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== Suricata's Ship and Starcharts ==

suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
edited April 2019 in The Academy
Well this is amusing, reviving the thread after going though its 3rd forum wipe (over the last 3 years the threads have aquired over half a million views!). As many will know I've been working on the ship and starcharts since closed beta, there have been many changes over the years, so please be aware that the information in these charts can and will change as the game changes, this also means that some information may fall out-of-date, if this happens let me know. I'll be making a foundry map for Dilithium donations in the near future! ;-)

Guide to Ship Terminology


There are 3 types of consoles in the game, these are Science, Tactical and Engineering. Each console effects different stats of your ship. Each of the 3 ship lines usually favors a specific slot type, thus a science ship will have more science console slots, an Escort will have more tactical console slots. When you look at a console, right clicking it with show a menu, if you click 'info' a window will pop up giving you examples of what skills the console stat effects. It is a very good idea to check exactly what your console effects, ideally you want consoles that complement your bridge officer skills. As a rule of thumb, consoles of the same type to not stack stats in a linear fashion.

Just to clear up some mis information, consoles do NOT have ranks, items you can equip on your ship are tied to your rank. Thus:-

Ensign / Leutenant = MK I & MK II
Leutenant Commander = MK III and MK IV
Commander = MK V and MK VI
Captain = MK VII and MK VIII
Admiral = MK IX and MK X

This is linked to your charactors rank, not the ship.

Consoles do NOT define what Bridge Offciers you can use, they are simply there as slots for devices to improve your ships stats for skills in those branches.

Bridge Officers

Each ship has Bridge officer slots, they are usually tied to a branch (science, tactical & engineering),however, some ships, like the Klingon Bird of Prey have neutral slots, meaning any branch bridge officer can occupy that station. As well as having branch slots, a ships Bridge officer stations are also rank restricted. This means that a Bridge officer will only be able to use the skills the station rank allows. The following ranks equate to how many skills a BO may use:-

Ensign = 1 Skill
Lieutenant = 2 Skills
Lieutenant Commander = 3 Skills
Commander = 4 skills

So, when you look at a ship on the chart, you will notice there is a rank underneath the bridge officer icon, this indicates the rank of the station the Bridge officer can take. It is worth noting that higher ranked bridge officer skills are more powerful, so you should take this into account when training your bridge officers, it may even mean you will want to retrain some skills as you level up your bridge officers, For example, I use High Yield Torpedo's on my tactical officer, every time I rank up my Tactical Bridge Officer, I teach her the next rank of High Yield Torpedo's and replace the old rank with another skill.

When using the chart, you want to look at what bridge officer stations a ship has, you should then look though the lists of bridge officer skills in the game and see which ones you would like to have. I'd recommend looking at Zeroth's Bridge Officer thread. Once you have your list of desired skills, see which ship has the bridge officer slots to accommodate the skills you want.

Weapon Placements

Each ship has a number of forward and aft weapon placements, when looking at a ships weapon placements you need to consider your play style, since different weapons require different play styles. Cannons for example have a very small firing arc, however, they do very good damage, they can only be used by escorts or Klingon chips (excluding the carrier). Since they have such a small firing arc, they are best used on agile ships that can keep the target in the arc. As a weapons firing arc increases, its damage decreases, so you need to decide on how much damage you want to trade off for you firing arcs. My personal preference is beam array's for broadsides. although many people prefer dual banks for powerful frontal strikes. It is also worth noting that energy weapons do less damage the further away you are from your target. There are a few types of beams/cannons in the game, they all do similar damage, however, different beams have different secondary side effects (the % chance changes with the lvl of the ietms):-

Phasers - % chance to disable a random subsystem
Disruptors - % chance lowers enemies damage resistance
Plasma Beams - % chance to apply plasma DoT
Tetryon Beams - % chance to do more damage to shields
Poleron Beams - % chance to reduce enemy subsystem ratings by 25
Anti-Proton - Bonus crit damage

Torpedos are more fun, since they share a 3 second global cooldown, so you can only fire one launcher at a time, you can however, have multiple torpedo tubes, you just have to be aware that they will stagger in thier firing, idealy, you don't want more tubes than the cooldown allows, for example, Photons have a 6 second cooldown, thus with a 3 second global cooldown, you don't want to equip more than 2 facing the same direction, as a 3rd one would be ready to fire when the first one has finished its cooldown, ideally, if you are going with a torpedo build, you need enough torpedos to cover the cooldown from when the first one fires, I've included the number required for max rate of fire. Torpedos also have different side effects like beam weapons

