mmm the Fleet Escort Retrofit is a very good ship I think:
Very Good Console Layout
Very Good BOffs Layout
Very Good Turn Rate & Shield Mod
Also, it requires only 1 fleet module (if you bought the retrofit version at 200K FC).
And it requires T4 Shipyard (I think).
So yes, it has a reduced hull, but yes ... its good ship
I'd suggest you to go for a Fleet Patrol Escort, but it requires 4 fleet modules, so its up to you:
Fleet Patrol is a bit better (due to its better hull), but the fleet escort retrofit is less expensive.
Also, I don't like Aquarius Escort:
it has the same price, same BOffs and Consoles Layout, but it has less hull than the Escort Retrofit.
Its also slower I think o_O
Depends on what you want really, although I would personally recommend the Fleet Patrol Escort for tankier setups, since it's seating and consoles are more suited to survivability, and the Fleet Defiant if you want a pure DPS machine.
I usually run the Defiant more often simply because I like the looks more.
The Aquarius seems to be almost unanimously the worst fleet escort, and from looking at its specs, unless you really really rehaheaaaallly like the looks, I would not recommend wasting a slot on it.
My guess is "hope" keeps people not playing but posting on the forums. For others, its a path of sad realization and closure. Grieving takes time. The worst "haters" here love the game, or did at some point.
If you want an escort that can sustain some fire and is pretty versatile (universal ens), go with the Fleet Patrol escort.
If you want a theoretically more tac focused ship (5 tac consoles), either go with Fleet Tactical escort or the Fleet Advanced escort. Both suffer from 3 ensign tac slots, though.
I'd choose the Fleet patrol (that is, if I didn't hate the look of it :P).
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Fleet Patrol (or Fleet Armitage at Shipyard T5) for a tougher ship, Fleet Advanced gets an LtC sci for utility, Fleet Defiant is the best DPS. Maybe you could consider Fleet Escort Retrofit as well, it's a Fleet Patrol with a bit less hull and a bit better turn, but definitely don't bother with the Aquarius, it's weak on everything except turn rate, which just matches the Fleet Defiant and Fleet Escort.
Although at this point you might do better if you go C-Store Khyzon, it'll get most of the durability of the Fleet Patrol with most of the firepower of the Fleet Defiant (Charal is second best IMO because it's usually hard to find eng consoles worth running), plus it's an account unlock.
I was thinking of the two mantioned as i do have the patrol escort does really well.I got the retrofit Defiant cloaking.
I can't afford modules atm.
Ah, I see you only consider non-fleet vessels. Then honestly you're better off with the patrol and Defiant you got.
The escort retrofit is basically the same as patrol, but with worse hull and maybe a point or two more in turn.
And the Aquarius has even less hull, even less shields and one less rear weapon slot, while again offering a bit more turn.
Both are a downgrade from a regular patrol escort.
EDIT: Btw, if you bought the Defiant retrofit from the C-Store (not just claimed from vet reward), the Fleet one would only cost you 1 Fleet ship module, not the regular 4.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
I was thinking of the two mantioned as i do have the patrol escort does really well.I got the retrofit Defiant cloaking.
I can't afford modules atm.
if you ahve the cloak for the defiant, go for the defiant...still one of the best offensive escorts ingame + claok.
if you got the refit via the c-store 1 module should do the trick. little over 6 million EC at the moment.
both ships you mentioned are inferior to the fleet defiant or the fleet patrol escort...the aquarius especially. So if it must be 1 out of the 2, the fleet escort retrofit is definately the best choice statwise, however i wouldn't recommand it.
mmm the Fleet Escort Retrofit is a very good ship I think:
Very Good Console Layoutsubjective, an "ok" layout at best Very Good BOffs Layoutalso, just a "good" layout for an escort and the patrol escort can mimik it anyway. big + is the ability to run 2x EPtS for increased shield resi
Very Good Turn Rate & Shield Mod
Also, it requires only 1 fleet module (if you bought the retrofit version at 200K FC).
And it requires T4 Shipyard (I think). no fleet ship module reduction for that ship, and it only needs a T2 shipyard, the aquarius needs a T4
So yes, it has a reduced hull, but yes ... its good ship
I'd suggest you to go for a Fleet Patrol Escort, but it requires 4 fleet modules, so its up to you:
Fleet Patrol is a bit better (due to its better hull), but the fleet escort retrofit is less expensive.
