I am approaching the top ranks for STO and I would like to know what are the Free (Non Zen/Dil) Escort ships I can get!
I would like to ideally get the Escort Carrier as I am a Tactical and believe It would be a good ship to use within a fleet based PvE and for normal Episodial combat.
Any advice given I greatly appreciate!!!
Commander James
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
Unless you have the 600-day token, the last free escorts are the Patrol Escort and Advanced Escort at RA Lower Half.
The Heavy Escort Carrier is very much a zen ship (2,500). Technically, there's a whole number of non-zen, non-dil ships from your fleet starbase, but they all take 200,000 Fleet Marks.
Also, detail: there aren't any "Upper half" ships, on either the Fed or KDF sides. They're RA Lower or Vice Admiral.
The list o escorts is on the wiki. Prices are on the right hand side. (Some of the blanks are special, promotional ships.)
Good choice. The Patrol Escort is probably the yardstick by which other escorts are measured. There are also the Mirror Universe ships that you can buy off the Exchange for a few hundred thousand EC (cheap in the grand scheme of things), that have the officer/console layout of their namesake (Mirror Patrol = Patrol Escort) but the look of the other ship (Mirror Patrol looks like Prometheus). Means you can spend your token on one ship class, then cheaply buy the others and try out the whole cruiser/escort/science triumviate.
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them." -Thomas Marrone
I do fly a Science Vessel, I only chose this as I am a Voyager fan. I am a Tactical Officer and have made quite a good (In My opinion) build. I will post this soon.
Commander James
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
Do not spend your free token on an escort. The Mirror Universe escorts are really cheap on the Exchange (40k the last time I looked) and identical to the normal ships.
Do not spend your free token on an escort. The Mirror Universe escorts are really cheap on the Exchange (40k the last time I looked) and identical to the normal ships.
Mirror Science Vessels and Cruisers were also fairly cheap, last I checked... get the free ship that appeals to you the most, but if you like the looks of one ship but prefer the layout of its counterpart, that's what you buy a Mirror ship box for.
once you get to lvl 50 you will want better though, you can get a fleet ship without paying a penny in real money but it will cost in EC. The fleet modules cost around 6 million EC on the exchange. So once you hit lvl 40 and get your last freebie start saving EC as much as you can after gearing it. I was going to do that myself but I got impatient after the second module and dropped $25 then bought the last 2 with zen and some extras for the account.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
Okay then. If i bought a ship of the exchange what would I do with my free token.
Just experiment with something new. Your choice really does not matter since as others pointed out, the mirrors are all very cheap and have the same stats as the RA lower free ships.
Tactical Escort Retrofit a.k.a. oh lookie a cloakie defiant, where they got that cloak nobody knows as Feds never developed cloaking tech, just borrowed and abused it off Romulans
Okay then. If i bought a ship of the exchange what would I do with my free token.
If I were leveling a new character right now and it were my time and money, I'd hit the Exchange and buy a Mirror Universe Patrol Escort and a Mirror Universe Deep Space Science Vessel, then spend my token on an Assault Cruiser.
This...I remember getting a free ship at LVL 50 way back in the day. Wish I'd levelled my other toons before I'd taken a break from the game.
You were, however, given a very limited ship token at Vice Admiral (50) before the game went free-to-play - it could be used on a Tactical Escort Retrofit, an Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, or a Long-Range Science Vessel Retrofit. 600 day Veterans retained access to this token after the game went free-to-play, everyone else lost access to it.
Joined January 2010.
well, if you have a lot of EC and still don't want to spend any zen on a Heavy Escort Carrier, there is the Jem'Hadar one, very nice ship too. These will set you back a bit of EC though, (been a while since I looked... 58 mil EC maybe)
the problem with buying a mirror version though is you can get the same exact setup buy using the token on the one that has the same boff and console layout. all the mirrors are is a swap of the model used and is not better at lvl 50 or even lvl 40. it is pure cosmetic. if one wants the patrol escort layout then they may as well just get the patrol escort. at lvl 50 though you will definatly want to upgrade and thats where fleet ships are at.
The store ships are not really any better than a fleet variant, they just come with a nice console that quite frankly people can live without.
Join Date: Nobody cares.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
the problem with buying a mirror version though is you can get the same exact setup buy using the token on the one that has the same boff and console layout. all the mirrors are is a swap of the model used and is not better at lvl 50 or even lvl 40. it is pure cosmetic. if one wants the patrol escort layout then they may as well just get the patrol escort. at lvl 50 though you will definatly want to upgrade and thats where fleet ships are at.
That is true however you can get a complete set for nect to nothing whereas before that you had to use dilithium to buy more. Let's say you use your token for a cruiser, then you can get the sci and escort for next to nothing. This then allows you to try out a diferent ship type more easilly and a lot more cheeply compared to how it was.
Can I resell exchange brought ships to other players (as a way of getting EC)
No. Once you unpack a box it's yours forever.
STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
You were never given a ship token at RA, UH - there are no ships available at level 45 that weren't available at 40, so there's no reason for it.
You were, however, given a very limited ship token at Vice Admiral (50) before the game went free-to-play - it could be used on a Tactical Escort Retrofit, an Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, or a Long-Range Science Vessel Retrofit. 600 day Veterans retained access to this token after the game went free-to-play, everyone else lost access to it.
actually, they did give you a free ship at upper half, but it was just another lower half ship.
