I like playing the vault mission every once and a while and while I haven't tried it yet, the new Atmosphere assualt seems very intriguing. I've got 500 zen laying around after buying my Reman, and for a while I've been toying with the idea of getting a small craft that was better than the standard runabout. My question is, which one would you all recommend, and for which faction? (I have characters in each one).
Darius (TAC VA) USS Gahreesen (Chel Grett Cruiser), Shomat (SCI VA) ISS Selentic (Mirror DSSV), Napoleon (ENG Capt.) USS Fists of Latinum (Exploration Cruiser), Gothmog (Tac Capt.) IKS Nazgul (Hegh'ta Heavy BoP), Aaesia (Reman Sci Capt) RRW Arien III (Ha'Nom Guardian)
I just bought the delta flyer for my Fed today - not that I've had much chance to play with it what with the latest server fiasco, but my reason for picking it is simply because it has 2 boff slots, one ensign sci one ensign universal. then i put the old mk xi borg set on and it looks disgusting but still, 2 boff slots, nuff said.
I have the fighters, and the Delta Flyer on fed side - I love flying them in Starbase 24.. the one I ended up picking to stick with was the Delta Flyer - it seems to have the most survivability in my mind.
The Fighters (Peregrine, Tu'doj, and Scorpion) all have the same stats, I believe.
I use the Peregrine fighter myself, loaded up with the Quad Phaser Cannons (a poor choice on my part, since you really should have some [Acc] modifiers on your small crafts) and a Phaser Turret Mk XII. Having two cannon weapons gets the most bang out of the built-in Rapid Fire ability. I have Doffs that bring the cooldown of my Tac Team down to global, so I seat one Boff with Tac Team on. Fighters are flimsy, so having Tac Team up almost all of the time is a must as far as I'm concerned.
Fighters are a lot of fun. It's very satisfying blowing things out of the sky with cannons. I've played a Runabout, and it was effective, but not very satisfying. The Fighters are more nimble, and the cannons just look cooler.
I was thinking about the peregrine fighter. Also, are there any advantages to the stalker fighter besides the fact it looks cool?
Darius (TAC VA) USS Gahreesen (Chel Grett Cruiser), Shomat (SCI VA) ISS Selentic (Mirror DSSV), Napoleon (ENG Capt.) USS Fists of Latinum (Exploration Cruiser), Gothmog (Tac Capt.) IKS Nazgul (Hegh'ta Heavy BoP), Aaesia (Reman Sci Capt) RRW Arien III (Ha'Nom Guardian)
Also, the scorpion fighter looks pretty good, the main appeal being its singularity overload power.
Darius (TAC VA) USS Gahreesen (Chel Grett Cruiser), Shomat (SCI VA) ISS Selentic (Mirror DSSV), Napoleon (ENG Capt.) USS Fists of Latinum (Exploration Cruiser), Gothmog (Tac Capt.) IKS Nazgul (Hegh'ta Heavy BoP), Aaesia (Reman Sci Capt) RRW Arien III (Ha'Nom Guardian)
I fly a Peregrine with DBBs. The incredible turning it has with the DBBs great mix of damage and arc make it very effective and fun. Regular DHC style weapons don't really work too well against targets that are moving as fast as enemy shuttles and fighters tend to move.
Delta Flyer has two bridge slots, Yellowstone comes with engines that can vent plasma.
Really though, fly the one(s) you think you will enjoy zipping about in. It really doesn't matter that much(just avoid the Tiercel, it has NO bridge officer seating).
I fly a Peregrine with DBBs. The incredible turning it has with the DBBs great mix of damage and arc make it very effective and fun. Regular DHC style weapons don't really work too well against targets that are moving as fast as enemy shuttles and fighters tend to move.
Agreed about DHCs, but regular Dual Cannons work fine in my experience. Besides, if you aren't using cannons, then the Rapid Fire ability it comes with goes to waste.
I think the fighters really shine in the new Atmospheric Assault mission. I put a Phaser Point Defense console in my Engineering slot to help deal with the shuttles flitting about, and I'm able to absolutely hammer my way through the shields of the walkers in one pass.
I was thinking about the peregrine fighter. Also, are there any advantages to the stalker fighter besides the fact it looks cool?
The Stalker does not hit as hard as the Peregrine fighter does, nor does it turn quite as fast (although its 31 turn, compared to the Peregrine's 33, is still very nimble).
I would opt for the Peregrine myself just because it's the more poweful fighter. Having not flown the Stalker myself, though, I can't really give you a firsthand impression of its effectiveness.
Me playing UT2k4 (red guy) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz0DnP7wXnU
I use the Peregrine fighter myself, loaded up with the Quad Phaser Cannons (a poor choice on my part, since you really should have some [Acc] modifiers on your small crafts) and a Phaser Turret Mk XII. Having two cannon weapons gets the most bang out of the built-in Rapid Fire ability. I have Doffs that bring the cooldown of my Tac Team down to global, so I seat one Boff with Tac Team on. Fighters are flimsy, so having Tac Team up almost all of the time is a must as far as I'm concerned.
Fighters are a lot of fun. It's very satisfying blowing things out of the sky with cannons. I've played a Runabout, and it was effective, but not very satisfying. The Fighters are more nimble, and the cannons just look cooler.
Really though, fly the one(s) you think you will enjoy zipping about in. It really doesn't matter that much(just avoid the Tiercel, it has NO bridge officer seating).
Agreed about DHCs, but regular Dual Cannons work fine in my experience. Besides, if you aren't using cannons, then the Rapid Fire ability it comes with goes to waste.
I think the fighters really shine in the new Atmospheric Assault mission. I put a Phaser Point Defense console in my Engineering slot to help deal with the shuttles flitting about, and I'm able to absolutely hammer my way through the shields of the walkers in one pass.
The Stalker does not hit as hard as the Peregrine fighter does, nor does it turn quite as fast (although its 31 turn, compared to the Peregrine's 33, is still very nimble).
You can compare the two fighters here:
I would opt for the Peregrine myself just because it's the more poweful fighter. Having not flown the Stalker myself, though, I can't really give you a firsthand impression of its effectiveness.