deflector Dish. You'd get about 20% defense from that.
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