Photon (6 second cooldown, max rate 2) - High DPS
Quantum (8 second Cooldown, max rate 3) - High Alpha damage
Plasma (8 second cooldown, max rate 3) - Medium Damage, Chance to add a Plasma DoT to the target
Chroniton (10 second cooldown, max rate 4) - Medium Damage, Slows enemy down
Transphasic (10 second cooldown, max rate 4) - Low Damage, Higher % of the damage penetrates shields though. Kills enemy crew
TriCobalt (30 second global cooldown, max rate 1) - Massive damage, short disable effect

When looking at what ship class you want, weapon slots are not really as important, unless you like using cannons or other weapons with small, higher power firing arcs, in which case you will want to look at ships with more frontal weapon slots (like escorts)

Device Slots

These are for consumables (and pet shuttles!). Most ships have more than enough device slots, since most consumables activate a 5 minute shared cool down. So when you look at choosing a future ship, the number of device slots should not really be a deciding factor.

Turn Rate

This is basically how fast the ship can turn. The larger the ship, the slower its rate of turn. This can have quite an effect on your play style, more so if you use weapons with small firing arcs. If you prefer using weapons that have small firing arcs, then you are best looking at getting a smaller ship with a higher turn rate.
Post edited by baddmoonrizin on


  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Ship Tier Chart Revisions


    Version 1


    Added Constellation, Soyuz, Discovery and TOS Constitution


    Added the Valiant and Daedalus


    Added Ranks to the ship Tiers


    Added LCARS theme to the charts
    Added initial Bridge Officer arrangements
    Increased the resolution of the charts
    Added Starfield to the background
    Rearranged ship layouts


    Changed the ship tier titles to be more accutaye
    Added Escort, Cruiser and Science ship bonuses
    Fixed several spelling Errors


    Altered the sizes of a few ship that were in debate
    Corrected more spelling errors!


    Added the Hope class to the chart


    Added a grid to the background to assist with scaling
    Changed the text font to make it more legible
    Added the Klingon Ships to the chart


    Soyuz removed (most likely a variation of the Miranda)
    Excelsior, Ambassador, Nebula and Steamrunner removed (most likely only NPC ships at launch)
    Removed BO icon since it seems configs of the same tier and specialisation don't variate on what BO's you can use
    Adjusted the bottom of the image so the Star bar doesn't block the image when used as a desktop
    Fixed some of the Klingon ship lengths due to feedback on my typo's!


    Fixed Typo's for several ship names
    Removed the JJprise since it was mentioned in an interview that it isn't present (also got tired of the debate!)
    Added Console, Bridge Officer and Weapon mounts (These are not accurate yet, but just placeholders)
    Moved the Pre-order Connie to its own Tab
    Added an Icon Guide to assist people with using the chart
    Brightened the ships up a little, since the image was getting a bit drab


    Moved the weapons and Bridge Officer icons to make more space for the higher tiers
    Added a Nova variant from the Fleet actions video, I've placed it as the Aurora, although it could be the Qausar.
    Added the Excaliber class (finally)
    Re-added the Steamrunner and Soyuz, from what we've heard, they are able to be created within some configurations.
    Added the unknown ship from recent screenshots and fleet actions video, for now I've placed it under specials until I figure out where to put it.
    Rescaled the Defiant so it is in line with the Vigilant Configuration
    Altered the Cheynne class name so its more clear its a class within the configurations, not a configuration itself


    Added Noble class to the chart


    Created new versions of the console and Bo icons
    Made a new LCARS layout


    Released Open Beta version of charts with more accurate information


    Fixed B'rel Class typo
    Added several stats to the Klingon ships upto Captain
    Added the 'Tier' titles to help reduce confusion on what Tier everything is
    Changed the 'hollow' pip to be more clearer on Bridge officer ranks.
    Fixed several hull values to reflect changes made since beta to hull strengths


    Changed the Prometheus and Luna class side views to be closer to the ingame models
    Adjusted the Envoy class length, also adjusted the chart layout to fit it in!
    Added several more ship profiles: Cochrane, Celestial, Phoenix, Cerberus, Majestic, Sol & Polaris classes
    Added a suspected ship thats possably coming in the next major content patch.


