I beamed up from New Romulus Command into orbit, and I am stuck with a Sever Not Responding error at about 94% so my character appears to be permanently stuck in this loading screen.
Logging in and out does not fix it.
Several hours ago I left it for half an hour to see if it would continue to load, but it didn't, and it's still the same now.
I suspected I would not be the only one. Sorry to hear that it happened to you too.
I also had just done Khitomer (allied to KDF) and got my new Tier 2 ship. I went to beam up from New Romulus Command, and that's when it happened to me.
Thankfully it's only Tribble, and we only have to wait another couple of days for it to hit Holodeck.
To be honest, I gave up on Tribble yesterday. I have all the screen shots I need for my Romulan ship chart now, so I'm done with it. (Spits out dummy, throws all the toys out the playpen, picks up his ball and walks back home) LOL!
[EDIT] Just patched up, and gone back into the game. My character is still loading the load screen with Server Not Responding.
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but I just made Centurian rank and switched to a tier II ship. This was the first time switching maps since.
Is it safe to assume that, to all of those who are having this issue, this happened right after switching to a new ship and trying to beam to it for the first time?