I'm begging you, Cryptic. Please let me discharge Tovan. I don't care if it screws up the story you're telling for me (not MY story, YOUR story. Which is full of deus ex machina and false choices, both of which make it hard to like even then). I don't care about his VO work. I don't care that he's a free purple boff. I don't care that I can change his look, or even his name.
I hate what he represents. I hate that you've taken customization and killed it with fire. I hate that every Romulan captain has exactly the same boffs (reskinning and renaming them doesn't change that they're still the same two male romulans, one female romulan and one female reman. Nor does it make the lack of choice in getting them any less depressing). I hate that each of the early boffs has their own unique costume options, and that by deleting them i lose those forever; it makes me not want to delete them, despite how much I hate what they are.
I formed attachments to my boffs on my older characters just fine by choosing what I wanted and making them myself. I am not attached in the least bit to the boffs you've forced upon my Romulan, especially not Tovan. I have no idea how you could possibly think that it's *easier* to form attachments to them when you've done all of the work for me. That's not how that works.
So please, Cryptic. let me murder Tovan in the most brutal way possible, along with Satra, Veril and Hiven. And give their costume options to every boff and player character, so I can do it without remorse.
And for the love of customization, PLEASE do not do the same thing to the Fed early game that you did to Romulans and Klingons! I LIKE PICKING MY OWN BOFFS DAMNIT.
Whoa! slow down on the whisky partner... and put down that meat cleaver before you hack someone's head in two, if not your own.
If we get past the rage, hate and megalomania, this feller's got a point. We should be allowed to pick, choose and customize the boffs we want. Which you can do on both Fed and KDF. Now I haven't tried Romulan yet, but I think we can do that there too, even if not on the early lower levels.
I wholeheartedly agree with OP. No matter what officer I have assigned he speaks as Tovan (even when I do not have him selected, I want to get rid of him)
It is ok early on in the story but surely later on we should be able to get rid of him. Having a generic female voice and male voice might be a good solution in the short term so whoever your first officer is will speak instead of Tovan. Tovan should be executed :eek:
At the moment my borg boff seems to have become Tovan which is annoying in the story as he is not Tovan yet the game seems to think he is lol.
Surely a simple generic voice for the Boffs would be simple enough to maintain the integrity of the story beyond a certain level.
I hardly think being "stuck" with one Bridge Officer means that player customisation in STO is dead and buried. I don't mind him, in fact it's nice to have some sort of attachment to my officers instead of "oh, he's just a boff" and discharging him the second I see one with a better trait/ability mix. Sure I will perhaps get rid of Hiven and the others, make up a story say that after the Elatchi threat was over they moved on to other things. Tovan is your characters closest friend from Virinat, I think it's good that both you and his character develop after the events of the tutorial.
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I hardly think being "stuck" with one Bridge Officer means that player customisation in STO is dead and buried. I don't mind him, in fact it's nice to have some sort of attachment to my officers instead of "oh, he's just a boff" and discharging him the second I see one with a better trait/ability mix. Sure I will perhaps get rid of Hiven and the others, make up a story say that after the Elatchi threat was over they moved on to other things. Tovan is your characters closest friend from Virinat, I think it's good that both you and his character develop after the events of the tutorial.
You're going to have to explain this one to me. How on earth are you more attached to a Boff Cryptic created for you than one you created yourself?
And it's not just one boff. It's four. Sure you can get rid of the other three, but then you lose their unique costume elements permanently.
It's not even really about the specific boffs. It's about Cryptic giving up on their philosophy of giving the player total customization in favor of storytelling, something that they have *never* been good at going all the way back to CoH. Instead of sticking to what they know and what they've based their games on, they've decided to emulate other games. That never ends well.
Whenever I start a new character, I always consider my early BOffs to be temporary. As I get higher quality BOffs later on, they replace my early ones. So I don't mind at all getting some unique BOffs for the Romulan story arcs. With the possible exception of Tovan, they're going to get replaced down the line.
I actually don't like their unique costume items, so I won't miss them when they're gone.
Well, he kinda grew on me. No really, after I used a disruptor pistol, set to stun, repeatedly on him... he just gets moldier and moldier.
At least he wasn't Trianna Khev or worse... the devs might have taken a look at the average player's demographic stats... and used someone that looked/talked like that 'Evony' 'chick' we see on the launcher (in CO, STO and even NW).
Plus some of the missions kinda require a 'fixed' BOff.
You know this thread probably made some poor dev laugh a few times.