    New Rank Icons to closer imitate the STO feel
    New Bridge Officer Icons with the STO uniform
    New Layout to allow more space for new ships
    Weapon damage type guides
    Science Console stats guide
    Ship Costs added
    Re-adjusted Klingon ship stats as per the test server
    Remade console icons to be easier to read. It should now be more obvious what consoles a ship has
    Increased the charts resolution so that it can be printed out in a much better quality


    Corrected the Somraw hull value
    Removed a random Klingon logo floating amongst the Federation ships
    Added the Destiny Class side view
    Added the Emmissary class side view
    Added the Vanguard class side view
    Added text for the Imperial class ship (Side view coming soon)


    Started to add screenshots of the ships to the chart to make it


    Created new LCARS styling for charts
    Added all missing ships upto and including Season 4:Crossfire
    Added Enemy ship damage types (to assist players with accolades and resistance consoles)


    Added Rhode Island to the chart
    Fixed several typos
    Corrected some ship labels that were mixed up
    Added missing ship labels
    Corrected additonal stats on the NX-class
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Starchart Revisions


    Added several systems introduced with the Legacy of Romulas update
    Added the Dilithium Mine Fleet Holding
    Updated copyright information
    Removed duplication of Iconia system


    Added the new Romulan sector block, systems and sectors.
    Renamed 'Azure Nebula' in B'moth sector to 'Yen Nebula', as per season 7 changes
    Added Hromi Cluster to Pi Canis sector block
    Added Arucanis Arm to Regulas sector block


    Removed fleet actions due to the addition on PVE Queues
    Removed Starbase list
    Added new systems from Season 6
    Added galactic map to show sector block locations


    Updated the Star Chart for season 5 to include suggested routes for the 'Tour the Galaxy' Event. Kudos goto Azurian for the Federation route.


    Remade the map and updated the information to Season 3.


    Visual look of map revamped


    Added Fleet Action Locations
    Added New Klingon Clusters
    Added Transwarp Gates
    Remade the system Icons to differentiate system types
    Adjusted the contrast of the image to assist people printing it out
    Fixed several typo's


    Remade Starfield to be a bit more detailed
    Adjusted brightness and colour settings for people printing out the map
    Added Borg System names to chart and system list
    Added Ganalda Station for the Klingons
    Fixed several typo's
    Created a High resolution version for printing purposes


    Corrected a few typos
    Created a printable version


    Version 1
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2012
    Original merged thread can be seen here:-


    I'll be touching up the starcharts over the summer to add some missing systems that have been added. I'm also going to do another full revamp of the ship tier chart. With the addition of the new fleet system (and 45 new ships coming with it, mostly retrofits), the tier chart is starting to get incrediably messy. Since Spidermitch is covering that aspect of this chart now, I'll be converting my chart into a ship recognition chart instead, important ship information will still be present, but I'll let Spidermitchs chart cover the more details info on each ship type. You can find spidermitchs chart at the following link:-

  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2012
    You have the D'v'gamma skin of the B'rel on your chart, how did you get it? and do you have the M'Char skin?
    If so dou you have a direct side on image of the M'Char?
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • drumcd74656drumcd74656 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Glad to see these back. I have to say I have always liked the more simplistic, clean style of your charts. I find them much easier to read and interpret. I can appreciate how making things "easy" to understand can take a whole bunch of work. I hope you will be able to find the time to keep these updated. :D
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    artan42 wrote: »
    You have the D'v'gamma skin of the B'rel on your chart, how did you get it? and do you have the M'Char skin?
    If so dou you have a direct side on image of the M'Char?

    The joys of testing on tribble when models get leaked in by accident. I can maybe try to get you a side view next time I'm taking screenshots for the new version of the chart I'm making :-)
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited July 2012
    suricatta wrote: »
    The joys of testing on tribble when models get leaked in by accident. I can maybe try to get you a side view next time I'm taking screenshots for the new version of the chart I'm making :-)

    Thanks a lot :).
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

    Get the Forums Enhancement Extension!
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    I've started work on updating the starcharts for season 6, due to the addition of the PVE queues and implementation of the DoFF system I'm removing the Diplomatic missions list and Fleet Action lists.

    Due to many people getting confused about the location of Gamma Orionis sector block I've decided I'll be adding a Galactic map to the Star charts a well. It's still a work in Progress, the bright dots indicate where Voyager started its journey, where Earth is and where the Gamma Quadrant wormhole is.

    STO Sector Locations

    I'll be working on the sector blocks this coming week and slightly revamping the style of the chart to more closely match the style of the STO website (should make it look a bit more slick).

    If anyone has any suggestions for what features they might like adding to the starcharts, please let me know :-)
  • drumcd74656drumcd74656 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    suricatta wrote: »
    I've started work on updating the starcharts for season 6, due to the addition of the PVE queues and implementation of the DoFF system I'm removing the Diplomatic missions list and Fleet Action lists.