I am currently in a LRSV and am doing well, I plan to get as my last free ship, a Patrol Escort and use the higher ranks to get good gear for it.
Still want the Escart Carrier though!
I have at least over 100,000 Fleet Marks (I assume I will have to keep chipping away at fleet projects to get the Escort Carrier)!
yeah, good choice.
believe me, i bought the armitage and the Kumari boundle.
they are very good ships, best fed ships ever, but a good fleet patrol escort has its own charm *_*:
- Very good look
- Very good BOffs Layout
- Very good Console Layout
- Good Hull and Shield mod
- T4 Shipyard required (not T5)
- AND its free (oh well, you will still have to buy fleet modules, but you can purchase them with dilithium exchange
This gets asked a lot. Wish they'd make it clearer.
The Heavy Escort Carrier is very much a zen ship (2,500). Technically, there's a whole number of non-zen, non-dil ships from your fleet starbase, but they all take 200,000 Fleet Marks.
Also, detail: there aren't any "Upper half" ships, on either the Fed or KDF sides. They're RA Lower or Vice Admiral.
The list o escorts is on the wiki. Prices are on the right hand side. (Some of the blanks are special, promotional ships.)
Still want the Escart Carrier though!
I have at least over 100,000 Fleet Marks (I assume I will have to keep chipping away at fleet projects to get the Escort Carrier)!
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
I think I may buy the Patrol Escort, keep my Intrepid and buy Mirror ships from the exchange.
I never knew there were Mirror ships on the exchange anywhey!
Thanks for all your advice!
Capt. Highland
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
"Critics who say that the optimistic utopia Star Trek depicted is now outmoded forget the cultural context that gave birth to it: Star Trek was not a manifestation of optimism when optimism was easy. Star Trek declared a hope for a future that nobody stuck in the present could believe in. For all our struggles today, we haven’t outgrown the need for stories like Star Trek. We need tales of optimism, of heroes, of courage and goodness now as much as we’ve ever needed them."
-Thomas Marrone
I do fly a Science Vessel, I only chose this as I am a Voyager fan. I am a Tactical Officer and have made quite a good (In My opinion) build. I will post this soon.
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
Mirror Science Vessels and Cruisers were also fairly cheap, last I checked... get the free ship that appeals to you the most, but if you like the looks of one ship but prefer the layout of its counterpart, that's what you buy a Mirror ship box for.
LTS, here since...when did this game launch again?
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
Just experiment with something new. Your choice really does not matter since as others pointed out, the mirrors are all very cheap and have the same stats as the RA lower free ships.
This...I remember getting a free ship at LVL 50 way back in the day. Wish I'd levelled my other toons before I'd taken a break from the game.
I think I`ll use EC and get a Mirror ship on the exchange, as I then do not use my free ship token!
I will also consult me fleet about this to?
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
Exploration Cruiser Retrofit a.k.a. Lord Winchester Failaxy the Third
Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit a.k.a. I like to pretend I'm Janeway
Tactical Escort Retrofit a.k.a. oh lookie a cloakie defiant, where they got that cloak nobody knows as Feds never developed cloaking tech, just borrowed and abused it off Romulans
Hope this helps?
Quick Edit: Or could have looked a this.
What Cryptic should consider before releasing anything.
If I were leveling a new character right now and it were my time and money, I'd hit the Exchange and buy a Mirror Universe Patrol Escort and a Mirror Universe Deep Space Science Vessel, then spend my token on an Assault Cruiser.
You were never given a ship token at RA, UH - there are no ships available at level 45 that weren't available at 40, so there's no reason for it.
You were, however, given a very limited ship token at Vice Admiral (50) before the game went free-to-play - it could be used on a Tactical Escort Retrofit, an Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, or a Long-Range Science Vessel Retrofit. 600 day Veterans retained access to this token after the game went free-to-play, everyone else lost access to it.
Joined January 2010.
In regard to hating Star Trek 2009:
The store ships are not really any better than a fleet variant, they just come with a nice console that quite frankly people can live without.
"I'm drunk, whats your excuse for being an idiot?" - Unknown drunk man. :eek:
That is true however you can get a complete set for nect to nothing whereas before that you had to use dilithium to buy more. Let's say you use your token for a cruiser, then you can get the sci and escort for next to nothing. This then allows you to try out a diferent ship type more easilly and a lot more cheeply compared to how it was.
So In conclusion I have a lot of variety, so I may buy from exchange and experiment and try different builds!
Can I resell exchange brought ships to other players (as a way of getting EC)
Thanks a million!
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
In response to your post, As long as I didn`t un-pack it I could sell it on?
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
actually, they did give you a free ship at upper half, but it was just another lower half ship.
Pow, Pow
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid
As long as it is in its' box you can sell it on, it only becomes bound when you unpack it.
yeah, good choice.
believe me, i bought the armitage and the Kumari boundle.
they are very good ships, best fed ships ever, but a good fleet patrol escort has its own charm *_*:
- Very good look
- Very good BOffs Layout
- Very good Console Layout
- Good Hull and Shield mod
- T4 Shipyard required (not T5)
- AND its free (oh well, you will still have to buy fleet modules, but you can purchase them with dilithium exchange
Thanks a million!
26th Fleet
Task Force Avalon - CO USS Intrepid