What was wrong with choosing our own boffs, and how they got onto our ship? Why did Cryptic feel the need to tell us who our boffs are? Whose idea was it to make every Romulan crew exactly the same?
You know what depresses me the most? I keep seeing Romulan captains who havent changed a single thing about any of their default boffs. Did I wake up in a world where customization in STO wasn't a thing?
I don't care for Tovan. I don't like his voice acting or the fact that he tends to take center stage in many of the early missions, like with the Tal Shiar contact; she constantly says "I still love you Tovan" when you hail her.
I don't care if anyone loves Tovan or not. It's supposed to be a story about my captain, not an annoying refugee I picked up on a colony world.
He annoyed me the first few missions, but I grew to like him. My Rommie absolutely did, too, and I'm pretty sure they've got a complicated "thing" going on. What's life on a ship of rag-tag refugees without a little bonding & commanding officer/subordinate officer chemistry with an annoying Tal Shiar third wheel? Besides, better Tovan for that than Hiven :P
I may get a little too deep in the character back stories I make up *blushes*
He's like Carth Onasi with pointy ears! Pretty sure there's going to be an STO "Shut up, Tovan!" meme soon. :P
The Dark Side ending in KoToR 1 where if you play as a dark side woman who goes through the love arc, you get to murder Carth at the end, made the whole process worthwhile.
Tovan hasn't bugged me as much as some. I'm more annoyed I have to spend 500 zen just to end up with the same number of customizable BOFF slots as FED or KDF get out of the gate, though currently with almost no Romulan BOFF options to choose from I guess it's a non-sequitor for now.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
I'd very much prefer it if Tovan were a girl but he's alright, jealous they didn't go to same lengths with KDF as they did Roms but KDF is unwanted stepchild of this game so whatever. Tovan doesn't bother me though as I only view a game's story as being "my own" if I can affect some regular even if small change to it, this game is 99.9% railroad tho.
The most annoying feature of Tovan is how heavy handed he is with his opinion. I know that they are trying to tell a certain kind of story but Tovan comes off as railroading me through a story than me playing through a chapter in my characters life.
I mean sure I was irked that I didn't have much say over Hiven or the Reman chick. But at least they are silent. Tovan is a very vocal character and he just grates my nerves.
I'm pushing him out of an airlock the first chance I get.
The most annoying feature of Tovan is how heavy handed he is with his opinion. I know that they are trying to tell a certain kind of story but Tovan comes off as railroading me through a story than me playing through a chapter in my characters life.
I mean sure I was irked that I didn't have much say over Hiven or the Reman chick. But at least they are silent. Tovan is a very vocal character and he just grates my nerves.
I'm pushing him out of an airlock the first chance I get.
Ugh. I swear, every conversation is Tovan saying something about how much he hates the Tal Shiar or finding his sister, and then two options on how you want to agree with him. Tovan is nothing more than an exceptionally heavy handed plot device, who makes all the decisions for your character, deteremining not only your actions, but your character's personality as well. I wish there was an option to shovee him out an airlock, but when you can't even modify his appearance, what do you expect?
I also noticed that he has taken to posessing my female vulcan first officer on my fed character lately on Nimbus. I can't even escape him by playing a Federation character!
I quite like the BOFF system the Roms get - every member of my crew is 'unique' (after heavy customization and renaming anyway) and has a background. A background I flesh out in the biography section. Granted, they each have the same 'starting' point... but from the Reman teenager to the overweight Romulan scientist you get off the colony station, the only thing you can't 'change' about these boffs is gender and species - outside of that the look, uniform - EVERYTHING! Is completely customizable
Even Tovan (to a limited extent) is changeable. His face, hair, uniform, build - if he bugs you that much. Make him really fat or really stupid looking - if nothing else it'll give you something to laugh about lol
The story about our boffs is that they're all refugees - we aren't the Fed's or the Klingons... we're a rag-tag bunch of rebels fighting 'the man' (tal shiar) now what's not awesome about that? Yeah, we all GET our Boffs the same way - we even get our SHIPS the same - but they ARE customizable. The original customizable system isn't GONE it's just become MORE in depth. We've actually got a REASON to give a damn about these people wandering around our ships - they aren't just batteries anymore
Here's hoping the Feds and the Klingons get the same treatment... I'm not saying each faction needs a Tovan (don't go nuclear on me here) but the starting crew 'joining' the ship as the story goes on... that'd be really cool a 'starting place' (if you will) that gives you something to write about them
And especially considering the Romulan and Klingon tutorials are the best stuff Cryptic has made, so far, in my opinion I really don't get the hate.