Also, I don't like Aquarius Escort:
it has the same price, same BOffs and Consoles Layout, but it has less hull than the Escort Retrofit.
Its also slower I think o_O
If you enjoy the retro defiant then I recommend the fleet defiant. If you want something different the Saber is okay, but it is a step down from the fleet defiant.
The Fleet Patrol Escourt FTW!! It is so versitle and you can do some really nice builds with it. Good for PVP, good for PVE and STF's. Pretty much cant go wrong with it.
I've the Fleet Patrol escort, it really is a great ship. It's tough, very nice boff arrangement and an ensign uni slot.
"The meaning of victory is not to merely defeat your enemy but to destroy him, to completely eradicate him from living memory, to leave no remnant of his endeavours, to crush utterly his achievement and remove from all record his every trace of existence. From that defeat no enemy can ever recover. That is the meaning of victory."
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Klingon: B'rel Fleet Bird of Prey (Like the one from ST 3 and 7) If you ever seen the scene where they show the B'rel attack the ENT D and DS9 you will understand.
Romulan: No question, T'Varo Fleet ship (if they have it which they will ) Look at the Balance of Terror, the T'Liss or TOS version is the same. Think about with EBC you can drop the mega torp and recloak. That torp is so powerful it pulverized and asterod base deep under solid rock (TOS Balance of Terror) Not only that its terror weapon in PVP that ability to do that will freak out anyone that can't cloak like the Federation players and some Klingons.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] "This planet smells, it must be the Klingons"
I was gong for something different and like my Klink geer has BoP C version.
I guess i will have to save up my ECs and buy the moduels off the exchange.
I can't afford to buy zen atm which is why.
If you want something "better" than your current Defiant and Patrol escort, then indeed, getting one of the Fleet ships is the only way (then there are LB/Lobi ships).
As said, the non-fleer Escort retrofit and Aquarius (called lolquarius and failquarius, btw.) would be a waste of Fleet credit and ship slot. Unless you somehow really like their look and don't care about their performance.
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
I have built a plasma based Fleet Advanced Escort and it has strong knug fu and it still looks like a FED ship.
I run it with (3) blue Tac +2%/+5% rom doffs, (3) purple rom [pla] [-th] sci consoles and the Zero point console and rom plasma torp combination, all for the plasma damage buff.
IMHO, except for turning rate, it's the strongest escort dps build I have and that includes a JHAS Poleron build.
I have also tried the plasma build on a Mobius with (4) sci consoles and while the mobiius does offer some interesting BOFF flexibility, it's still not as alpha strike strong as the FAE.
The FAE is a T4 ship I would recommend to anyone, especially for a PvE plasma build.
I'd go with either the Armitage or keep your Defiant Retro/Fleet Defiant. I honestly still can't decide which is the better ship. I guess it comes down to cloaking device and the tactical console versus fighters and stronger hull.
I'd go with either the Armitage or keep your Defiant Retro/Fleet Defiant. I honestly still can't decide which is the better ship. I guess it comes down to cloaking device and the tactical console versus fighters and stronger hull.
I actually have the Armitage use most of the time.I can see why most of you are saying fleet patrol or retrofit Defiant which has 5 tac slots.
I ma not really into the box ships unless it is a mirror class.
btw Where you look for fleet moduels on the exchange and how much are they going for?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Age StarTrek-Gamers Administrator
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer Star Trek Gamers
I actually have the Armitage use most of the time.I can see why most of you are saying fleet patrol or retrofit Defiant which has 5 tac slots.
I ma not really into the box ships unless it is a mirror class.
btw Where you look for fleet moduels on the exchange and how much are they going for?
Data samples, very rare, last I remember about 6 mil EC a piece (but that's old data, could have swinged both ways).
TOIVA, Toi Vaxx, Toia Vix, Toveg, T'vritha, To Vrax: Bring in the Allegiance class. Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider. Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Very Good Console Layout
Very Good BOffs Layout
Very Good Turn Rate & Shield Mod
Also, it requires only 1 fleet module (if you bought the retrofit version at 200K FC).
And it requires T4 Shipyard (I think).
So yes, it has a reduced hull, but yes ... its good ship
I'd suggest you to go for a Fleet Patrol Escort, but it requires 4 fleet modules, so its up to you:
Fleet Patrol is a bit better (due to its better hull), but the fleet escort retrofit is less expensive.
Also, I don't like Aquarius Escort:
it has the same price, same BOffs and Consoles Layout, but it has less hull than the Escort Retrofit.
