Since the patch, I was plagued with the "Login failed for unknown reason" for about fourty five minutes, thankfully that seems to have resolved itself (for me at least) and I was finally able to get in, and so far, my gameplay has been kind of like this
Start Mission
Get half way through mission
RESTART mission because I wasn't able to get to a mission checkpoint
Get to checkpoint in mission
Continue mission from checkpoint
Reach checkpoint
RESTART mission from previous checkpoint as the checkpoint I just reached didn't register before I disconnected
Reach checkpoint
Finish mission
Restart checkpoint
Finish mission
Claim reward
Get next mission
Go to mission start
Get booted at login screen and have to restart launcher
Get to next mission start place, talk to mission giver
You get the idea.
This constitutes a MAJOR problem. I am a Gold subscriber, I pay every month to be able to utilize an entertainment service, just like I pay for my cable, I expect to be able to utilize this service when I please, with the exception of scheduled, or on RARE occasions, unscheduled maintenance downtime. Imagine what would happen to a cable company if every time you turned on your TV, you could watch for ten minutes, then your signal dropped out and you had to restart your cable box or TV in order to continue using the service that you pay for every month. There would be a HUGE outcry, and the problem would get fixed in a matter of a few hours, at most a couple of days.
It seems that every time the servers are taken down, things get worse than they were before they were taken down, I don't understand this. are these things not tested before they are put in a live environment? I thought that was what the purpose of having test servers was, was to TEST things that you were getting ready to push to make sure they didn't break something else. So far, after todays patch, it seems that more things were broken than were fixed. I have NEVER had this many disconnect issues in this, or any other game as I have had since the servers came back up from the last patch.