Finally, there's awesome stories and actual characters in it, not randomly exchangeable templates... and if people must get rid of Tovan, maybe once they reach 50 Tovan could be made discharge-able, but the story missions would be out of bounds then.
this whole thing is basically the same as with missions...
do you, dear OP, also hate the fact that everyone, every single player, has defeated the same borg queen as you have, and 1000 of times mind you? crying about a very nicely done story with a good selection of characters makes no sense to me since they really did a good job imo. As you yourself implied, doing this allowed them to fit a story to your whole crew and have them interact much more with you and the story itself than it would be otherwise possible.
As i understood it, you only have to play like till lvl10 storywise, once you've chosen your ally you can lvl up the way you want. I wouldnt mind letting you discard any of those, didnt know that was not possible but in the end your totally making a big problem about something cryptic has done very well.
I don't get it. Where's the difference between Tovan and the Generic Andorian Girl or the Gorn that Feds and Klinks have been getting for years?
Generic Andorian girl doesn't rail road me and is at least quiet. Tovan is very talkative to the point that he detracts from the story. If I could at least discharge him I'd be happy. The biggest problem is I'm stuck with him and he takes up a BOFF spot. If I want to add another spot I need to discharge one of the others or buy new slots. I actually like the others to some extent, they don't make me feel like the story is being rail roaded.
He's intrusive upon the experience
In a game where I can dismiss anyone else and customize it to my liking not being able to do anything about Tovan detracts from an otherwise good story.
I'd enjoy my Romulan experience more if I felt I had a bit more control over what was going on.
If you like Tovan that's cool. But there should be a method for those who don't like him to ditch him. I'm not one to ditch my BOFFs swiftly. My Fed character (the one I enjoy playing the most right now) has as his first officer the second BOFF I got in the game. My cheif engineer is still the first BOFF I got because I felt they added to the story of my crew.
I want the opition to remove Tovan if I don't like, or in the very least for him not to take up a BOFF slot if I have to keep him.
Where's the story without the characters? How are we supposed to care what happens if there isn't at least (a little) participation from the people that make up your crew? Hell, most of Star Trek was DRIVEN by the people Under Picard/Kirk/Janeway etc... dialogue is PART of the story!
Of all the things that people could complain about with the new expansion, I find this one to be the most ridiculous. My fed toon gets a WHITE quality first BOFF. Romulans get a purple BOFF with Torpedo Spread 3 (BOFFs with this skill regularly sell for over a million on the exchange) AND he's a beast on the ground. Not to mention ... (for you RPers out there) ... if it wasn't for the fact that he can fly a starship, your happy green blooded butt would be ashes on the surface of Virinat right now.
If we get past the rage, hate and megalomania, this feller's got a point. We should be allowed to pick, choose and customize the boffs we want. Which you can do on both Fed and KDF. Now I haven't tried Romulan yet, but I think we can do that there too, even if not on the early lower levels.
It is ok early on in the story but surely later on we should be able to get rid of him. Having a generic female voice and male voice might be a good solution in the short term so whoever your first officer is will speak instead of Tovan. Tovan should be executed :eek:
At the moment my borg boff seems to have become Tovan which is annoying in the story as he is not Tovan yet the game seems to think he is lol.
Surely a simple generic voice for the Boffs would be simple enough to maintain the integrity of the story beyond a certain level.
Just my two pennies. :rolleyes:
Looking for a dedicated Star Trek community? Visit www.ufplanets.com for details.
You're going to have to explain this one to me. How on earth are you more attached to a Boff Cryptic created for you than one you created yourself?
And it's not just one boff. It's four. Sure you can get rid of the other three, but then you lose their unique costume elements permanently.
It's not even really about the specific boffs. It's about Cryptic giving up on their philosophy of giving the player total customization in favor of storytelling, something that they have *never* been good at going all the way back to CoH. Instead of sticking to what they know and what they've based their games on, they've decided to emulate other games. That never ends well.
Admiral Jorak
Romulan Intelligence
I actually don't like their unique costume items, so I won't miss them when they're gone.
At least he wasn't Trianna Khev or worse... the devs might have taken a look at the average player's demographic stats... and used someone that looked/talked like that 'Evony' 'chick' we see on the launcher (in CO, STO and even NW).
Plus some of the missions kinda require a 'fixed' BOff.
You know this thread probably made some poor dev laugh a few times.
Shut up! Tovan!