Its also slower I think o_O
I usually run the Defiant more often simply because I like the looks more.
The Aquarius seems to be almost unanimously the worst fleet escort, and from looking at its specs, unless you really really rehaheaaaallly like the looks, I would not recommend wasting a slot on it.
If you want a theoretically more tac focused ship (5 tac consoles), either go with Fleet Tactical escort or the Fleet Advanced escort. Both suffer from 3 ensign tac slots, though.
I'd choose the Fleet patrol (that is, if I didn't hate the look of it :P).
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I can't afford modules atm.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Although at this point you might do better if you go C-Store Khyzon, it'll get most of the durability of the Fleet Patrol with most of the firepower of the Fleet Defiant (Charal is second best IMO because it's usually hard to find eng consoles worth running), plus it's an account unlock.
Ah, I see you only consider non-fleet vessels. Then honestly you're better off with the patrol and Defiant you got.
The escort retrofit is basically the same as patrol, but with worse hull and maybe a point or two more in turn.
And the Aquarius has even less hull, even less shields and one less rear weapon slot, while again offering a bit more turn.
Both are a downgrade from a regular patrol escort.
EDIT: Btw, if you bought the Defiant retrofit from the C-Store (not just claimed from vet reward), the Fleet one would only cost you 1 Fleet ship module, not the regular 4.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
if you ahve the cloak for the defiant, go for the defiant...still one of the best offensive escorts ingame + claok.
if you got the refit via the c-store 1 module should do the trick. little over 6 million EC at the moment.
both ships you mentioned are inferior to the fleet defiant or the fleet patrol escort...the aquarius especially. So if it must be 1 out of the 2, the fleet escort retrofit is definately the best choice statwise, however i wouldn't recommand it.
all things in red are wrong info go check and to confirm.
only having purchased th T5 version of a fleet ship in the c-store will grant the reduced fleet module price...NOTHING else.
-Lord Commander Solar Macharius
Federation: Tactical Escort Fleet (Defiant) Watch DS9, nuff said.
Klingon: B'rel Fleet Bird of Prey (Like the one from ST 3 and 7) If you ever seen the scene where they show the B'rel attack the ENT D and DS9 you will understand.
Romulan: No question, T'Varo Fleet ship (if they have it which they will ) Look at the Balance of Terror, the T'Liss or TOS version is the same. Think about with EBC you can drop the mega torp and recloak. That torp is so powerful it pulverized and asterod base deep under solid rock (TOS Balance of Terror) Not only that its terror weapon in PVP that ability to do that will freak out anyone that can't cloak like the Federation players and some Klingons.
I guess i will have to save up my ECs and buy the moduels off the exchange.
I can't afford to buy zen atm which is why.
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
If you want something "better" than your current Defiant and Patrol escort, then indeed, getting one of the Fleet ships is the only way (then there are LB/Lobi ships).
As said, the non-fleer Escort retrofit and Aquarius (called lolquarius and failquarius, btw.) would be a waste of Fleet credit and ship slot. Unless you somehow really like their look and don't care about their performance.
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!
I run it with (3) blue Tac +2%/+5% rom doffs, (3) purple rom [pla] [-th] sci consoles and the Zero point console and rom plasma torp combination, all for the plasma damage buff.
IMHO, except for turning rate, it's the strongest escort dps build I have and that includes a JHAS Poleron build.
I have also tried the plasma build on a Mobius with (4) sci consoles and while the mobiius does offer some interesting BOFF flexibility, it's still not as alpha strike strong as the FAE.
The FAE is a T4 ship I would recommend to anyone, especially for a PvE plasma build.
I actually have the Armitage use most of the time.I can see why most of you are saying fleet patrol or retrofit Defiant which has 5 tac slots.
I ma not really into the box ships unless it is a mirror class.
btw Where you look for fleet moduels on the exchange and how much are they going for?
USS WARRIOR NCC 1720 Commanding Officer
Star Trek Gamers
Data samples, very rare, last I remember about 6 mil EC a piece (but that's old data, could have swinged both ways).
Toi'Va, Ti'vath, Toivia, Ty'Vris, Tia Vex, Toi'Virth: Add Tier 6 KDF Carrier and Raider.
Tae'Va, T'Vaya, To'Var, Tevra, T'Vira, To'Vrak: Give us Asylums for Romulans.
Don't make ARC mandatory! Keep it optional only!