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Looking to make use of an EBC, Build Suggestions?

captaindurrellcaptaindurrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited May 2013 in Klingon Discussion
So with LoR coming out the z-store variant of the t'varo has an EBC allowing you to fire torps while cloaked.

as one of the klink ships has this too, hope one of you have an awesome torpedo boat build to dish out a huge amount of torpedo damage while cloaked.

I assume any empty slots will be filled in with tetryon Dual Heavy Canons where possible to have as backup when decloaked.

not sure if having transphasic would be better or quantum or what? or how many may be needed of each.

I assume I will fly more of support role and hit hard when shields go down in PVE and (less)PVP, in a... "omega strike"

can you list it very simply(ELI5 type stuff) and avoid acronyms if possible?

I'm familiar with mechanics of the game, but as i usually fly silent, i'm not great with the lingo here.

Post edited by captaindurrell on


  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    There are plenty of torp builds out there, it's a matter of flavor.

    Photons do best dps, but quantums do better single punch, and are usually better dps if you stack up on torp doffs. If you're running all torps, however, the transphasics are probably better since they get better shield penetration.

    Assuming the T'Varo's EBC is like the B'Rel's, one thing you'll have to keep in mind is that you temporarily decloak each time you fire a torp - so you probably don't want rapid fire torps or there's no point to the EBC.
  • captaindurrellcaptaindurrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    how long does the decloak last?

    it may not be that bad of a thing as I anticipate it running as a support craft, and (hopefully) will eliminate the ship fast enough that I wont get ripped to shreds, and decloak fast enough to avoid the next ship's focus, from the energy fit ship i'm flying with to me.

    EDIT: also, unfamiliar with the forums here(12 whole posts!) can you point me to some builds?
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    A second, maybe? You just decloak to fire and immediately recloak, but it does make you observable and targetable for someone who's quick on the keyboard.

    It may not be as much of an issue for Romulans because of their racial trait that improves the hell out of cloaking.
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Hmm, as for a build...

    -I- would use a build like this:

    AP Omega 3, High Yield Torp 3, High Yield Torp 2, Tac Team 1
    Tac Team 1
    Emergency to Shields 1 & 2 or Engineering Team 1 & 2, depending how often you find yourself decloaking.
    Hazard Emitters 1 & 2
    And in the Lt. Commander universal slot, I'd use an engineer with
    Eject Warp Plasma 1, Auxiliary to Dampeners 1, and Emergency to Aux or Engines 1.
    You can use EWP while cloaked with EBC, though obviously the giant green trail of radiation you TRIBBLE reveals your position, and since you're cloaked and have no shields or weapons to power, you can throw all of your energy to your engines and auxiliary to do a lot of damage with it.

    Though most of the other glorious warriors of the Empire would rather slot a tac in the universal slot and use
    AP Beta 2, and either mount a single DBB to decloak and use Beam Overload 1 & 2 on for a cruel alpha strike, or get Torp Spread 1 and 2. The poor power of the Romulan ships would not work well with the beam overload, though.
    AP Omega 1 and AP Beta 1 with Torp Spread 1 wouldn't be bad either, nor would using a high yield torp 3 - though the lower tiers of the tac boff abilities don't provide much other utility for you as they're almost all energy weapon focused.
  • captaindurrellcaptaindurrell Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    so took some advice from some people;

    so digging around, here is the current plan for the build:

    >4 Fore Weapons
    -Quantum Torp
    -Breen Cluster
    -Tricobalt Torp
    -Hargh'Peng Torp

    >3 aft
    -Transphasic mine
    -Quantum torp
    -Photon torp

    >Comm Tac
    -AP Omega 3
    -High Yeild Torp 3
    -High Yeild Torp 2
    -Tac Team 1

    >Ensign Tac
    -Tac Team 1

    >Lt Eng
    -Eng Team 2
    -Eng Team 1

    >Lt Sci
    -Hazard Emmitters 1
    -Photonic Officer 1

    >lt comm uni(eng)
    -aux to engines 1
    -Aux to dampeners 1
    -Eject Warp Plasma 1