You know what depresses me the most? I keep seeing Romulan captains who havent changed a single thing about any of their default boffs. Did I wake up in a world where customization in STO wasn't a thing?
I think people will complain about anything if they can. This game is F2P. Got over yourself & move on.
I don't care if anyone loves Tovan or not. It's supposed to be a story about my captain, not an annoying refugee I picked up on a colony world.
Romulan Praetorian Guard
I may get a little too deep in the character back stories I make up *blushes*
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
The Dark Side ending in KoToR 1 where if you play as a dark side woman who goes through the love arc, you get to murder Carth at the end, made the whole process worthwhile.
Tovan hasn't bugged me as much as some. I'm more annoyed I have to spend 500 zen just to end up with the same number of customizable BOFF slots as FED or KDF get out of the gate, though currently with almost no Romulan BOFF options to choose from I guess it's a non-sequitor for now.
"We are smart." - Grebnedlog
Member of Alliance Central Command/boq botlhra'ghom
I mean sure I was irked that I didn't have much say over Hiven or the Reman chick. But at least they are silent. Tovan is a very vocal character and he just grates my nerves.
I'm pushing him out of an airlock the first chance I get.
I also noticed that he has taken to posessing my female vulcan first officer on my fed character lately on Nimbus. I can't even escape him by playing a Federation character!
Even Tovan (to a limited extent) is changeable. His face, hair, uniform, build - if he bugs you that much. Make him really fat or really stupid looking - if nothing else it'll give you something to laugh about lol
The story about our boffs is that they're all refugees - we aren't the Fed's or the Klingons... we're a rag-tag bunch of rebels fighting 'the man' (tal shiar) now what's not awesome about that? Yeah, we all GET our Boffs the same way - we even get our SHIPS the same - but they ARE customizable. The original customizable system isn't GONE it's just become MORE in depth. We've actually got a REASON to give a damn about these people wandering around our ships - they aren't just batteries anymore
Here's hoping the Feds and the Klingons get the same treatment... I'm not saying each faction needs a Tovan (don't go nuclear on me here) but the starting crew 'joining' the ship as the story goes on... that'd be really cool
What's wrong with that?
Im still wondering why everyone seems to hate tovan though?
Finally, there's awesome stories and actual characters in it, not randomly exchangeable templates... and if people must get rid of Tovan, maybe once they reach 50 Tovan could be made discharge-able, but the story missions would be out of bounds then.
The Gorn is polite , obedient , loyal and respectful
The Andorian is polite , Respectful , loyal and Rapidly becomes a friend
Tovan is an TRIBBLE
He is mouthy , disrespectful and plain ANNOYING
plus what if your character is Reman and wants a Reman "best bud"
do you, dear OP, also hate the fact that everyone, every single player, has defeated the same borg queen as you have, and 1000 of times mind you? crying about a very nicely done story with a good selection of characters makes no sense to me since they really did a good job imo. As you yourself implied, doing this allowed them to fit a story to your whole crew and have them interact much more with you and the story itself than it would be otherwise possible.
As i understood it, you only have to play like till lvl10 storywise, once you've chosen your ally you can lvl up the way you want. I wouldnt mind letting you discard any of those, didnt know that was not possible but in the end your totally making a big problem about something cryptic has done very well.
Generic Andorian girl doesn't rail road me and is at least quiet. Tovan is very talkative to the point that he detracts from the story. If I could at least discharge him I'd be happy. The biggest problem is I'm stuck with him and he takes up a BOFF spot. If I want to add another spot I need to discharge one of the others or buy new slots. I actually like the others to some extent, they don't make me feel like the story is being rail roaded.
He's intrusive upon the experience
In a game where I can dismiss anyone else and customize it to my liking not being able to do anything about Tovan detracts from an otherwise good story.
I'd enjoy my Romulan experience more if I felt I had a bit more control over what was going on.
If you like Tovan that's cool. But there should be a method for those who don't like him to ditch him. I'm not one to ditch my BOFFs swiftly. My Fed character (the one I enjoy playing the most right now) has as his first officer the second BOFF I got in the game. My cheif engineer is still the first BOFF I got because I felt they added to the story of my crew.
I want the opition to remove Tovan if I don't like, or in the very least for him not to take up a BOFF slot if I have to keep him.
Having characters that talk = railroading.
Dialogue = distracting from the story.
Where's the story without the characters? How are we supposed to care what happens if there isn't at least (a little) participation from the people that make up your crew? Hell, most of Star Trek was DRIVEN by the people Under Picard/Kirk/Janeway etc... dialogue is PART of the story!