The vendor slide bars on Tribble, aka PTR are horrible. The bar itself is to thin and very difficult to accurately click on and clicking on the box to adjust quantity usually ends up dragging the entire dialog box to the right. It's gunna need some work.
I agree with that statement. I usually try to find the slider bar and 99,9% of the cases grab the slider window instead of the bar. This is really frustrating and indeed does needs rework.
Came here to post this. Additionally, while the slider appears to take up the full height, it can only be clicked and dragged from the too-narrow strip of the bar.
While we're at it, let's get some "one" and "max" buttons in there so we don't have to muck with the slider in the first place? Especially with the buying sprees we have to go through to get starbase missions moving.
Also, when trying to increase or decrease skills, the hitbox for maximum or minimum actually partially covers the widest part of the up and down have to click in the tips of the arrows to get it to only go one bar up or down.
While we're at it, let's get some "one" and "max" buttons in there so we don't have to muck with the slider in the first place? Especially with the buying sprees we have to go through to get starbase missions moving.
Also, when trying to increase or decrease skills, the hitbox for maximum or minimum actually partially covers the widest part of the up and down have to click in the tips of the arrows to get it to only go one bar up or down.