    Due to many people getting confused about the location of Gamma Orionis sector block I've decided I'll be adding a Galactic map to the Star charts a well. It's still a work in Progress, the bright dots indicate where Voyager started its journey, where Earth is and where the Gamma Quadrant wormhole is.

    STO Sector Locations

    I'll be working on the sector blocks this coming week and slightly revamping the style of the chart to more closely match the style of the STO website (should make it look a bit more slick).

    If anyone has any suggestions for what features they might like adding to the starcharts, please let me know :-)

    What data did you base that off of and where did you get the scaling? Mind you, you are absolutely correct that Gamma Orionis is in that general area - but I was just wondering how you decided on a scale, direction, distance, etc...

    For example, this map which covers the breadth of the Orion Spur, with the center of the galaxy to the 6 o'clock direction, shows Gam Ori roughly 1400 light-years out in the oh, 190-200 degree bearing.

  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    What data did you base that off of and where did you get the scaling? Mind you, you are absolutely correct that Gamma Orionis is in that general area - but I was just wondering how you decided on a scale, direction, etc...

    I got the locations of the sector blocks from the infamous UFP map that Cryptic has been using for placing the sectors, the scaling I got for looking at the work at ST: Dimension. I then overlapped the 2. I've found several conflicting maps, but I'm pretty happy with the locations. The same goes with the sectors been either a solid grid or been radial, we actually have maps from the series showing both. Eitherway, it gives a much better idea to players on the vague scale of the sectorblocks in the greater scheme of things, as well as where Gamma Orionis actually is (that been NOT in the Delta Quadrant). :-)
  • drumcd74656drumcd74656 Member Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh, yes. Very nice effort. It's certainly good enough for illustration purposes. It is very difficult to give a proper sense of scale to these charts - they get so stupid-big *real* fast. For instance, the "Known Space" inset from the ST:SC map would fit neatly inside that 2000 LY map i linked.

    Anyhow, thanks for all your work. :)
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Oh, yes. Very nice effort. It's certainly good enough for illustration purposes. It is very difficult to give a proper sense of scale to these charts - they get so stupid-big *real* fast. For instance, the "Known Space" inset from the ST:SC map would fit neatly inside that 2000 LY map i linked.

    Anyhow, thanks for all your work. :)

    Indeed, if I made the sector blocks any smaller infact, then they would be pretty hard to see! When you see it on the map though it makes you realise how laughable it was thta ships in the Series got back to Earth so quickly and that with the speeds ships move in STO, getting to Voyagers initial stranded location would take probably 30 minutes max :-P
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2012
    Updated the starchart for season 6

    Suricata's Star Chart Season 6

    Hope you like the new format :-)
  • cuylarp97cuylarp97 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited August 2012
    Thank you for the Ship Chart, makes identification a little easier
  • dominondominon Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    If I decide to buy the Odyssey trio set...
    1.) Is it worth it?
    2.) If I decide to buy it, can I use all three consoles at once? I.E. Use the chevron separation and the Aquarius escort and the worker bees?
    3.) Would it be better than the MVAM or the same since it would have three parts?

  • stf65stf65 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    1) No, not really. Most of the time 2 of the ships sit idle and it wastes 3 console slots for little benefit.
    2) No. You can use the chevron and bees, or aquarius and bees, but not all 3 at once
    3) The MVAM is better as you have 2 viable pets and a way to switch between ship types
  • happymarvinhappymarvin Member Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2012
    dominon wrote: »
    If I decide to buy the Odyssey trio set...
    1.) Is it worth it?
    2.) If I decide to buy it, can I use all three consoles at once? I.E. Use the chevron separation and the Aquarius escort and the worker bees?
    3.) Would it be better than the MVAM or the same since it would have three parts?


    The Engineering and Science Odysseys are amazing tanks, and can take a hell of a beating, if you set them up right. The Aquarius is kind of useless, but the Chevron Seperation, and Worker Bees come in handy.
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    It's been quite a while since I made any updates to my charts, mainly due to other work getting in the way! Anyway, since it's the holidays I managed to find some time to update the starchart to season 7 ;-)

    Suricata's Starchart Season 7
    For the most part I've just added the Romulan sector block and moved a few systems in otehr sectors that were altered with the move. Hope the map still proves useful!