    >4 Tac
    -Warhead Yield Chamber XII
    -Warhead Yield Chamber XII
    -Warhead Yield Chamber XII
    -Warhead Yield Chamber XII

    >3 eng
    -Monotanium Alloy XII
    -SIF Generator

    >3 sci
    -Point Defence
    -Plasma Destabillizer
    -Sabotage Probe/Molecular Phase Inverter

    result is a 16.2% x 4 kinetic damage buff

    so the idea is before firing, I activate:
    -Photonic Officer
    -AP Omega 3
    -High Yield Torp 3
    -Plasma Destabilizer
    -Sabotage Probe/Molecular Phase Inverter
    -Tac Team 1

    Then Fire:
    -Quantum Torp

    upon cooldown:
    -High Yield Torp 2
    -Tac team 1
    -Breen Cluster

    within 5 km
    -Point defense

    Pass Target:
    -eject warp plasma
    -aux to dampeners
    -aux to engines
    -quantum torp

    Should be a kick TRIBBLE strike, as long as it's a single opponent.

    then it auto recloaks
  • travelingmastertravelingmaster Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Another possibility, and one that'd be a little more team-friendly, would be to load a slowdown/bleedout sort of build. Keep the transphasics (especially the cluster torp, it kicks TRIBBLE), and load up some Chroniton torps to slow the enemy down, and load up some plasma torps to stack plasma fire procs and bleed HP off of 'em. Also keep the Hargh'peng (secondary explosion is always nice, if they don't clear it with HE).

    Don't get anything that's slow and destructible. That counts out the tricobalt torps. Plasma torps, just use Torp Spread. The goal of the plasma is to proc, not to cause big-number damage.

    The issue I see with a lot of the 'B'rel retro sniper burst-DPS with lots of torpedoes' builds is that they don't always have enough DPS to really do the job. All they're doing is just harassing at that point, and maybe causing someone to burn through an important cooldown. My suggestion would, again, be more conducive to a team effort. Chronitons can make a big difference against escorts.
    My PvP toon is Krov, of The House of Snoo. Beware of my Hegh'ta of doom.
  • starsvoidstarsvoid Member Posts: 161 Arc User
    edited May 2013
    Chronitons are a great suggestion. Torp types are really a matter of personal choice and flavour, none of them are really awful. I've always found torp builds to really suck without a lot of transphasics, though. Torp damage on shields is really, really bad, and transphasics get around that problem. Specializing in a torp type can increase your damage as you get away from the generic warhead consoles and to specifics. Again, all a matter of personal taste.

    I think you'll find the RCS console and SIF generator redundant, especially with aux to dampeners and emergency to engines and all the hull healing. Running with Aux maxed out or close to it will really boost your heals as well as their effectiveness is tied to auxiliary power. If you try slotting particle generators to increase your EWP damage, it'll be a lot more effective. Depends on how heavy into the EWP you want to go, of course, whether it's just a trick in your arsenal or a DPS source. Keep in mind you'll have all those neat Romulan singularity core tricks as well.

    The current build I'm using is an unusual drain/pin build in a B'Rel - I'm just using the B'Rel for the crazy agility it has - and though it is energy weapon focused, I use EWP 3 and 1, and my fleetmates clock me at around 8k DPS in STF's - something like 5k if I don't use the EWP. I don't run with my aux at 125 energy either, it comes to around 80 once I get my Plasmonic Leech engaged, so even with a lower level of EWP you may do more damage with it. On the other hand, running just one EWP may relegate it more to "trick" status, it's 15 sec duration with a 45 sec CD, which means you go 30 secs without it, but when you activate your Photonic Officer you'll be almost able to chain it almost as fast as someone with two EWP's. Getting the Theta Radiation Vents in addition to EWP could be a good choice.

    Either way you go, don't lock your build in yet and be open to some possibilities. The new passive shield drain console on the coming T2 CStore KDF ship could really be fantastic on a torp boat as well, though I suspect it won't be nearly as great as we Klingons are imagining.
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