    I've not been playing as much these days, so not sure if the Tour the Galaxy event includes the new Romulan sectors? If so, i'll alter the route slightly. Also, noticed that the Hromi Cluster isn't actually in the Hromi sector ingame, not sure if this is a mistake or not, but was something I found odd whilst placing it in its new location!
  • argent007argent007 Member Posts: 220 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    love the starcharts suri, would it be possible to see a new starship chart for season 7? your chart appears to be from before season.....five

    the biggest changes are basically that the starship costumes, are no longer available, those are fleet ships now, Odyssey, Vesta, price updates, additional +1 ships....yeah, big changes
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    starchart: iconia is listed twice, once on the game map in former romulan space, the other is way off omega leonis.

    shipcharts: 1) the grappler listed on all cruisers is misleading imo, as it implies the grappler is built into the cruisers or comes equipped with it. in actuality, only those who have the NX class (whether as a stand alone purchase or part of the ENT bundle) can use the grappler, and even then the grappler is universal and can be used on any ship, not just the cruiser class.

    2) The use of "marks" is outdated and misleading. marks are now a thing of the past (minus the omega and romulan marks) and have been replaced with dilithum, as is the notion of buying ships using energy credits. Again, ships now cost dilithum or zen, not marks, not energy credits, not cryptic points.

    3) Arrangement and organization needs attention. Quite frankly, the ships are listed in order of function and rank, but variants are slightly mishy mashy and helter skelter. You should split the ship charts into faction specific, separate charts. It would help with the arrangement issue somewhat, but that's my opinion.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    a3001 wrote: »
    shipcharts: 1) the grappler listed on all cruisers is misleading imo, as it implies the grappler is built into the cruisers or comes equipped with it. in actuality, only those who have the NX class (whether as a stand alone purchase or part of the ENT bundle) can use the grappler, and even then the grappler is universal and can be used on any ship, not just the cruiser class.

    2) The use of "marks" is outdated and misleading. marks are now a thing of the past (minus the omega and romulan marks) and have been replaced with dilithum, as is the notion of buying ships using energy credits. Again, ships now cost dilithum or zen, not marks, not energy credits, not cryptic points.

    3) Arrangement and organization needs attention. Quite frankly, the ships are listed in order of function and rank, but variants are slightly mishy mashy and helter skelter. You should split the ship charts into faction specific, separate charts. It would help with the arrangement issue somewhat, but that's my opinion.

    The shipcharts need 'alot' of love, I kind of gave up on them a while ago as the variants and lockbox ships started to get added, since they started to complicate things. I was working on a new version that was simpler but then the fleet ships then got added and at that point I realized the entire tier system was to messy to actually make a nice simple diagram of!

    I might update the ship charts again, but it won't be for a while I don't think. If I do, I'll still keep them as Klingon and Federation ships together though, since it helps show the equievelent ships of the enemy faction. As you can tell by your comments, things get outdated so fast when maintaining these charts!
  • a3001a3001 Member Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited December 2012
    suricatta wrote: »
    As you can tell by your comments, things get outdated so fast when maintaining these charts!

    yes, i can imagine any such endeavor can be easily overloaded, as evidenced by spidermitch.
    Rejoice JJ Trek people....


    Why are you not rejoicing?
  • svwilsonsvwilson Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Keeping this thread up to date is clearly a lot of work, so I did this for you. May I suggest you add it to your original post?

    Mine Launcher N/A
    Dual Cannon 45
    Dual Heavy Cannon 45
    Dual Beam Bank 90
    Torpedo Launcher 90
    Cannon 180
    Missile 180
    Beam Array 250
    Turret 360
  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Thank you so much for the star chart.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited June 2013
    Updated the starchart for the Legacy of Romulas, including the new Dilithium mine fleet holding.

    Still not sure if I want to redo the ship tier charts or not, if I redo them it would have to be an entirely new format due to all the new ships in the game these days.
  • suricattasuricatta Member Posts: 230 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    I'm doing a redesign of my starcharts to take into account the changes to the exploration clusters and to prepare for the expansion. Due to this I'm looking at feedback to what information players may deem useful on the map, or even feedback on features people may feel could be altered to make it easier to use. For example should I retain the current style, or go with something closer to the current ingame map (style wise, not content wise).

    So feel free to give suggestions below. :-)
  • jengozjengoz Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    suricatta wrote: »
    I'm doing a redesign of my starcharts to take into account the changes to the exploration clusters and to prepare for the expansion. Due to this I'm looking at feedback to what information players may deem useful on the map, or even feedback on features people may feel could be altered to make it easier to use. For example should I retain the current style, or go with something closer to the current ingame map (style wise, not content wise).

    So feel free to give suggestions below. :-)

    Map!!? why would I need a map in STO. With all the Ques this is pretty my a lobby based game. I never leave ESD now.
    "Star Trek Online is powered by the most abundant resource in the galaxy . . . Gullibility"
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